from the Alamo to Gonzales and Lancelot Smither who finally carried the Letter to San Felipe de Austin arriving on the 27th of February 1836. The Letter was printed in various fonnats for large scale distribution. Most plinting of Letter were not accurate to the original document. The Texas Republican was the first newspaper to carry the Travis Letter in their March 2, 1836 issue.
The new Travis Letter Prints have been produced in two separate formats. The first format is in a First Edition of one thousand which are hand serial numbered and are available to the public in a donation program being conducted through The American Legion Post 78,611 State, Jasper, Texas 75951 with a Web site
www AUalframe.htmL The information placed at the bottom of the Print appears as follows:
The Fint True Size Color Prints of the Lt. Colonel William Barret Travis Letter from the Alamo dated February 24,1836. Addressed: "To the People of Texas and all Americans in the world." Printed from color transparencies produced with the assistance of the Texas Library & Archives Commission. First Edition of one thousand.
Serial Number
Printed in the One Hundredth and Sixty-Sixth Anniversary year of the Fall of the Alamo on March 6,1836. Manufactured in the United States of America 2002 by Historical Document Reproduction, Inc. P. 0. Box 1021, Jasper, Texas 75951. Website: www
The second format is designed for distribution only to School Systems, Libraries and Museums in the State of Texas or in appropriate locations throughout the United States of America. The information placed at the bottom of the Print appears as follows:
The First True Size Color Plint of the Lt. Colonel William Ban-et Travis Letter from the Alamo dated February 24, 1836. Addressed: "To the People of Texas and an Americans in the world." Printed from color transparencies produced with the assistance of the Texas Library & Archives Commission.
Printed in the One Hundredth and Sixty~Sixth Anniversary year of the Fan of the AIamo on March 6, 1836. Manufactured for Educational Distribution in the United States of America 2002 by Historical Document Reproduction, Inc. P. 0. Box 1021, Jasner. Texas 75951. Website: