Grading Policy

Tests = 50%

(includes tests, final draft essays, group assignments, select quizzes)

Daily Grades = 50%

(includes warm-ups, daily activities, group assignments, participation, in-class essays, and quizzes)

Late Work Policy

If unexpectedly absent – see handbook

If not completed on time (and you were in class), the following consequences will be administered: 1 day late = high of 70

Any time beyond that will receive a 0.


You may retest for up to a 70 within 2 days of the original test date. You must take initiative – I will not remind you.

If you know you will be absent during class (doctor’s appt, dentist appt, school activity, etc), you are responsible to get your assignment BEFORE your absence. If you are absent on a due date, turn in your assignment BEFORE your absence.


Intentional plagiarism, specifically on researched essay assignments, will result in a 0 with no opportunity to make up the grade.Please make sure you at least attempt to give credit where credit is due and follow MLA citation guidelines.

Attendance/Tardy Policy

You need to be in class.

If you are tardy, a referral will be written and consequences will follow.

Three tardies = one absence

Supplies you will need:

1 ½ inch binder (any color!)

Spiral notebook or composition notebook (for note taking)

5 dividers

Wide ruled notebook paper (throughout year)

Pencils, erasers, glue stick

Pens (blue, black ink)

3 Highlighters (any colors)

Portable Flash Drive (Thumb Drive – optional, but recommended)

Anything else that helps you stay organized and focused!

Note: Many supplies can be used for multiple classes.

You must have supplies every day – you never know what you will need. However, always assume you will need something to write with and on (pens, pencils, etc)

Welcome to

Ms. Talley’s

English Class!

In this brochure, you will find all of the information you need to be successful in this class – including classroom expectations, consequences, grading policy, late work policy, attendance expectations, tutoring information, and supplies you will need.

Ms. Talley’s Contact Information

School: (254) 582 – 3011

Email –

Room #217

Subjects: Eng I, II, III, IV

Tutorials: M-F – 7:30-7:55 am

M, T, Th, Fr – 3:30 – 4:15 pm

Conference: 10:00 – 10:45 am

Classroom Expectations

1) Be prompt!

- We work bell to bell – if you are late, you will miss something!

2) Be prepared!

- We will use materials everyday (the usual stuff = paper, pen/pencil, etc)

- Notes will need to be taken home sometimes to study! It is your responsibility to bring your spiral/notebook back to school.

- I do understand that things happen, but they don’t happen every day! If you are forgetful, then we need to figure out how to help you become more organized!

3) Use school appropriate language!

- We don’t need to hear about what you did last night, unless I ask and it is part of the class conversation, or what happened to so and so, or any type of GOSSIP! Your conversation needs to be over an appropriate topic.

- If it is not a word you would use in church in front of a priest/preacher, etc, do not use it in this classroom (you know the words I’m talking about). We will also be mature when we read literature (novels) that may contain some adult language. You will never be required to read a word aloud with which you are uncomfortable.

4) Respect:Yourself

- I know we can be our own worst critics. But, I believe you can be successful at anything you put your mind to! It is not up to you to be the reason you cannot succeed.

Your classmates

- We all have the right to our opinions. However, this does not mean one person is more “right” than the other. Please respect your classmates. Also, respect their space. We keep our hands, feet, and objects to ourselves.

- Remember, everyone has the right to learn. It is NOT up to you to prevent anyone else from learning.

Your teacher

- I am your teacher. I am here to help you as well as instruct you. It is not up to you to run the classroom. That is my job. Remember, we are all in this together! Work with me and I’ll work with you!

Your classroom

- Leave the room the way you found it. I want you to be comfortable in the classroom, but also think of it as if you were a guest in someone’s home. For instance, we don’t put our feet on someone else’s furniture. We don’t write on someone else’s furniture. We don’t leave a mess in someone’s house. Just keep these things in mind!

5) Be open minded!

- We will read and study some things that may not “interest” you. However, be open minded as we are reading different types of literature – you never know what may happen!

Please note that we read classic literature in this class – there may be some novels/short stories that are dated in language and content. You will be provided a letter discussing this issue further. Please sign and return what is needed to acknowledge that you are aware of what we will study in class!

Classroom disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to:

- getting up out of your seat without permission

- talking while teacher/classmate is talking to the class

- inappropriate behavior (you have been in school long enough to know how to behave in a classroom)

- electronic device use of any kind (cell phones, iphones, mp3 players, etc) There may be some activities where we may need something electronic – you will have advanced warning. (also see school policy)

- excessive talking/noise making (meaning you cannot keep your mouth quiet)

- throwing anything in the classroom (do not throw paper into the trashcan from across the room)

- altercation with anyone (verbal or physical)

- anything you can think of to disrupt the learning environment


Verbal warning

Student/Teacher conference – out inhallway;or last student out of theroom plus a more severe warning(parent contact if needed)

Parent Contact; Inform administration ofthe situaiton

Parent Contact; Teacher/Studentconference

Parent Contact; referral

Persistent disruptive behavior will result in an automatic referral to administration, as will any of the severe instances listed in the student handbook.