Shaklee Super Saturday
Circle Saturday, April 27th on your calendar
Everyone’s Favorite Event of the Year!
Special guest speaker Martha Willmore. Martha is a nationally known health and wellness nutritional consultant. Over 30 years ago, she was given a short life-expectancy prognosis due to cancer. She will share her recovery journey from both cancer & lupus, and also present powerful insight on:
“Women’s Issues (Balancing Hormones from Puberty thru Menopause) Infertility, Healthy Kids. The Shaklee Difference & How Changing Brands saved Martha’s Life”
Saturday, April 27th 9:30 AM to 3 PM
Strongbow Inn, Rts. 30 & 49 (Across from Wal-Mart)
2405 E Morthland Dr., Valparaiso, Indiana
Cost: $20.00 per person by April 20th
(Must be postmarked by April 20th)
Includes Strongbow’s famous hot turkey lunch J
After April 20th cost will be $25.00 per person
Reservations a Must!!!
Form MUST be filled out for each person attending and enclose payment for ticket
MUST check for special requests: ___gluten free ___dairy free___vegetarian
Name ________________________________________
Phone ________________________________________
Upline Leader’s Name___________________________
Mail check payable to: Cindy Kleist, 76 South Niles Dr, Valparaiso, IN 46383
Must be postmarked no later than April 20th