Board Meeting Minutes

November 4, 2016

1.  Call to Order by E. DelliQuadri at 7:15 PM

2.  Attendance: E. DelliQuadri, PJ Jenick, J Jett, T. Herbst, C. Burnham, C. Hoss, B. Ghent, K. Gay. P. Miller

a.  Guests: C. Jett, T. Hoessler

3.  Approval of Agenda: Motion by PJ Jenick, Second by J. Jett – Passed Unanimous

4.  Approval of Minutes from Sept 27, 2016: Motion by PJ Jenick, Second by J. Jett – Passed Unanimous

5.  President’s Report by Esther DelliQuadri

a.  Change in On-Line CO procedure -

i.  Instructors will now collect the quizzes and turn in with the tests. No credit until a member takes an additional clinic. Discussion on why the process was not working.

ii. No way to keep track of a non RMSRO/USSA members.

1.  Keep track of CO only within the clubs

2.  This subject will be discussed in a subcommittee, Dec. 1 as a target date

3.  Members: T. Herbst, C, Jett, J. Jett

4.  Motion T. Herbst, Second by K. Gay – Passed Unanimous

b.  Eldora held a CO clinic that was not posted. Wrong email address. 18 attendees

i.  The Board approved the results being counted for attendees

c.  Masbruch Award

i.  Need to eliminate 'paid officials'. There is no way to track them.

ii. We have 22+ next year's people on the ballot. Too many for just the next 4 years

iii.  Suggestions? - It needs to be simple to track

iv.  Suggestion was made to investigate increasing eligibility to 15 years

1.  C. Burnham will investigate and report effect this will have on the numbers

2.  Table this item until the report is completed.

3.  Motion PJ Jenick, Second by B. Ghent – Passed Unanimous

d.  DM & RA - Data Management has been eliminated.

i.  USSA Officials decided that if someone had a higher DM than RA they would received the higher level of certification. We have 7 people on the list. 1 person is DM2/RA1. The 6 have either failed or not taken the RA test.

ii. Recommendation: Advance the 1 person to RA2. Leave the other 6 with no certification

1.  K Gray, Copper Mountain, moved to RA2, remainder no certification

2.  Motion B. Ghent, Second by PJ Jenick – Passed Unanimous

6.  Financial Report by Treasurer, Pat Miller - We have received notice of our reinstatement of our Non-Profit Status.

a.  Continue RMD Golf Hole Sponsorship

b.  Motion: Double the 2016/2017, Margo Eaton Memorial Scholarship Award amounts. There will be a reconsideration at the end of the 2017 fiscal year.

1.  Motion K. Gay, Second by B. Ghent – Passed Unanimous

7.  TD Report, by Brad Ghent

a.  Twenty TD's, 55 Races

b.  Status of assignments discussed

8.  Web Report, John Jett

a.  Statics and graphs presented showing traffic and patterns

b.  Moved from TaosNet to Small Orange

i.  Savings of $140 for first year

9.  Advisory Committee Report, by Ken Gay

a.  Recruited with Clubs for representatives

i.  Suggestions were for recognition

ii. Aspen 2nd year volunteers receive radio vests

iii.  M. Tamasko offered to train a leader and a second for each position

iv.  Work credit to attend clinics

v. Suggestion for mentoring on-snow

vi.  Satellite clinics for Southern and Front Range

vii.  Volunteer options to build hours

viii.  Volunteer site on RMSRO page

ix.  Recognition could help clubs build skill positions

1.  Motion for subcommittee to assist clubs in giving recognition to volunteers. Suggestion made for $1000 spiff budget. Motion C. Hoss, Second by J. Jett– Passed Unanimous

2.  Subcommittee: K. Gay, J. Jett, B. Ghent

10.  Clinic Report, Terresa Herbst

a.  Teacher status – B. Ghent and J. Jett will handle Saturday update

b.  CO onsite status. – T. Ptack and K. Ghent

c.  CC clinic – Will not happen, will plan for Copper site next year

11.  Next Board Meeting After TD update to vote on officers

Elections terms up: John Jett, Gary Wright, Brad Ghent . PJ will handle the election

12.  Next Years' Schedule:

a.  Clinics.

i.  TD – 1 week after FIS meeting

ii. Regular Clinics – Week following the TD Clinic

b.  Next year’s General Membership Meeting Location, Date & Time

i.  TBD: T. Herbst, E. Delli Quadri and P. Miller to investigate

13.  Old Business:

a.  Logo redesign - Committee of 2-3 people to work with graphic artists to come up with new logo

i.  Subcommittee: B. Ghent, C. Jett, K. Gay & P. Miller

b.  C. Burnham - Email Newsletter Report

i.  693 sent and 22 returned

14.  New Business: Expertcity membership.

a.  Approved

15.  Adjourned by E. Delli Quadri at 9:00 PM

a.  Motion K. Gay, Second by B. Ghent – Passed Unanimous