Minutes from19thJune 2017 meeting (post AGM section), Civic Centre, Uxbridge.
Attendees:Kevin Bugler(KB), Nicole Coogan (NCo), Matthew Coogan (MC), Natasha Copas (NCp), Marion de Souza (MD),Debbie Frank (DF), Joanne Killick (JK), Freda O’Driscoll (FO)
(JM left the room when the AGM ended)
18thApril 2017 minutes: DF and NCo wish to provide alternative wording to the MySupport Plan section.15th May 2017 minutes: FO provided alternative wording in the Forum inclusivity/Minority Groups section.
DF reiterated the importance of attaching receipts with all expenses listed on the reimbursement form, in order to be paid for any out-of-pocket expenses.
The 2017/2018 grant now includes the following spend by category:
Events - £3,000
Meetings - £600
Training - £2,000
Infrastructure - £2,600
Development and resources – £1,500
Web development - £1,100
Staffing costs - £2,500
Parent/Carer expenses - £400
Remuneration out of pocket - £500
Hard to reach - £500
In 2016/2017 we spent £14,700, so this becomes the new total (sum of the above) of grant money that we will more than likely be allocated for 2017/2018 from the DfE via Contact a Family.
Autism Partnership Board(GL)
There is confusion over what CAMHS is offering. The CCG Commissioner (Judy Mace) said the service encompassed Learning Difficulties not generic ASD. GL/NCpto ask whether has there is additional investment from CAMHS for ASD diagnosis/assessment (carried forward to July meeting).NCp to copy KB into the request (from Kuda). There is a meeting on Thursday where Kuda Chiweda mayget confirmation, at which point we need a reply from him on email.
SEND Operational Group(NCo)
Philip Ryan’s would like the HPCF to generate some words and phrasesthat parents would use in their search box in the Local Offer.KB to ask parents for their ideas at the forthcoming coffee mornings.Update: This is work in progress, KB has been asking and will refer to Gary Leaderman (GL)
Mental Health (NCp)
Graham Hawkes produced a Business Proposal: PSHE time (Personal, social, health and economic) at Barnhill’s 6th form (year 12) would take the form of educating the students around mental health. One of the outcomes would be that they could become future peer support counsellors. KB to ask GL for a scan of the paper for distribution to ALL, to provide feedback/comments.
Hillingdon contracted the Anna Freud centre, who are recruiting to provide training courses for parents and children in terms of MH awareness. Ian Kent would like a list of available parents from KB - Ian needs to put in a request to KB, and KB will request parents to come forward. KB emailed, but no request – CLOSED.
Paediatrician interview –The stakeholders have an opportunity to ask their own relevant questions, and the responses get analysed and taken into account for the final decision as to who gets appointed. NCp and NCo to generate a suitable questionon behalf of the forum, with perhaps a multiple-choice response.Although the interviews were cancelled, they will be rescheduled, so we still need the questions.NCp will try to contact Kate.
MH Pathway – NCp reported that this Saturday meeting represents a good step forward.There are two more sessions left. Parents, young people and professionals were in attendance.
Carer’s Fair – 16new members signed up to be on our database.
St. Matthews Coffee morning– held on 19th June, prior to our AGM, attracted 5 new members on our database.
Inclusion Conference– DF reported back about 2 future events planned for Sept/Oct 2017 prior to half term break, one on a weekday and one on a Saturday. The organisers have asked whether we can do a workshop (about the HPCF) on both days.We need young people involved and to make sure that the professionals talk to the young people. Monday 26th June is the next meeting inclusion conference planning meeting at 1pm at the Civic Centre. KB to forward the information from DF.
Committee Guest - Deborah Bell (DB) was present at the inclusion meeting, and wants to talk about exclusions, as the number of children permanently excluded from school has soared, particularly among the SEND population. DB would like to meet the committee members. DF to Invite DB to the July meeting.
Carer’s Fair Tues 13th June – DF, NCp and KB will meet by 8.30pm. MD and JK be available during school hours.
2017 Engagementevents –we intend to have an ECH Plan event for early September 2017. Possible larger scale events can take place at Mencap Hall, Harlington Road, Laurel Lodge Clinic, Yiewsley Baptist Church.
Cluster meeting – we are responsible for providing lunch and a room for up to 20 people in September 2017. KB to ask Gina for a room.
Cerebra – an organisation that offers workshops for front line professionals and individual parents/carers regarding problems that parents face accessing services, recognising disputes, and problem solving. As a forum, we are willing to host, providing a room in either November 2017 and perhaps February 2018 too.
Forum inclusivity / Minority Groups- there was a fair turnout at Barra Hall, with 6 people all raising valid issues. It was noted that are many parents/carers in the Somalian community that do not yet feel secure enough to present themselves with respect to SEND needs. We need to have the event again in 3 months time.
Challenging behaviour, anger management and sensory were the 3 highest needs from our parents. The type of behaviours that you see on a daily basis are what we need to deal with it – how we respond to this. HACS runs an expensive course, there is a Stepping Stones course. MC to get details of “Challenging Behaviour with disabilities” course and advise members. A new service has come to our attention – Ollie, but this is more about coaching, rather than parent training. We ought to invite such service providers to our events, they can have stalls, and they can speak to parents directly. Secondly, we can tap into the workshops that the LA provide to parents. Ideally, we want parents delivering workshops in a co-production/joint delivery fashion. DF to talk to Julie Mellor – parents are welcome to join in the workshops that are run by professionals.Such courses are on the local offer website.
This is a work in progress, to be updated after the Metro Bank mandate is in place – co-ordination of a date between MD/DF/Wendy Caines and Georgie Bhad to be arranged.
KB requested that we all review the calendar that will be published on the website and updated regularly. Please check that you’re happy for this to be published (may contain personal details).