The Memorandum Report

The memorandum report is restricted to a single topic and rarely exceeds one to three typewritten pages. It contains only a few of the elements of the formal report1. It is recommended for use between only two people -the author and a single reader who is reasonably acquainted with the subject and whose time should not be spent searching through nonessentials to find the results and conclusions of interest to him/herself. Thus, one omits materials that the reader is familiar with, such as description of standard tests and equipment.

Originally the term "memorandum" implied something of a temporary nature. This is no longer true, yet there are times when a memorandum is written to make immediately available some information that will later be included in a longer, more formal report. Some of the largest corporations in the nation make use of memoranda.

Printed forms, which vary from company to company, are often used for memoranda. If no form is provided then the report should include the following elements of information.

I. First Page Heading

The heading on the first page shows the reader at a glance the crucial data on the report. It should include:

(a) The title of the report (often called the subject).

(b) The serial number of the report, if the report is one of a sequence.

(c) The name of the person who wrote the report, or the organization that published the report, whichever is appropriate.

(d) The person or organization for which the report was prepared, if the report goes to a certain person or organization.

(e) The date of publication (or date of submission) of the report.

2. Abstract

Sometimes called summary, helps a busy reader decide whether to read the whole report. The abstract also helps in cataloging a report. Since the abstract gives a thumbnail sketch of the report, an abstract of a memo-report should run no longer than half a page; frequently one paragraph describing the entire report (100 words or less) will suffice. Also the abstract should indicate the conclusions of the work so that the reader will be able to evaluate the relevance of the work. In writing the rough draft of the abstract, a writer may ask himself, "What would I write if I had to sum up this report on a 3 x 5 index card?"

3. Description of Work

A brief, approximately one paragraph long, description of the actual work performed to explain where and how the data in the report was obtained.

4. Results and Discussion

What is asked for in the lab manual (may include conclusion(s) and recommendation(s))

5. Appendix

If required, should include the data (preferably in a tabulated form), graphs, data sheets if available, sample calculations (if required by the instructor), and a list of references.

(i) Tables

a. Every table should carry a description title at its top.

b. A table should fit onto a single page, if possible. If a table must spill over to the next page, that page should repeat the title and column headings.

c. A table should be numbered and always referred to in the results and discussion section.

d. A table should always show units in the column headings.

e. The independent variable usually, and logically, goes on the left; the dependent variables go in columns to the right.

(ii) Graphs

Only use graphs if they supplement, complement, simplify , or clarify the written work. High quality graph paper is to be used (K&E or equivalent). Graphs are NEVER to be drawn freehand. When you decide to plot a graph, you should consider the following:

a. Independent variables should be plotted on the horizontal axis (abscissa) while the vertical axis is only used for the dependent variables.

b. The axes should be labeled with the proper units2 on each. Use a convenient scale on each axis in such a way that the plot will fill the entire page if possible. The scales on the x- and y-axes may not necessarily be the same.

c. All data points should be included in your plot, even if you have some uncertainty regarding any of them. Points taken under the same test conditions should be identified using the same symbol. If you have to plot more than one curve on the same graph paper, use different symbols, one for each condition.

d. A legend box should accompany each graph, especially if more than one plot is included in the figure.

e. Curves must be carefully drawn, using a straightedge and French curves. Curves may not necessarily pass through all data points, yet they must be centrally located among the points.

f. Each figure must be consecutively numbered and titled at the bottom.

(iii) Sample calculations

Include a sample calculation for each nontrivial type of calculation.

Usually, the sample calculations called for on the data sheets are sufficient. If a data sheet is not included, make your own sample calculations in a labeled box and attach it to the appendix. Most important, show all units in your calculations. It should also be obvious where any number used in your sample calculations comes from i.e. data or graph


1The technique of writing a formal report is thoroughly explained in: J.H. Earle, “Engineering Design Graphics,” Prentice Hall, 2004

2 See attached exemplary report.

Preparation the Report

1. Reports are to word processed on 8 1/2 x 11 paper. Use 12 point times new roman font.

2. Print on one side of the paper only.

3. Number the pages.

4. The report must be stapled.

Finally, if you are really getting very enthusiastic about writing a nice report and need more information, you can consult the following references:

1. T. A. Sherman and S. S. Johnson, "Modem Technical Writing," Prentice Hall, Inc.,


2. R. Hays, "Principles of Technical Writing," Addison Wesley, 1965.


The Following is an example of a well done memorandum report which may be used as a sample.

Memo Report No. I College of Engineering and Computer Science California State University,


To: I. A. Ibrahim

From: Jack Smith

Date: October 23, 2004

Hardness and tensile strength of a cartridge brass sample were measured as a function of percent cold work (0-60%CW). Both properties increased with the increased percentage of cold work. Recovery , recrystallization, and grain growth characteristics of a 50%CW brass was also investigated by measuring Rockwell Hardness (B Scale) of specimens annealed for 1/2 hour in the temperature range of 200- 700°C. A typical curve with the three distinct regions was obtained. The grain size was also determined for the four highest annealing temperatures and a dramatic increase in the average grain size with temperature was observed.


The initial hardness and tensile strength of 70/30 cartridge brass were measured using the Rockwell hardness tester (B scale) and the Instron machine, respectively. The thickness of the samples was successively reduced by rolling up to 60%, while hardness and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) measurements were determined at the different stages of cold work. A 50% CW brass strip was then cut into eight pieces, each was annealed at 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, and 700 °C for 1/2 hr., followed by water quench. The hardness of each sample was finally measured using the Rockwell tester.

Samples for the metallographic observation were polished, etched and observed in a light optical microscope at magnification x 100. The ASTM grain size number, n(l) was determined by comparing the microstructure with a standard ASTM grid, and consequently the average grain size was computed.


The data on hardness and tensile strength as a function of the degree of cold work are shown in Table (1) and Figure 1. The hardness has increased from about 15 to 78 on the Rockwell B scale as a result of 60%CW. The tensile strength has also varied in a similar trend with the increased amount of cold work, The scatter of the data is very small since both properties were taken as the average of several readings under the same test conditions. Furthermore, the data obtained was in rather good agreement with those published in the literature(2,3).

Process annealing of the cold worked samples below 250 °C reduced the hardness very slightly.

An abrupt decrease in hardness was observed in the temperature range 250-500°C. Above 500°C the hardness continued to decrease at a very small rate until 700oC has been reached. The three stages of the annealing process, namely recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth, have been established accordingly. This is shown clearly by plotting the data in Table 2 as in Figure 2. The hardness values at high temperatures exhibited greater scatter as is expected when approaching the lower limit of the B scale on the hardness tester.

The grain size of the completely recrystallized samples is also plotted in Figure 2 as a function of annealing temperature. Minor scatter in the values is observed as a result of the statistical errors involved in such measurements(3). However, the results in general are in good agreement with the literature(4).


Table I. Rockwell Hardness and Tensile Strength of Cartridge Brass at Different Percentages of Cold Work

% CW / <RB>* / UTSx10-7 (N/m2)
60 / 15
78 / 34

* Average of four hardness readings on Rockwell B scale.

Table 2. Hardness and Grain Size of 50%CW Cartridge Brass as a Function of Annealing Temperature .

Temperature oC / <RB>* / Grain size (mm)
700 / 75
10 / 0.010

* Average of four hardness readings.


1. L. H. Van V lack, "Elements of Materials Science and Engineering," Addison Wesley, Inc., 1975.

2. R. A. and P. K. Trojan, "Engineering Materials and Their Applications," Houghton

Mifflin Co., 1975.

3. A.G. Guy, “Introduction to Materials Science,” McGraw Hill Book Co., 1972.

4. Metals Handbook, ASM, edited by T. Lyman, 1948.

** Students should note that the UTS values are multiplied by 10 raised to the power -7 rather

than + 7. The reasoning behind that is best explained by an example:

Example: Assume a value of 43 is read off the graph whose axis is labeled

UTS x 10-7 N/m2. However, if the axis is incorrect labeled as UTS x 107N/m2, the corresponding UTS will be 43 x 10-7 N/m2 which is incorrect.