PageGlossary Of Terms / 3
Section One:Provider Accreditation And Learning Programme Approval / 5
Defining important terms / 5
The role of SETASA / 6
Categories of providers / 6
The stages of accreditation or learning programme approval / 7
Steps for accreditation or learning programme approval / 7
Certification / 8
Quality maintenance / 8
De-accreditation or De-approval / 8
Extension of primary focus / 9
Re-accreditation / 9
Appeal against a SETASA decision / 9
Section Two:The Regulatory Requirements / 10
General information / 10
Registration as a provider / 11
Not applied or accredited with another ETQA / 11
Ability to achieve the desired outcome / 11
Financial, administrative and physical resources / 11
Appeal process / 11
Management of off-site practical or work site component / 11
Learner entrance guidance and support / 12
Assessment and moderation / 12
Record keeping and reporting system / 13
Staff selection, appraisal and development / 13
Quality management system / 13
Section Three:SETASA Contact Details / 14
Glossary Of Terms
Assessment / Refers to the process of collecting evidence of learners’ work to measure and make judgments about the achievement or non-achievement of specified National Qualifications Framework (NQF) standards and/or qualifications.Assessor / Refers to a person that measures the achievement of specified NQF unit standard or qualifications.
Audit / Refers to the audit event conducted within a specified period. The outcome of an audit is a summative evaluation of attainment of quality
De-accreditation / Refers to the withdrawal of accreditation of a provider if the SETASA has evidence that it has failed to perform its functions in a satisfactory way.
De-approval / Refers to the withdrawal of learning programme approval provided to a provider if the SETATSA has evidence that it has failed to perform its functions in a satisfactory way
Formative assessment / Refers to the assessment that takes place during the process of delivery of education and training
Joint team / Refers to a team between two ETQAs made up of an auditor for the institutional audit and a subject matter specialist to look at the learning programme.
Learner / Refers to a person registered at the SETASA to be trained and assessed against specific NQF registered unit standards / qualifications.
Learning programme / Refers to the combination of courses, modules or units of learning (learning materials and methodology) by which a learner can achieve the learning outcomes of a qualification.
Moderation / Refers to process, which ensures that assessment of the outcomes described in NQF standards or qualifications is fair, valid and reliable.
Moderator / Refers to the person who moderates assessment.
Provider / Refers to a body, which delivers learning programmes, which culminate in, specified NQF standards or qualifications and manages the assessment thereof
Registered assessor / Refers to a person who is certified as competent against the NOF registered unit standards ASSMT 01 and registered with the SETASA to assess against specific Secondary Agriculture related unit standards or qualification
Registered moderator / Refers to a person who is certified as competent against the NOF registered unit standards ASSMT 02 and registered with the SETASA to moderate the assessments against specific Secondary Agriculture related unit standards or qualification
Registered verifier / Refers to a person who is certified as competent against the NOF registered unit standards ASSMT 03 and registered with the SETASA to verify at a systems level the results of moderation of assessment against Secondary Agriculture related registered unit standards / qualifications
Summative assessment / Refers to the final assessment against a national unit standard and or qualification to determine whether the candidate has achieved integrated competence. This is the final judgement about the candidate’s achievement and competence
Validation / Refers to overall process by which it is determined by the SETASA whether or not assessment is fair, reliable and valid and leading to the acceptance or rejection of assessment results e.g. verification, statistical analysis, examination of assessment instruments, sampling of evidence of applied competence, observation of processes, site visits or interviews’
Verification / Refers to the process managed by the SETASA for externally verifying moderation processes and confirming or overturning moderation processes.
The Skills Development Act (SDA) of 1998 aims to develop and improve the level of skills in South Africa so that the country can compete more successfully internationally. The outcomes-based education and training system has been developed to contribute to achieving this goal. This system aims to help learners to achieve high levels of competence and to embark on life long learning.
In order to ensure a high quality of education, a system has been put in place to ensure quality. The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) was set up to oversee the development and implementation of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The process of quality assurance can be described as a quality spiral. This quality spiral moves upwards from learners to providers, onto Education and Training Quality Assurance bodies (ETQA’s), SAQA and up to the NQF. All these different components of the quality spiral are involved in the process of providing education and training.
The role that providers play in the provision of education and training is critical. Providers are the chief creators of this service. For this reason providers should develop systems that will promote, ensure and sustain the quality of education and training delivery and the assessment thereof. Providers should help learners to identify learning opportunities, unit standards and / or qualifications that match their needs, aspirations and potential. In addition, providers should ensure that learners have access to the provision of high quality education and training in line with the registered unit standard / s or qualification.
Defining Important Terms
According to the ETQA Regulations, 1998 (Government Gazette No. 6290, Volume 399 of 08 September 1998) accreditation is:
the certification, usually for a particular period of time, of a person, a body or an institution as having the capacity to fulfil a particular function in the quality assurance system set up by the South African Qualifications Authority in terms of the SAQA Act 1995.
The ETQA Regulations also define the provider as:
a body which delivers learning programmes which culminates in specified NQF standards or qualifications and manages the assessment thereof.
Constituent has been defined as:
belonging to the defined or delegated constituency of an organisation or body.
The Role Of SETASA
The Sector Education and Training Authority for Secondary Agriculture (SETASA) is responsible for the complete or partial evaluation, validation, verification, monitoring and auditing of all occupationally directed unit standards and qualifications related to the Secondary Agriculture Sector.
This means that the ETQA will conduct:-
- Learning programme evaluations and institutional audits of the infrastructure and equipment of a provider which, as its primary focus, provides learning programmes at levels 1- 8 to the Secondary Agriculture Sector
- Learning programme evaluations of providers that apply through their primary Education and Training Quality Assurance body to offer Secondary Agriculture Sector related learning programmes at levels 1 – 8.
Categories Of Providers
The SETASA define the different site of delivery and / or assessment as:
Delivery only site: / A site responsible for delivery of Secondary Agriculture Sector related experiential learning or workplace component of the learning programmes and formative assessment thereof.Assessment only site: / This is a provider that is responsible for summative and recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessments. In addition to mentoring and coaching, at RPL assessment sites, practitioners must be able to help the candidate make clear what they know and prepare the candidate for the assessment itself.
Delivery and Assessment Site: / A site that delivers Secondary Agriculture Sector learning programmes and manages the formative and summative assessment thereof.
The Stages Of Accreditation Or Learning Programme Approval
The stages are defined as:-
Accreditation / learning programme approval: / This means that an organisation meets all the conformance requirements. In this case, an organisation will be accredited / or obtained learning programme approved for a period of five years. At the beginning of the last (5th) year of accreditation a provider will have to re-apply for accreditation or learning programme approval.Provisional accreditation: / This means that an organisationmeets only some but not allconformance requirement(s). This provisional period will be based on a mutual agreement between the SETASA and a provider and will depend on the ability of a provider to develop and implement the full range of quality assurance systems, policies and procedures.
The SETASA is responsible for providing guidance and support to the provider. Guidance may take the form of a joint implementation plan between the organization and the SETASA.
Steps For Accreditation Or Learning Programme Approval
Step One: / The organisation should apply directly by letter to the SETASA. If a provider is already accredited by another ETQA the provider should apply to its primary ETQA for extension to offer Secondary Agriculture Sector related learning programmes.Step Two: / The ETQA Administrator will acknowledge the receipt of the letter of intent to apply and will forward all necessary documentation to the organisation (ETQ-TP-001).
Step Three: / A SETASA Representative will provide developmental support to the organisation if requested.
Step Four: / The organisation must conduct a self-evaluation to determine its state of readiness and any support needed. The provider must apply for developmental support to the SETASA (ETQ-TP-021).
Step Five: / An organisation must send the completed application form for accreditation or learning programme approval to the ETQA Administrator (ETQ-TP-002).
Step Six / The ETQA Administrator will notify an organisation of any outstanding documents that are still needed.
Step Seven: / The SETASA Representative will contact the organisation to set up a mutually convenient date and time for the evaluation site visit.
Step Eight: / The ETQA / ETQA representative and if necessary a subject matter expert, will conduct an evaluation.
Step Nine: / The ETQA / ETQA representative will forward a report to the ETQA Manager.
Step Ten: / The ETQA Manager will report on the ETQA / ETQA representative findings to the CEO.
Step Eleven: / The CEO will inform the organisation and ETQA / ETQA representative of the outcome of the decision.
The SETASA will certify providers against specific Secondary Agriculture Related registered unit standards and / or qualifications.
In cases of lost or destroyed certificates the provider can re-apply for a duplicate certificate.
Quality Maintenance
Provider maintenance is by the SETASA defined as monitoring, audits, external moderation and verification site visits (ETQ-TP-005, ETQ-TP-006 or ETQ-TP-040).
Verification or validation site visits will be conducted in the first year of accreditation or learning programme approval. The forthcoming year an audit site visit will be conducted.
Scheduled or unscheduled monitoring site visits will be conducted on a representative sample of providers or when stakeholders or customers raise concerns.
De-Accreditation Or De-Approval
If continuous non-conformance against the required accreditation or learning programme criteria impacts on the quality of delivery and / or assessment the provider will de-accredited or learning programme approval will de-approved with immediate effect.
Learners enrolled at the provider will be transferred at the cost of the de-accredited or de-approved provider to providers accredited with the SETASA to deliver and / or assess against the same unit standards and / or qualifications.
Extension Of Primary Focus
The provider can apply for extension of its current primary focus in terms of the ETQA accepted quality assurance extension procedure (ETQ-TP-003).
The provider must apply for re-accreditation / re-approval (ETQ-TP-004) at the beginning of the 5th year of accreditation / approval. Re-accreditation / approval will depend upon the outcomes of the provider maintenance reports, before and during the 5-year accreditation / approval period.
Appeal against A SETASA Decision
An organisation can appeal (ETQ-TP-019)against:
- The outcome of an application for accreditation / learning programme approval
- An evaluation to grant no or provisional accreditation / learning programme approval
The provider can lodge and appeal (ETQ-TP-019)against:
- An outcome of a quality maintenance site visit
- The outcome of an application for re-accreditation / re- learning programme approval
- The outcome of an application for extension of its primary focus.
The criteria as specified in Chapter 4, regulation 13 of the ETQA Regulations, and the ETQA specified criteria will be used when an organisation applies for accreditation / learning programme approval with the SETASA.
The criteria are highlighted in bold will be explained in more detail in the section that follows.
1The organisation should register as a provider in terms of the relevant legislation at the time of applying for accreditation.
2The organisation should have a quality management system that includes, but is not limited to, quality management policies, procedures and review mechanisms.
3The organisation should have the capacity to develop, deliver and evaluate learning programmes leading to specified registered standards or qualifications, including:
- the necessary financial, administrative and physical resources
- policies and practices for staff selection, appraisal and development
- policies and practices for the management of off-site practical or work site components
- policies and practices for the management of assessment
- reporting and record keeping procedures
- the ability to achieve the desired outcomes, using specified resources and procedures to develop, deliver and evaluate learning programmes, which lead to specified unit standards and / or qualifications.
4Finally, the provider should not have applied for or have been granted accreditation by another ETQA.
General information
A description must be provided on what the nature of the business are; how will the organisation promote the NQF objectives; and market its education and training service.
Registration As A Provider
An organisation should be registered with the relevant bodies that are outlined in current legislation. An organisation should register with the Department of Education. For more information regarding registration with the Department please see
Not Applied Or Accredited With Another ETQA
The organisation should at all times adhere to the SAQA principle of ‘One provider One ETQA’.
Ability To Achieve The Desired Outcomes
The organisation should provide evidence that the organisation has the necessary quality assurance resources and systems to assure quality delivery and / or assessment.
Financial, Administrative And Physical Resources
In order to ensure quality, it is important to focus on the governance of management provision. An organisation must be able to show evidence of its management capacity to deliver and / or assess the learning programme(s) effectively, efficiently and in an accountable way. The organisation should show evidence of:
Physical resources: / Educational resources, equipment, machinery and tools to deliver and / or assess the learning programme(s).Administrative resources: / For capturing, updating and maintaining information on learner records, learning materials, and learning equipment.
Financial resources: / Systems used for managing and accounting for the finances of the organisation. This includes evidence that the organisation has the necessary financial resources to sustain provision throughout the 5-year period of accreditation / approval.
Appeal Process
An organisation should make sure that it has an accessible appeal policy and procedures.
Management Of Off-Site Practical Or Work-Site Component
If more than one site is responsible for delivery and / or assessment evidence of management across sites must be provided.
Learner Entry, Guidance And Support
An organisation should show how learners are selected as well as evidence of the different forms of support and guidance for selecting learners and catering for their needs:-
Pre-enrollment: / Refers to entry criteria for each learning programme e.g. how these help assess the needs of learners, how previous informal training is assessed and taken into account upon entry (recognition of prior learning).During delivery and / or assessment: / Refers to the nature of support and guidance provided to the learner e.g. how special needs are identified and taken into consideration in this phase and how the organisation ensures that learners have access to all learning material needed.
Post-enrollment: / Refers to remedial measures for unsuccessful learners and providing information for future career pathways for successful learners.
Assessment And Moderation
The organisation should explain the methodological approach used for assessment and how it is in line with the NQF principles of lifelong learning, recognition of prior learning (RPL), and integration of theory and practice. Please see SAQA’s Guideline for the Assessment of Unit Standards for further information.
The policy and practices should:-
- Outline how the process of assessment will be managed (by whom, how and how often)
- Show what mechanisms will be used to assure the quality of assessments (internal quality assurance) and providing feedback to candidates (how, who and how often)
- Ensure systematic recording of the outcomes of assessment and moderation
- Provide ways to support the candidate so that they are familiar with relevant documents and understand the assessment process (before, during and after)
- Show how assessment links to and feeds back into the learning programme development
Record Keeping And Reporting System
The data and record keeping system should capture all the necessary information to enable the organisation and all its operational sites to make full reports to the SETASA.
Such a report would include:
- learner data, e.g. number enrolled, number in learning process, assessment outcomes and placements
- the unit standards and / or qualifications, the needs of the industry (existing and new)
- the problems experienced in developing, delivering or evaluating learning programmes against the unit standards and / or qualifications.
Staff Selection, Appraisal And Development