Cancer Council NSW
Annual Progress/Final ReportTemplate
For Project, Program, and Innovator Grant recipients
Instructions /

1.Due Date

Reports are due on the 28th of February.

2.Advice for completing reporting requirements
Complete all sections. Enter “Nil” where applicable.

Examples are provided where appropriate in shaded fields.
Delete any examples and instructions including this page before submitting your report.
Adhere to the recommended length for each section.
Minimum font size to be used is 10 point.

3.Please send a signed copy of your annual report, an additional unsigned electronic copy, and electronic copies of any publications not previously submitted to:

Research Governance Officer
Research Strategy Unit, Health Strategies Division
Cancer Council NSW
Courier address: 153 Dowling Street, WOOLLOOMOOLOO NSW 2011
Postal address: PO Box 572, KINGS CROSS NSW 1340
Electronic copy (for record purposes only - please keep in Word format) emailed to .

Research Governance Officer
Ph:(02) 9334 1993

1. Chief Investigator A Name / Report Type (delete the incorrect)
Annual Progress Report OR Final Report

2. Research Project Title (and Reference Number)

3. Lay summary of your results over the last year (maximum length 250 words) – please note that this may be used in public communications.

4. Please explain what your progress means for advancing cancer control. Please use language that the general public will understand (maximum length 250 words). Please note that this may be used in public communications.

5. Please advise progress against timetable, and original aims and objectives (maximum length 2 pages).

6.1ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORTS ONLY: Please outline your goals for the remainder of the grant and for the future of this research program (maximum length 250 words). Please note that this may be used in public communications.

6.2 FINAL REPORTS ONLY: Please outline your goals for the future of this research (maximum length 250 words). Please note that this may be used in public communications.

7. Please outline any involvement of consumer representatives in the design, conduct and/or dissemination of this research.

8.1 Do the results of this research have specific relevance to or implications for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander populations?

Yes OR No

If yes, please briefly specify:

8.2. Do the results of this research have specificrelevance to or implications for culturally and linguistically diverse populations?

Yes OR No

If yes, please briefly specify:

8.3. Do the results of this research have specific relevance to or implications for rural and/or regional populations?

Yes OR No

If yes, please briefly specify:

9. Please detail any changes in policy and/or practice that have been implemented as a result of the findings and outcomes of this research.

10. Please list any publications resulting from this Cancer Council NSW funded research, including those currently in press. Please provide copies of the articles

Publication information / Journal Impact Factor
Example: Bariess C, Althaus A,Targeted therapeutics for cancer treatment: major progress towards personalised molecular medicine. British Journal of Cancer. 2009, 11:945-55. / 4.846

11. Please list any presentations relating to this Cancer Council NSW funded research

Invited / Presentation title and type of presentation / Conference Name, Location and Date
Example:Yes / Overcoming resistance of cancer to treatment: towards targeted therapy(oral presentation) / 21st Lorne Cancer Conference, 12th - 14th, February 2009, Lorne, Australia.

12. Please list any media releases relating to this Cancer Council NSW funded research.

Date of release / Article title / Newspaper, Television or Radio, Newsletter, Other / Were CCNSW involved in the media release?
20/01/2010 / Targeted therapy for cancer patients / Newspaper, Sydney Morning Herald / Yes

13. Please advise details of any patents including prospects for commercialisation.

14. Please list any additional grant applications submitted that are related to this Cancer CouncilNSW grant. This includes all pending, unsuccessful and successful applications.

Project Title / Example
Personalised medicine in cancer treatment
Funding body and grant type / NHMRC Project Grant
Funding amount / 120,000/annum
Year of Award / 2011
Length of funding term / 3 years
Application status / Pending response 31 March 2011

15. Additional Details or Comments


Name: / Date:

Thank you