Basic House-Hunting Vocabulary
The Unofficial Guardia Sanframondi Guide
English – Italian
· This is not comprehensive but should get you off to a good start.
· It is beyond the scope of the website to explain Italian grammar, such as how nouns and articles change with plurals and how adjectives change to agree with nouns. Please refer to the ‘Learning Italian’ page for language-learning resources. You can also simply search ‘Italian grammar’.
· The singular definite article is given after each noun unless otherwise stated.
· The masculine singular form of adjectives is given.
· I suggest you learn how dates and ages are expressed in Italian as you are likely to hear lots of expressions such as ‘This dates from the 1600s’ or ‘That dates from the 18th century’.
· Please suggest additional words that you think might be useful.
· Pronunciation:
Ø In the ‘Approximate pronunciation’ column I have written the words as if they were English rather than use the phonetic alphabet, which would be more precise but less generally comprehensible.
Ø The hyphens are thereto make the transliterations easier to read.
Ø Remember that the letter ‘r’ is rolled.
Ø I have rendered ‘gl’ as ‘l’ but ‘ly’ might be closer. Put one side of your tongue in contact with your teeth and aspirate a bit. The sound is similar to the Welsh ‘ll’ or the Zulu ‘hl’.
Ø I have occasionally put the stressed syllable in bold when I find the stress pattern in a word difficult.
English / Italian / Approximate pronunciationabove – see ‘up’
antique (adjective) / antico / un-tee-co
antique (noun) / oggetto d'antiquariato, l’ / ojetto duntee-quaree-ah-toe
area (surface area) / area (l’area della superficie), l’ / ahrea della super-fich-eh
armchair / poltrona, la / pol-trone-uh
attic / soffitta , la (and see the similar word for ceiling); attico, l’ / soff-eet-uh, uhtteeko
awning / tenda da sole, la / tend-uh da sol-eh
balcony / balcone, il / b-uh-l-conneh
basement / al piano interrato (but see the notes on cantine under point 3 on the ‘House-hunting information’ page of the website) / uh-l -pee-ah-no in-terr-ah-toe
basin (for washing) / lavabo, il / l-uh-vah-bo
bath / bagno, il / b-uh-n-yo
bathroom / bagno, il / b-uh-n-yo
beam (roof beam) / trave, la (trave del tetto) / trahveh
bed / letto, il / letto
bedroom / camera da letto, la / cahmerah da letto
below, beneath – see ‘down’
bent / piegato / pee-eh-gahtoe
bidet / bidet, il / As in the original French , I think.
big / grande / gr-uh-n-deh
blind (for the windows) / tapparella, la / tupp-uh-rell-uh
brass / ottone, l’ / ott-o-neh
bright (light) / luminoso / loomeenoso
broad / largo / largo
broken / rotto / rotto
to build / costruire / costroo-eeray
building (noun) / edificio, l’; palazzo, il / eddee-fee-cho; p-uh-lah-tso
bulb (light bulb) / lampadina, la / Lumpahdeen-uh
carpet / tappeto, il / tuh-pet-o
ceiling / soffitto, il / soffee-toe
cellar / cantina, la (see the notes on cantine under point 3 on the ‘House-hunting information’ page of the website) / cun-teen-uh
century / secolo, il / sec-olo
chair / sedia, la / sed-ee-uh
cheap / a buon mercato / a boo-on m-eh-r-cah-toe
chest of drawers / cassettiera, la / c-uh-set-tee-eh-r-uh
chimney / canna fumaria, la / c-uh-na foom-ah-ree-uh
clean / pulito / poo-lee-toe
to clean / pulire / poo-leer-eh
to close / chiudere / kyoo-derray
cold / freddo / freddo
colour (color, US sp.) / colore, il / coll-or-ay
concave / concavo / concavo
to construct / costruire / costroo-eeray
convex / convesso / convesso
cornice / cornicione, il / cor-nee-chee-o-nay
couch / divano, il / dee-vahno
cupboard / armadio, l’ / armahdeeo
curtain / tenda, la / tend-uh
damage (noun) / danni, i (plural) / duhnee
damaged / danneggiato / duh-nejah-toe
to damage / danneggiare / duh-nej-jar-eh
dark / buio / boo-ee-o
to decorate / decorare / deck-o-rah-reh
dining room / sala da pranzo, la / s-uh-la da pruntzo
to disconnect, to unplug / staccare / stuck-car-eh
dirty / sporco / sporco
to dirty / sporcare / spor-car-eh
divan / divano, il / dee-vahno
door / porta, la / port-uh
down, downstairs, below, low
under, below, beneath, underneath, down, downstairs
beneath, down
below, down, low, beneath
down, downward, downmost / giù
di sotto
in basso
in giù / Joo
dee sott-toe
een busso
een joo
drainage / drennagio, il / dren-nah-jo
drainpipe / tubo di scarico, il / too-bo dee scah-ree-co
to drain / drenare / dren-ah-reh
dry (adjective) / asciutto / uh-shoot-o
to dry (transitive, as in ‘I dry the floor’) / asciugare / uh-shoo-gah-reh
to dry (intransitive, as in ‘The paint dried’) / essiccare / es-seek-car-eh
earthquake / terremoto, il / t-eh-reh-moto
electrical / elettrico / elettrico
electricity / elettricità, l’ / eh-leh-tree-shee-tuh
electric power point or socket / presa elettrica, la / pr-eh-suh elettrica
estimate (noun) / stima, la / stee-muh
to estimate / stimare / stee-ma-reh
expensive / caro / car-o
extension / estensione, l / ess-tensee-o-neh
faucet / rubinetto, un / roobee-nettoe
fireplace / camino, un / c-uh-mmeeno
to fix (repair) / riparare / ree-pah-ra-reh
floor (to walk on) / pavimento, il / p-uh-vee-men-toe
floor (as in storey of a house; US sp. story) / piano, il / pee-ah-no
floorboard / tavola di pavimento, la / t-uh-vola dee p-uh-vee-men-toe
foundations (of a building) / fondazioni, le; fondamenta, le (plural) / fon-dat-see-o-nee; fon-da-ment-uh
fridge / frigo, il / free-go
furniture (the piece of) / mobile, il / mobeelay
furniture (plural) / mobili, i / mobeelee
fuse / fusibile, il / foo-see-bee-leh
garage / garage, il / I think this is pronounced as in French.
garden (noun) / giardino, il / jar-dee-no
glass (the material) / vetro, il / vetro
guest room / stanza degil hospiti, la / stun-za dellee os-pee-tee
handle (noun, as in door handle) / maniglia, la / m-uh-nee-lee-uh
heating / riscaldamento, il / ree-skull-da-men-toe
heavy / pesante / pez-un-teh
here / qui, qua / kwee, kwuh
high / alto / ul-toe
hot / caldo / cull-doe
Iron (the metal) / ferro, il / feh-ro
key / chiave, la / kee-ah-veh
kitchen / cuchina, la / koo-cheen-uh
lampshade / paralume, il / p-uh-r-uh-loom-eh
lavatory / bagno, il; gabinetto, il / bunyo; g-uh-been-etto
leak (noun) / perdita, la / pair-deet-uh
to leak / fuoriuscire / foo-or-ee-oo-shee-reh
to leak out
The water has leaked out through the crack in the wall and made a puddle in the middle of the room. / trafilare
Dalla crepa nel muro è trafilata dell'acqua che pian piano ha allagato la stanza.
(Literally: From the crack in the wall is leaked out some water which little by little has flooded the room.) / truff-ee-l-ah-reh
leaning (not straight) / piegato, inclinato / pee-eh-gah-toe, een-cleen-ah-toe
leaning ( against something) / appogiato / a-podge-ee-ah-toe
level (even, flat) / piano, piatto / pee-ah-no, pee-at-toe
to level (to make even, flat) / spianare, livellare / spee-uh-na-reh, l-ee-vell-ah-reh
library / biblioteca, la / bee-blee-o-tek-uh
light (adjective – lots of light) / luminoso / loo-meen-o-so
light (adjective – opposite of heavy) / leggero / ledge-air-o
light (noun) / luce, la / looch-eh
light bulb / lampadina, la / lump-a-deen-uh
light fitting / armatura per illuminazione, l’ / armatoora pair eel-loom-een-at-see-o-neh
lighting / illuminazione, l’ / eel-loom-een-at-see-o-neh
lightning / fulmine, il / fool-mee-neh
location / posizione, la / po-zeet-see-o-neh
lock (e.g. of a door, noun) / serratura, la / s-eh-ruh-too-ruh
to lock (e.g. a door) / chiudere a chiave / kyoo-derray uh kee-ah-veh
lounge (noun) / salotto, il / suh-lot-o
low / basso / bass-so [‘bass ‘ is approximately pronounced as in the fish, not as in the musical instrument.]
major (as in major damage) / importante / eem-port-uh-n-teh
marble (stone) / marmo, il / marmo
mat / tappetino, un / tuh-pet-een-o
metal / metallo, il / met-ah-lo
minor (as in minor damage) / minore / mee-nor-eh
mortar / malta, la / mull-tuh
mould (mold, US sp.) (noun, as in rot) / muffa, la / moo-fuh
moulding (molding, US sp.) see ‘cornice’ / cornicione, il / cor-nee-chee-o-nay
mouldy (moldy, US sp.) / ammuffito / uh-moo-feet-toe
narrow / stretto / stretto
new / nuovo / noo-ovo
old / vecchio / vekk-yo
on top of – see ‘up’
to open / aprire / uh-pree-reh
ornament (noun) / ornamento, il / ornamen-toe
oven / forno, il / forno
owner / proprietario, il / prop-ree-et-ah-rio
paint (noun) / vernice, la / vair-nee-ch-eh
to paint (e.g. the walls) / dipingere / deep-een-jeray
painting (noun, as in one you would have on the wall) / quadro, il / kwah-dro
peeling (as in the wallpaper is peeling off) / spellato / spell-ah-toe
pipe (for water) / tubo, il / too-bo
plaster (noun) / intonaco, il / een-tonn-a-co
to plaster (the walls) / intonacare / een-tonn-a-car-eh
plug (for a bath or sink) / tappo, un / tap-po
plug (electrical) / spina elletrica, la / speena elet-ree-cuh
to plug in / collegare / coll-leg-ah-reh
plug socket / presa elettrica, la / prezza elet-ree-cuh
plumbing / impianto idraulico, l’ / eem-pee-un-toe eedra-oo-lee-co
price / prezzo, il / pret-so
quote (noun) / preventivo, il / preeventeevo
rain (noun) / pioggia, la / pee-ojja
to rain / piovere / pee-ov-eh-reh
refrigerator (see also ‘fridge’) / frigorifero, il / free-go-reef-eh-ro
to remove / togliere / tollee-airay
removals (furniture removals, moving house) / trasloco, il / truz-locko
to renovate / rinnovare, restaurare / ree-no-vah-reh, rest-uh-oo-ra-reh
repair (noun) / riparazione, la / reep-uh-ruts-yaw-neh
to repair / riparare / reep-uh-ra-reh
to replace / sostituire / sosstitoo--eeray
roof / tetto, il / tet-to
room / camera, la / calm-eh-ruh
rot; dry rot; wet rot / putrefazione, la; putrefazione secca, la; marciume, il / poo-treh-futs-yaw-neh sec-uh; march-oom-eh
to rot / marcire / mar-cheer-eh
rotten / marcio / mar-ch-o
safe (adjective) / sicuro / seek-oo-ro
scenery / paesaggio, il; scenario, il / pie-zuj-jo; shen-ah-ree-o
serious (as in serious damage) / importante / eem-port-uh-n-teh
settee / divano, il / dee-vahno
shade, shadow (noun) / ombra, la / ombr-uh
side (of a wall) / lato, il / lah-toe
side (edge, border) / margine, il; bordo, il / mar-jeen-eh, bor-doe
small / piccolo / peek-olo
sloping (e.g. a sloping roof) / inclinato / een-cleen-ah-toe
solid (hard, firm) / consistente / con-sees-tent-eh
to shade / proteggere dal sole / prott-edge-eh-reh dal soll-eh
shelter (from the weather, noun) / riparo, il / reep-ah-ro
to shelter (as in ‘to shelter something’, transitive verb) / proteggere / prott-edge-eh-reh
shower (in a bathroom, noun) / doccia, la / doch--uh
to take a shower / fare la doccia / far-eh la doch--uh
shutters (window shutters) / persiane, le / purr-syahn-eh
sink (for washing in) / lavabo, il / l-uh-vah-bo
sitting room / salotto, il / suh-lot-o
sofa / divano, il / dee-vahno
space (as in plenty of… ) / spazio, lo / sp-uh-tzeeo
spacious / spazioso / sput-zee-ozo
spiral staircase / scala a chiocciola, la / skull-uh uh kee-otch-ola
staircase / scala, la / skull-uh
steel / acciaio, l’ / utch-eye-o
steps (of a flight of stairs) / scalini, i / skull-leen-ee
stool / sgabello, lo / sgub-ell-o
storage (a place for storage) / magazzinaggio, il / mugga-dzeen-ujjo
to store / immagazzinare / ee- mugga-dzeen-ah-reh
storm (see also ‘thunderstorm’) / temporale, il / tempor-ah-leh
storey (floor of a building, US sp. story) / piano, il / pee-ah-no
stove: gas-burning kitchen stove; cooker fuelled by wood / cucina a gas, la; stufa a legna, la / koo-cheen-uh uh gus; stoo-fuh uh len-yuh
straight (not bent/warped) / dritto, rettilineo / dreet-o; rettee-leen-ee-o
strong / forte / for-teh
study (room) / studio, il / stoo-dee-o
studio (as in art studio) / studio, il / stoo-dee-o
sunken (settled lower) / infossato / een-foss-ah-toe
sunlight / luce solare, la / looch-eh so-lah-reh
support (item holding up) / sostegno, il / soss-ten-yo
to support / sostenere / soss-ten-eh-reh
switch (noun, for electricity) / Interruttore, l’ / een-ter-root-or-eh
to switch on / accendere / utchend-eh-reh
to switch off / spegnere / spen-yeh-reh
table (noun) / tavolo, il / tuh-vollo
tap (noun, on a washbasin, for example) / rubinetto, un / roobeenettoe
temperature / temperatura, la / tem-pair-uh-toor-uh
terrace / terrazza. la / t-eh-ruh-tsuh
there (over there) / li / lee
there (there yonder – very far) / là / la
thunderstorm (see also ‘storm’) / tempesta, la / tempesta
tile (for the floor, noun) / piastrella / pee-a-strella
tile (for the roof, noun) / tegola / tegola
toilet / bagno, il; gabinetto, il / bunyo; g-uh-been-etto
to turn on / accendere / utchend-eh-reh
to turn off / spegnere / spen-yeh-reh
under – see ‘down’
on, up, on top of
up, high, upward
above, on top of, up / su
in alto
sopra / soo
een uh-l-toe
upright / verticale / vair-teek-uh-leh
valuable / prezioso / pret-zee-ozo
varnish (noun) / vernice, la (also means ‘paint’), lacca, la / vair-nee-ch-eh; luck-uh
view (noun) / vista, la / vee-stuh