Proposal Checklist
Print this form and place it on top of any proposal submitted to the Moriah Fund. A proposal must include all items on this checklist. To help you in ensuring the completeness of the information requested, please place a check in front of all items included in the proposal.
Cover Sheet
Every proposal submitted to the Moriah Fund must include a cover sheet. If you are requesting general support, please complete the general support cover sheet (link to word document). To request project support, please complete the project support cover sheet (link to word document). If applying for more than one project, please complete a separate cover sheet for each project.
Narrative (no more than 10 pages)
For a General Support Grant
q History, purpose and goals of the organization
q Brief description of the organization’s major programs and key accomplishments in the past five years
q Plans and priorities for the year(s) in which funding is requested
q Qualifications of the organization for this work
q For first-time applicants: How have you evaluated your organization’s goals and strategies? What changes or adjustments have you made as a result of your findings to ensure that your program represents an effective approach?
For a Project Grant
q History of organization and brief description of major programs and key accomplishments
q Description of the activity for which funding is requested as well as its history, context within the organization, and recent and anticipated accomplishments
q Specific goals, plan of action and timeline
q Qualifications of the organization for this project, including information about key staff
q For first-time applicants: How have you evaluated your project’s goals and strategies? What changes or adjustments have you made as a result of your findings to ensure that your project represents an effective approach?
q Long-term project plans, including future financing
Progress Report (for current grantees only)
q Provide an update on accomplishments, obstacles, and changes in work currently supported by Moriah, following Moriah’s reporting guidelines
Financial Information*
q Revenue and expense statements for previous, current and subsequent year for both the organization and the project
q List of organization’s and project’s current major institutional funders with corresponding amounts
q List of outstanding and pending requests, with amounts requested
q Most recent audit (if available)
q Lobbying statement
Lobbying activities are those that attempt to influence specific legislation, either directly or by mobilizing grassroots pressure.
If you are requesting a project grant, please submit one of the following:
1) a project budget with a separate line item for lobbying;
2) a notation on the project budget stating the dollar amount or percentage of the project budget that will be used for lobbying;
3) a notation on the project budget that no foundation funds or no Moriah funds will be used for lobbying; or
4) a notation on the project budget stating that the project does not include any lobbying activities.
Other Information
q Annual Report (if available)
q List of Board of Directors with their affiliations
q Proof of IRS tax-exemption status
o 501(c)(3) status
o Non-private foundation 509(a) status
* If audit and/or projected budget information is not yet available, please provide an explanation of why and when the information will be submitted.