About Lexi-Comp ONLINE™
Lexi-Comp, in exclusive conjunction with EBSCO Australia and New Zealand, is pleased to offer CAUL members an Internet-based application providing real-time access to the most current and accurate point-of-care drug information available.
Lexi-Comp ONLINE™ is the official drug reference for the American Pharmacists Association, and its drug interaction module is listed as one of the supported required texts for Victorian pharmacists. Lexi-Comp is also renowned for its point of care focus and the depth of content provided by the inclusion of AHFS Drug Database.
Its suitability for the Australian market has been further enhanced by the recent announcement that Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference will now form an integrated part of the resource from January 2, 2009. A separate document with information on Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference is attached.
EBSCO has been contracted to work with Lexi-Comp to make this valuable resource available in Australia, and therefore has pleasure in making a special offer to CAUL for Lexi-Comp ONLINE™
Sample recommendation:
“Lexi-Comp offered us a package that not only provided our students with drug information and interaction screening tools, but also provided information on diseases, conditions and laboratory testing procedures. Additionally, Lexi-Drugs presents side effects arranged by incidence and organ system, which helps students gain an understanding of how common a side effect is. This helps a great deal in making decisions at the point-of-care or when counselling patients.”
- David Wallace, Pharm.D., Clinical Assistant Professor and Associate Director of Information Technology, University of HoustonSchool of Pharmacy.
Contents of this document:
Lexi-Comp ONLINE™ content listing (database and modules)
Overview of databases:
Lexi-Drugs® (including Pregnancy/Lactation and Allergy)
Pediatric Lexi-Drugs®...... 5
Geriatric Lexi-Drugs®...... 5
Lexi-Natural Products™...... 5
Lexi-Drugs® International...... 5
Lexi-Pharmacogenomics™...... 5
Lexi-Infectious Diseases™
Lexi-Lab & Diagnostic Procedures™ (Laboratory Tests & Diagnostic Procedures)
Lexi-Poisoning and Toxicology™
Lexi-NBCA™ (Nuclear, Biological, & Chemical Agent Exposures)
Overview of clinical modules:
Lexi-Interact™ (Patient-Specific Interactions Analysis)
Lexi-I.V. Compatibility (Parenteral Admixtures)
Lexi-PALS™ (Adult Patient Advisory Leaflets)
Pedi-PALS™ (Pediatric Patient Advisory Leaflets)
Health-PALS™ (Disease and Procedure Patient Advisory Leaflets)...... 7
Lexi-CALC™ (Medical Calculations)
Lexi-Drug ID™ (Tablet and Capsule Identification)
Web Search (Medical Search Engine)
Lexi-Comp ONLINE™ includes:
Lexi-Drugs® / Pediatric Lexi-Drugs®AHFS Essentials / AHFS DI
Lexi-Drugs® International / Geriatric Lexi-Drugs®
Lexi-Natural Products™ / Lexi-Poisoning & Toxicology™
Lexi-Infectious Diseases™ / Lexi-NBCA™ (Nuclear, Biological, & Chemical Agent Exposures)
Lexi-Lab & Diagnostic Procedures™ / Coming soon: “Martindale - The complete drug reference”
Lexi-Pharmacogenomics™ / Also includes PubMed Linking - We now include direct links to PubMed abstracts from the reference section of drug monographs within the Lexi-Drugs database. This feature will significantly decrease the time needed for access of key literature
(A more detailed description of these databases can be found starting on page 4 of this document)
6CLINICAL Support Modules
- Lexi-Interact™ - Patient-specific drug interaction screening (a minimum recommended resource
- Patient Care Module – Disease, Procedure, and Drug Patient Advisory Leaflets available in up to 18 languages
- Lexi-Drug ID™ - Tablet and capsule identification including color images
- Lexi-CALC™ - Medical Calculations
- I.V. Compatibility – Determines if drugs are compatible and with which solutions compatibility can be obtained
- Web Search - Expands your search outside of Lexi-Comp ONLINE™ to other medically-based web sites
(A more detailed description of these clinical support modules can be found starting on page 6 of this document)
LEXI-COMP ONLINE Databases Overview
- Updated daily, this comprehensive, unbiased pharmacology database provides monographs for over 1600 generic drugs that support over 8000 products; each monograph includes 50 or more fields of information
- Special alerts from manufacturers and government agencies, including the US Food + Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
- Over 250 charts and special topics; also includes detailed Chemotherapy regimens
- International brand names covering over 75 countries
- FDA-approved and selected unlabeled/investigational indications
- Includes adverse reactions by percentage of occurrence grouped by body/organ systems
- Administration, monitoring, compatibility, and mixing instructions for parenteral medications
- Pregnancy/Breast-feeding precautions
- Dosage adjustment guidelines for renal and hepatic impairment
- Specialty considerations for Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Cardiology, Dentistry, Mental Health, Nursing, and Oncology
Lexi-Drugs ONLINE also includes 2 sub-datases, “Lexi- Pregnancy and Lactation” and “Lexi-Allergy”
Pregnancy & Lactation (accessed from Lexi-Drugs)
As an enhancement to our core pharmacology information, we have created a Pregnancy and Lactation database which contains detailed content on drug use in pregnancy and breast-feeding. Medication-related information addressed in this resource includes:
- Pregnancy issues related to the fetus/infant
- Pregnancy issues related to the mother
- Data from human and animal studies
- Detailed information on how much drug enters breast milk and subsequently reaches the infant
- This comprehensive content is accessed through a new field added to Lexi-Drugs entitled Pregnancy & Lactation, In-Depth.
Allergy Database (accessed from Lexi-Drugs)
The Lexi-Comp clinical team has developed the functionality within Lexi-Comp ONLINE that allows us to address drug allergies. The new allergy database contains monographs providing clinical insight on the following topics:
- Range of reactions associated with a drug class
- Cross-sensitivity
- Timing
- Patient assessment and management considerations
Pediatric Lexi-Drugs®
- Updated monthly, the pediatric database includes over 685 drugs
- Up to 40 key fields of information per monograph; very detailed Neonatal and Pediatric dosing
- Detailed guidelines researched and compiled by pediatric specialists
- Compounding information for extemporaneous preparations
- FDA-approved and selected unlabeled indications
Geriatric Lexi-Drugs®
- Over 800 geriatric-sensitive drug monographs with up to 31 key fields of information in each
- Offers complete Adult and Geriatric dosing with adjustments for renal/hepatic impairment
- Includes Special Geriatric Considerations information
Lexi-Natural Products™
- Reviews over 170 of the most commonly used natural products in monograph format
- Includes dosage and standardization, reported uses, active forms, pharmacology, general warnings, and other fields of information
- Key references within each monograph
Lexi-Drugs® International
- Covers select drugs available outside the U.S.
- Discussion of key genetic variations that may influence drug dispositions and response
- Presents fundamental concepts of genetics and genomics
- Access data by drug or polymorphism
Lexi-Infectious Diseases™
- Assists healthcare professionals in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases
- Clinical syndromes contain information on presentation and differential diagnosis
- Links to causative organisms, diagnostic tests, and drug therapy recommendations
- Includes monographs on Anthrax, Botulism, Smallpox, Ebola, and other potential agents of bioterrorism
Lexi-Lab & Diagnostic Procedures™ (Laboratory Tests & Diagnostic Procedures)
- Current information concerning the background and context of laboratory tests
- Patient preparation, specimen, collection/handling, and clinical test result interpretation
- Covers the clinical areas of Anatomic Pathology, Chemistry, Clinical Microscopy, Hematology, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Molecular Pathology, Point-of-Care Testing, and Urinalysis
- Detailed descriptions of diagnostic tests and procedures
- Includes the following diagnostic disciplines: Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, General Medicine, Neurology, Pulmonary Medicine and Critical Care, Urology, and Women’s Health
- Diagnostic Medicine: Computed Tomography, General and Invasive Radiology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Nuclear Medicine, and Ultrasound
Lexi-Poisoning and Toxicology™
- Detailed toxicology information on drugs, chemicals, and environmental toxins
- Signs and symptoms of acute overdose
- Admission criteria for hospitalization
- Overdose treatment and antidote information
Lexi-NBCA™ (Nuclear, Biological, & Chemical Agent Exposures)
- Provides a clinical approach to the treatment of nuclear, biological, and chemical agent exposures
- Easy-to-read monograph format includes the following sections regarding toxicokinetics, treatment, personal protection, contamination, mechanism of action, and more. Forensic issues are also discussed.
LEXI-COMP ONLINE Clinical Modules Overview
Lexi-Interact™ (Patient-Specific Interactions Analysis)
- Analyze drug and natural product regimens to identify potential interactions
- Fully referenced and evidence based
- Includes integration of extensive cytochrome P450 knowledge
- Facilitates a patient-specific risk-to-benefit assessment
- Offers patient management and monitoring guidance
Lexi-I.V. Compatibility (Parenteral Admixtures)
- I.V. Compatibility and Stability content from the King® Guide to Parenteral Admixtures
- The IV Compatibility Module provides information on over 400 fully-referenced parenteral drug products and allows the user to input up to 10 medications at once.
Lexi-PALS™ (Adult Patient Advisory Leaflets)
- Clear and concise statements (Year 5 + 6 reading level)
- Developed in accordance with FDA, JCAHO, and OBRA ’90 guidelines
- Includes the top 100 commonly used natural products
- Available in 18 languages
- Customizable to include patient name, provider, and notes
Pedi-PALS™ (Pediatric Patient Advisory Leaflets)
- Medication leaflets for caregivers of newborns and children through age 11
- Provides monitoring and administration tips for caregivers
- Available in 18 languages
- Customizable to include patient name, provider, and notes
- Direct links to available CDC Vaccine Information Statements
Health-PALS™ (Disease and Procedure Patient Advisory Leaflets)
- Covers more than 95% of all condition cases treated in the USA (600 total)
- Includes more than 95% of all hospital procedures and tests performed in the USA (200 total)
- 4th-5th grade reading level (as independently measured by the Lexile Framework for reading)
- Evidence based and URAC accredited
- Written and reviewed by qualified experts and subjected to a rigorous, multilayered review before it reaches customer’s users
Lexi-CALC™ (Medical Calculations)
- Over 50 medical calculations covered including body surface area (BSA), creatinine clearance (CrCl), heparin maintenance dosing, ideal body weight (IBW), various drug infusions, medication concentrations, organ assessment calculators, and titration tables
- Quickly accessed within Lexi-Drugs® monographs
- Fully referenced with supportive information on appropriate uses
- Built-in alerts for appropriate inputs and out-of range results
Lexi-Drug ID™ (Tablet and Capsule Identification)
- Identify medications based on imprint, dosage form, shape, or color
- Expandable full color photographs
- Includes additional summary information for each drug (name, use, NDC, etc)
Web Search (Medical Search Engine)
- Search portal that allows you to expand a search to other medically-based web sites
- Greatly enhances the ability to access comprehensive clinical information