[Jane Rep, LUTCF]
[Agency Name]
[123 Street Name, Suite #]
[Anytown], [ST] [02134]
[Mr. John Customer]
[12 South Main Street, Apt 123]
[Anytown, ST 12345-6789]
Dear [Mr. /Mrs. /Ms.] Prospect,
You work hard to provide for yourself and your loved ones. What would happen if you were disabled and suddenly couldn't rely on your income anymore?
Think about your current financial responsibilities that could be in jeopardy, plus your goals for the future – owning a larger home, sending a child to college, or having a comfortable retirement. Many financial goals are based on your success at work now and achievements over the years.
What you have now and the future you're looking forward to could depend on your ability to work. However, the ability to earn an income could suddenly end at any time because of an illness or injury that may last weeks, months, even years.
Although you can’t avoid the risk of a disability, you can avoid leaving the future to chance. A plan including disability income insurance can help protect your family and your future.
I will call you within the next few days to arrange an appointment. In the meantime, please feel free to call or email me.
I look forward to meeting you soon.
[Company approved insurance title]
[CA and AR Insurance Lic.# - Insert if used in CA or AR]
Like most disability income insurance policies, MetLife’s policies contain certain exclusions, waiting periods, reductions, limitations and terms for keeping them in force. Ask your representative about costs and complete details. All policies and riders may not be available in all states, at all issue ages and to all occupational classes. Ask your representative for complete details. Eligibility is subject to underwriting approval. For policies issued in New York: These policies provide disability income insurance only. They do NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical or major medical insurance as defined by the New York State Department of Financial Services. The expected benefit ratio for these policies is at least 50%. This ratio is the portion of future premiums that MetLife expects to return as benefits when averaged over all people with the applicable policy. Disability income insurance is issued by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company on IDIP 12-01 – IDIP 12-08, IDI2000-P/NC, IDI2000-P/NC-ML, IDI2000-P/GR, AH 5-88, AH 6-90, AH 7-96-CA and
AH 8-96-CA. October 2013.
CLDI23066 L1013347494[1015]