


Leadership in Global and Multicultural Organizations

Faculty Information

Faculty Name: Bharat Thakkar, Ph.D.

Campus: Chicago

Contact Information:

Office Hours: Monday, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

Short Faculty Bio:Associate Business Professor Dr. Thakkar brings extensive teaching experience through the business courses that he has taught at several colleges and universities. Thus far his teaching emphasis has been in operations management, change, decision-making, leadership, and research. He earned Ph.D. and M.S. degrees from the Illinois Institute of Technology at Chicago. In addition to teaching experience, Dr. Thakkar brings management and industrial experience and perspective to the classroom. He worked for Lucent Technologies, and Argonne National Laboratories, and continues as a consultant and CEO with PREM Group, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois, where he provides workshops and seminars on engineering and technology management problems to domestic and international clients. Dr. Thakkar has published and presented over twenty technical papers and holds two U. S. patents. He has received several awards for community service and affirmative action activities.

Course description:

This advanced course reviews and provides research opportunities on leadership issues in global, international, and multicultural organizations. Culturally sensitive leadership skills, styles, practices, models, trends, theories, and concepts are examined. Attention is given to international ethical, diversity, and conflict management research and practices. The course includes theoretical orientation and theory-to-practice experiences using case studies, demonstrations, and simulations. The course provides an in-depth review and analysis of the latest theories and research on leadership in global and multicultural organizations. Written projects will focus on critical thinking, problem solving, decision making and information literacy. Attention is given to team leadership, team collaboration skills within a culturally diverse world.

Course Pre-requisites: None

Required Textbook:

Goldsmith, M., Greenberg, C. L., Robertson and A., Hu-Chan, M. (2003).Global Leadership.(1stEd.). Financial TimesPrentice Hall.ISBN:0131402439.

Connerley, M. L. & Pedersen, P. B. (2005)Leadership in a Diverse and Multicultural Environment: Developing Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills. Sage Publications. (1stEd.).ISBN: 0761988602.

Course length: 7.5 Weeks

Contact Hours: 45 Hours

Credit Value: 3.0

Program Outcomes:

  1. Research
  2. Performing – Design, conduct, and justify applied research in a business context using appropriate methodology
  3. Understanding – Evaluate and apply existing theory and research to current business practice
  4. Communication
  5. Oral – Present orally, complex business information that is concise, clear, organized, and well supported in a professional manner appropriate to the business context
  6. Written – Present in writing, complex business information that is concise, clear, organized, and well supported in a professional manner appropriate to the business context using required format
  7. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
  8. Critical thinking – Evaluate relevance of established theory to current business practice and identify gaps in current literature
  9. Problem Solving/Decision Making – Given a business situation, diagnose the underlying causes of the situation, evaluate possible solutions, in relation to underlying business theory and determine and defend appropriate course of action
  10. Information Literacy - Conduct an exhaustive literature search from a variety of sources, evaluate the credibility of the sources, and apply that information to create new knowledge
  11. Team
  12. Leadership - Conduct an exhaustive literature search from a variety of sources, evaluate the credibility of the sources, and apply that information to create new knowledge
  13. Collaboration - Given a case study or business situation collect, assimilate, and disseminate the views of stakeholders
  14. Ethics
  15. Ethics - Given a case study or business situations, evaluate the ethical dimensions of decision situations and personal, social, and corporate responsibility not absolved by market forces
  16. Diversity
  17. Diversity - Given a case study or business situation evaluate the multicultural dimensions of decision situations and multicultural solutions to business situations

Course Objectives:

  1. Describe current global, international and multicultural leadership issues and evaluate the ways in which the dilemmas, complexities and subtleties of leadership are affected by those situations and circumstances. (Program Outcomes: 1.1; 1.2; 3.2; 3.3; 6.1)
  2. Research and analyze the latest leadership theories, models, concepts, principles and practices regarding leadership issues, within the context of global, international and multicultural organizations.(Program Outcomes: 1.1; 1.2; 3.1; 6.1;13.1)
  3. Given the context of a diverse workforce, explore the value and application of multicultural environments for individuals and organizations. (Program Outcomes: 1.1; 1.2; 3.3; 6.1)
  4. Examine and assess the role and effects of ethics in leading global, international and multicultural organizations (Program Outcomes: 1.1; 1.2; 3.2; 5.1; 6.1).
  5. Analyze the personal and organizational issues of conflict management, within the context of global, international and multicultural leadership. (Program Outcomes: 1.1; 1.2; 3.3; 5.1; 6.1;13.1)
  6. Research and analyze the trends in leading global, international and multicultural organizations. (Program Outcomes: 1.1; 1.2; 3.1; 4.1; 5.1; 6.1)
  7. Explore and assess the leadership qualities necessary to optimize teamwork, within culturally diverse global and international environments. Program Outcomes: 1.2; 3.3; 4.1; 4.2; 5.1; 6.1; 13.1)
  8. Research leadership characteristics and synthesize them into a cohesive, applicable description of a global, international and multicultural leader.

College of Business Mission Statement

The Argosy University College of Business is dedicated to providing practical, evidence-based, high-quality, solutions-focused business programs at the undergraduate and graduate level, as well as continuing business education and specified certificate training to business practitioners and educators in public, private, and non-profit sectors across industries. All undergraduate and graduate programs of the College of Business are designed for the business practitioner and business educator, to instill excellence of execution in knowledge, skills, and ethical values relevant to today’s global business environment. The inherent goal of these academic programs is to foster values of social responsibility in a supportive, learning-centered environment of mutual respect and professional excellence.

Assignment Table

Module / Module Topics / Readings / Assignments
1 /
  • Defining and assessing Leadership
  • Compare and contrast local and global leadership skills and characteristics
  • Assess the effect of environments and situations on global leadership skills and characteristics
/ Connerley & Pederson, Chapters1, 5
Goldsmith et al., Chapters 1-2, 10 / Assignment #1.1
  • Using the Internet and readings assigned, find 3 different definitions of leadership, within the context of global, international and multicultural organizations. In a 1-page paper, compare and contrast the three: how are they similar; how are they different?
  • Compare your definitions with those of the other students in the course. After considering all the other ways of defining leadership in that context, write your own definition. State your rationale for the differences between those you researched and your own definition.
Go to Discussion.
Assignment #1.2
  • Research 2 journal articles on the general topic of leadership characteristics and practices; research another 2 on the specific topic of global/international/multicultural leadership skills and characteristics.
  • Write a 2-page paper, comparing and contrasting the characteristics and practices for each of the two modalities: How are they similar; how are they different? What reasons and/or situations might explain the similarities and differences?
Go to Discussion.
2 /
  • Researching, assessing and applyingleadership theories/models
  • McGregor
  • Likert’s System 4
  • Situational
  • Servant
  • Participatory/Shared
/ Connerley & Pederson, Chapters 4, 9;
Goldsmith et al., Chapters 6-7 / Assignment #2.1
  • Research onearticle per theory/model listed in the Module Topics section. Write a 1 page analysis (not a summary) of each theory/model. Include an explanation of the applicability, and/or inapplicability, of each to leading global/international/multicultural organizations.
Go to Dropbox..
Assignment #2.2
  • Choose oneof the theories/model listed in the Module Topics section and write a onepage paper, explaining how they would best be applied within one of the following International organizations; explain your rationale:
  1. McDonald’s
  2. Toyota Motor Company
  3. Nestlé
Go to Discussion.
3 /
  • Examining and assessing leadership ethics
  • Compare and contrast leadership ethics in different cultural settings
  • Assess the value of the presence of organizational and personal ethics
/ Goldsmith et al., Chapter 12 / Assignment #3.1
  • Write a 2-page, well-researched paper, comparing and contrasting leadership ethical issues, within at least 2 different organizational cultural settings of your choice - i.e. organizations in the US and China, or Germany and Japan, etc.
Go to Discussion.
Assignment #3.2
  • In a 2-page paper, describe what the experts say regarding the value of ethical leadership. What differences do leaders make in an organization’s ethical choices and actions? How do they personally make those differences? What occurs in organizations where unethical leadership exists? In what ways do different cultural settings determine leadership ethics?
Go to Discussion.
4 /
  • Exploring and analyzing the effects of culture and diversity
  • Examine the core aspects of global/international/multicultural organizational cultures
  • Examine the core aspects of diverse organizations
/ Connerley & Pederson, Chapters 2-3, 6-7;
Goldsmith et al., Chapter 3 / Assignment #4.1
  • Research a minimum of 3articles, detailing the characteristics of a global organizational culture. Assess the value of the cultural aspects in a 2- page paper; provide a rationale for each characteristic.
Go to Discussion.
Assignment #4.2
  • In a 2-page paper, explain what experts say regarding diversity in organizations: What specific aspects make an organization diverse? What value does a diverse, versus a homogenous, organizational culture have to the bottom line? What value does a diverse workforce offer individual workers? What organizational policies and procedures need to be in place to create and support a diverse workforce?
Go to Discussion.
5 /
  • Analyzing leadership and teamwork, within a global context.
  • Assess the core characteristics of a global/international/multicultural team
  • Examine the leadership skills and characteristics essential to effectively leading global teamwork.
/ Goldsmith et al., Chapters 5, 8-9 / Assignment #5.1
  • In a 2-page paper, document what the experts say regarding the foundational characteristics of a global/international/multicultural team. What type of people and what kind of skills are necessary for optimizing efficiency and effectiveness, within that environment?
Go to Discussion.
Assignment #5.2
  • In a 2-page paper, cite and explain the core characteristics and skills essential to leading global teams. What makes a good leader, in that environment? What makes a good team, in that environment? Explain your rationale.
Go to Discussion.
6 /
  • Assessing and applying conflict management within a global context
  • Examine the causes of and solutions to cross-cultural conflict
  • Assess the leadership skills and characteristics necessary for managing conflict within global teams and/or organizations
/ Connerley & Pederson, Chapter 6
Goldsmith, et al., Chapters 11, 13 / Assignment #6.1
  • Determine the most common causes of cross-cultural conflicts within organizations, as cited by the experts. Find one case study supporting those reasons for conflict. In a 2-page paper, analyze the conflict/s presented in that case study.
Go to Discussion.
Assignment #6.2
  • In a 2-page paper, detail the following: What leadership characteristics and skills are necessary for best managing conflict within global teams and/or organizations? Compare and contrast those attitudes and actions with those needed for optimizing teamwork in a global context. Compare and contrast the first set with those characteristics and skills necessary for leading global/international/multicultural organizations. Lastly, create a master list of leadership characteristics and skills essential for leading global organizations, teams and managing conflict. Compare your list with at least 2 other students. How does yours differ from theirs? What would you add, or subtract if anything, from your own listing, given the additional input? Explain your rationale for making a change in your original list.
Go to Discussion.
7 /
  • Examining and analyzing trends
  • Assess the future of leadership within a global/international/
  • Synthesize the essential leadership characteristics and skills into a cohesive image of the leaders of current and future global/international/
organizations / Connerley & Pederson, review all chapters
Goldsmith et al., Chapters 14, 16, review all other chapters / Assignment #7.1
  • Write a research paper, analyzing, comparing and contrasting and synthesizing the characteristics and practices essential to leading global/international/ multicultural organizations currently, and particularly, in the future.
Include, in your analysis, information, supported by research, regarding the characteristics and practices leaders need to successfully create and sustainteamwork, conflict management, ethics, organizational cultures and diversity. Also, be sure to address the ways in which leadership characteristics and practices assist organizations in maintaining their edge in the current global/international/multicultural environmental trends.
Go to Discussion.
Final Reflective – Description & Parameters
The final paper for the course is expected to be 10 - 15 pages long, plus a cover page, abstract, reference pages and appendices (if needed). The paper is to be typed, double-spaced and written following the APA form and style. The final reflective must contain the following qualities:
  • Abstract
  • Introduction (a statement of the problem)
  • Literature Review (a discussion of the pertinent literature)
  • Body (a discussion of how the literature relates to the project
  • Summary and Future Research Recommendations.
  • Prepare a power point presentation for your final paper.
The final paper will be graded on the:
  • applicability of the subject matter to the course objectives = 25%
  • quantity and quality of information meets the course objectives = 25%
  • quality of writing = 25%
  • adherence to the correct APA form and style = 25%
This assignment is designed to assist students in developing the following course performance objectives:
  1. Performing and Understanding Research
  2. Written Communication Skills
  3. Critical Thinking/Problem-solving/Decision-making/Information Literacy
  4. Ethics/Diversity
  5. Teams/Leadership
Upload on DocSharing the Final Papers and power points due at, or before,Midnight, the last day of Module 7.
8 /
  • Application and Value of Leadership in Global and Multicultural Organizations
  • Review and Integrate Course/Program Objectives.
  • Demonstrate the professional and personal value of the study of leading innovation and change.
/ Review the final paper and .ppt presentations of all students in DocSharing. / Assignment #8.1
Make a presentation in class room.

Grading Criteria

Grading ScaleGrading requirements

A / 100 – 93
A- / 92 – 90
B+ / 89 – 88
B / 87 – 83
B- / 82 – 80
C+ / 79 – 78
C / 77 – 73
C- / 72 – 70
F / 69 and below
Attendance/participation / 30%
Weekly Assignments / 35%
Final paper / 35%
Total / 100%


All resources in Argosy University’s online collection are available through the Internet. The campus librarian will provide students with links, user IDs, and passwords.

Library Resources: Argosy University’s core online collection features nearly 21,000 full-text journals and 23,000 electronic books and other content covering all academic subject areas including Business & Economics, Career & General Education, Computers, Engineering & Applied Science, Humanities, Science, Medicine & Allied Health, and Social & Behavior Sciences. Many titles are directly accessible through the Online Public Access Catalog at Detailed descriptions of online resources are located at

In addition to online resources, Argosy University’s onsite collections contain a wealth of subject-specific research materials searchable in the Online Public Access Catalog. Catalog searching is easily limited to individual campus collections. Alternatively, students can search combined collections of all Argosy University Libraries. Students are encouraged to seek research and reference assistance from campus librarians.

Information Literacy: ArgosyUniversity’s Information Literacy Tutorial was developed to teach students fundamental and transferable research skills. The tutorial consists of five modules where students learn to select sources appropriate for academic-level research, search periodical indexes and search engines, and evaluate and cite information. In the tutorial, students study concepts and practice them through interactions. At the conclusion of each module, they can test their comprehension and receive immediate feedback. Each module takes less than 20 minutes to complete. Please view the tutorial at

Academic Policies

Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism: In an effort to foster a spirit of honesty and integrity during the learning process, Argosy University requires that the submission of all course assignments represent the original work produced by that student. All sources must be documented through normal scholarly references/citations and all work must be submitted using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th Edition (2001). WashingtonDC: American Psychological Association (APA) format. Please refer to Appendix A in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th Edition for thesis and paper format. Students are encouraged to purchase this manual (required in some courses) and become familiar with its content as well as consult the ArgosyUniversity catalog for further information regarding academic dishonesty and plagiarism.

Scholarly writing: The faculty at Argosy University is dedicated to providing a learning environment that supports scholarly and ethical writing, free from academic dishonesty and plagiarism. This includes the proper and appropriate referencing of all sources. You may be asked to submit your course assignments through “Turnitin,” ( an online resource established to help educators develop writing/research skills and detect potential cases of academic dishonesty. Turnitin compares submitted papers to billions of pages of content and provides a comparison report to your instructor. This comparison detects papers that share common information and duplicative language.

Americans with Disabilities Act Policy

It is the policy of Argosy University to make reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If a student with disabilities needs accommodations, the student must notify the Director of Student Services. Procedures for documenting student disability and the development of reasonable accommodations will be provided to the student upon request.

Students will be notified by the Director of Student Services when each request for accommodation is approved or denied in writing via a designated form. To receive accommodation in class, it is the student’s responsibility to present the form (at his or her discretion) to the instructor. In an effort to protect student privacy, the Department of Student Services will not discuss the accommodation needs of any student with instructors. Faculty may not make accommodations for individuals who have not been approved in this manner.