!GM Chapter Meeting Notes

5 May 2002

I.  Meeting called to order at 8:05 pm

II.  Attendance- all present except: Scott, Mickey, Dane, Fred

III.  Minutes read and adopted

IV.  Communication from National- has non-delegate forms for conference

V.  Reports of Officers

A.  President- nothing

B.  Vice President- needs rush chair to get committee better

Needs time for brotherhood development chair to meet

C.  Treasurer- balance approximately $4000

D.  Members at Large- nothing

E.  Scholarship- not present

F. Marshal- nothing

G.  Sergeant at Arms- not present

H.  Editor- nothing

I.  Alumni Director- talking to alums who are coming to semiformal

VI.  Reports of Committees

A.  Prudential- budget approved for food at Brian’s

Budget approved for editor supplies

Will present scholarship policy next week

B.  Fundraising- nothing

C.  Brotherhood Development- we saw Deuces Wild on Friday

D.  Rush- putting together a committee

E.  New Member Educator- final class was held Thursday

F.  Social- nothing

G.  Service- May 11, Holly Center 9-12

H.  Intramural- nothing else for this semester

I.  IFC- Sigma Pi can colonize pending SGA approval

J.  Webmaster- needs pics

K.  Formal- $10 per person, pay Steve

VII.  Old Business- none

VIII.  New Business

A.  Doug- feels we should have an SGA representative

Motion to reinstate PR position- approved

B.  Doug- Brothers needed for ritual Wednesday and Thursday at 8:00, pledges at 9:00

C.  Doug- discussion on pledge gifts, motion by Larry that the fraternity is obligated to make up the difference in price of donations from the brotherhood for engraved mugs for pledges- Passes

D.  Doug- for Pinnacle Week we will watch a movie at Brian’s tonight

Monday will be Ninja Night

Tuesday will be Big/Little

E.  Nominations

Greek Week Chair- Amir, Sean

Intramural Chair- George

Recording Secretary- Drew and Doug M.

Member at Large- Mike C., Sean, Mike P., Drew

Fundraising Chair- Doug M.

Social Chair- Brian R., Sean

Marshall- Brian R., Paul, Mike

PR Chair- Mike P., Doug M., Doug C.

VIII. Remarks for the good of society