December 18-20, 2016
North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
There were two sets of awards presented at the conference
- Dr. Fatema Rashid Best Paper Awards: Selected at the beginning of the conference based on the recommendation of the technical committee and the review scores obtained by the papers. Each award contains prize money as follows:
1st prize – BDT 10,000
2nd prize – BDT 6,000
3rd prize – BDT 4,000
These awards are graciously sponsored by Professor Muhammad H. Rashid, Fellow IET, Fellow IEEE, University of West Florida.
- ICCIT Conference Awards: Selected after the papers have been presented at the conference and based on recommendation of session chairs.
Six awards were conferred. Five were the top papers from each of the five technical tracks of the conference. One was the overall best paper awards. The award winners were presented with crests.
The details of all the award winning papers are given below:
Dr. Fatema Rashid Best Paper Awards
First Prize:
Factors Affecting Employees’ Behavioral Intention to Adopt Accounting Information System (AIS) in Bangladesh
Md.Khaled Amin, Daffodil International University, Bangladesh, ShobnomMunira, Northern University Bangladesh, Bangladesh, Afrin Azhar, Northern University Bangladesh, Bangladesh, Afrina Amin, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh, MubasshirTahmidul Karim, Wichita State University, USA
Second Prize:
Numerical Study of Usefulness of Parabolic Index Profile for the Design of Erbium Doped Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers
MdYounus Ali, Khulna University, Bangladesh, S.M. Jillur Rahman, Khulna University, Bangladesh, KanizFatema Keya, Khulna University, Bangladesh, SudiptoAdhikary, Khulna University, Bangladesh, RafiaNishatToma, Khulna University, Bangladesh
Third Prize:
Improved Scene Classification Using Region Semantics and Spatial Context Information
Yuhua Fan, Liaocheng University, China
Honorable Mention
Fuzzy Based Weight to Mine Frequent Patterns from Human Interaction in Meeting using Directed Acyclic Graph
Arnisha Akhter, Jagannath University, Bangladesh, Md. Ashraf Uddin, Jagannath University, Bangladesh, Md. Manowarul Islam, Jagannath University, Bangladesh
ICCIT Conference Awards
- TRACK 1: NNM: Novel Networks and More
Efficient Techniques for Improving Coexistence Problem in Wireless Body Area Network,
Md. Zahirul Islam, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh,
Mohammad Shah Alam, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh,
ShafikaShowkat Moni, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
- TRACK 2 : ITS: Information Technology and Systems
A Tale of Institutional Education in Bangladesh: Students’ Perspective.
Muhammad Hussain, NafisaAnzum, Farzana Ahmed Siddique, A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, Md.
RashidujjamanRifat, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh, Kazi
Shahidullah, College of Education, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA.
- TRACK 3: HCM: Human Centric and Modeling
Optimal Route Selection in Complex Multi-stage Supply Chain Networks using SARSA(λ),
Arafat Habib, BRAC University, Bangladesh, Muhidul Islam Khan, Hebei University of Science
and Technology, China, Jia Uddin, BRAC University, Bangladesh
- TRACK 4: IAS: Intelligent Advanced Systems
CorpoMate: A framework for building linguistic corpora from the web
AniruddhaAdhikary, Silvia Ahmed, North South University, Bangladesh
- TRACK 5 SSA: Signal Processing, Security and Algorithms
Artifact Suppression from Electroencephalography Signals Using Stationary Subspace
Analysis.Md. Khademul Islam Molla, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, Mansura Afifa Khan, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, Md. Rabiul Islam, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology,Japan
Mutual Information-Based Selection of Audiovisual Affective Features to Predict Instantaneous Emotional State
Sudipta Paul, NuraniSaoda, S. M. Mahbubur Rahman, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh, DimitriosHatzinakos, University of Toronto, Canada
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