1.0 Catalogue Number : RD 704
2.0 Course Title : Theories and Strategies of Change
3.0 Course Description : A systematic analysis of selected theories of social change with special emphasis on the psycho-social approach leading to an understanding of the change process and alternatives for effective change.
4.0 No. of units/Teaching Hours: 3 units, 3 hours per week
5.0 Course Objectives:
To develop the students’ ability to:
5.1 Interpret, analyze and apply major social change theories and appropriate strategies in rural development;
5.2 Appreciate the history, analytical foundations and comparative perspectives of these theories and strategies of change;
5.3 Operationalize selected theories and evolve strategies of change for particular rural development projects; and
5.4 Learn to apply/use selected theories of change in research and development.
6.0 Course Requirements:
Two exams (1 sit-in and 1 take home) 30
1 Oral and written report 15
2 Reaction papers 10
1 Group workshop output (theory construction) 30
Class participation 15
Total 100
7.0 Course Content/Design
Contents /Specific Objectives /
References/Materials / Teaching
Strategies / Evaluation / RM
A. Importance of and basic assumptions in social change
B. Definitions and features of
- social change
- theories
- social change theories
- development
- other important concepts
used in social change
C. Theory in relation to research
D. Social change and
- society’s dynamism
- rural dev
- holistic dev
- sustainable development
E. Prologue to theoretical development
- evolution of society
- theoretical development / To orient students of the course content and requirements
To provide an overview of social change and explain its importance, basic assumptions and background
To clarify various definitions and features of needed terms and formulate operational definitions
To situate social change in relation to development emphasizing holistic and sustainable concepts
To appraise the approaches, weaknesses/reiterations in studying theories
To present the prologue to theoretical development following an evolutionary perspective / Course syllabus
Panopio, I. Et al. 1995. Sociology:Focus on the Philippines. Ken Incorporated.
Quezon City, Philippines
Garcia, M. 1993. Development: Its Sociological Dimensions. National Bookstore, Manila, Philippines
So, Alvin. 1997. Social Change and Development. Sage Publications
Lauer, Robert H. Perspectives on Social Change. Allyn and Bacon Inc. USA.
Maquiso, T. R. 1997. Socio-Anthro: An Introduction to Sociology. Groundwater Publications and Research Corporation, Makati City, Philippines
Jordans, Eva, et al. 1992. Poverty and Development. Development Cooperation Information Department. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, Netherlands
Several readings taken from the INTERNET / Unfreezing
Leveling off
Group discussion / Assignment
Class participation
/Specific Objectives /
References/Materials / Teaching
Strategies / Evaluation / RM
A. 19th century theories, early 20th, mid-20th theories and recently formulated/used theories with emphasis on:
- the scholars and background of the theory’s development and its connection with past and present theories
- salient concepts/paradigms/models embedded in the theories
- issues/phenomena addressed by the theories
- merits/functionality of the theories
- polemics/weaknesses of the theories
- empirical evidences found using the theories
B. Social Psychological Theories
- Weber’s theory (protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism)
- Hagen’s theory (creative personality)
- Mc Clelland’s theory (N-achievement oriented personality)
C. Evolutionary theories
D. Cyclical Theories
E. Conflict theories
F. Structural-functional theories
G. Systems theory
H. Modernization
I. Dependency theory
J. World systems theory
K. Theory of Gender Stratification / To present an array of important theories that could shed light to some social change phenomena
To discuss the selected theories background, conceptual underpinnings and merits/demerits when applied to the analysis of on-going development scenario / So, Alvin. 1997. Social Change and Development. Sage Publications
Lauer, Robert H. 1982. Perspectives on Social Change. . Allyn and Bacon Inc. USA.
Etzioni and Etzioni. Social Change, Sources, Patterns and Consequences. Basic Books, Inc. USA.
Smelser, N. J. 1994. Sociological Theories. International Social Science Journal. USA.
Vago, Stevens. 1980. Social Change. Holt, Rhinehart and Winston, New York.
Blumberg, R. L. A General Theory of Gender Stratification
Pagaduan, M. and Perez-Corral V (eds). 1996. Women, Development and Aid. G-10. Manila, Philippines.
Several readings from the taken from the INTERNET / Lecture
Group discussion
Video presentation / Assignment
Class participation
Case analyses
/Specific Objectives
Strategies / Evaluation / RM
A. Approaches/strategies to attain social change/development
- Philippines
- Other countries
B. Concepts, merits and demerits of existing approaches/strategies in materializing social change/development
C. Suggestions/recommendations to increase effectiveness of the approaches/strategies
D. Synchronizing/complementing theory with approaches to attain social change/development
E. Theory construction / To share experiences/knowledge re functional strategies used by different countries
To assess the social change approaches and strategies used in development efforts
To situate the approaches/strategies’ functionality in reference to particular theories of social change
To integrate lessons learned in the course through a theory of development / Lauer, Robert H. 1982. Perspectives on Social Change. . Allyn and Bacon Inc. USA.
World Bank.2002. Reaching the Rural Poor:WBs Renewed Strategy for Rural Development. USA.
Case/country reports / Lecture discussion
Video presentation
Powerpoint presentation
Workshop / Assignment
Case analysis
Class participation
8.0 Prepared By: FE L. PORCIUNCULA
Professor II
1. Read carefully and internalize the contents of this syllabus which will guide you for the duration of the class in RD 704.
2. As for your assignment, undertake a library research on the listed theories of social change by particularly looking on the proponents, assumptions, unit of analysis and strengths/weaknesses.