EDUC 1300
The new Core Curriculum course EDUC 1300 offers an opportunity for the creation of an educational partnership between Dallas County Community College District and Cengage Learning.
Immediate needs for this newly-defined course are:
1) content tailored to the learning outcomes agreed upon by the curriculum committee
2) faculty development, training, and support services to implement the course for Fall semester 2010
In future semesters, ongoing training and support will be needed to assist both current and future instructors in utilizing the content and resources available to them to ensure a successful experience for students in achieving the learning outcomes.
Cengage Learning is uniquely qualified to provide the resources that each campus needs in order to implement this initiative successfully:
We offer a full complement of print and online resources from which instructors can design the course to effectively meet all learning outcomes.
Our custom publishing group can tailor both digital and print resources to suit your specific course needs.
An extensive array of online and print instructor resources is available to facilitate teaching and class preparation.
TeamUP, our highly-qualified support team, will provide:
A customized instructor training program tailored to the needs of each individual campus
Consultation on achieving course objectives with our Faculty Programs Manager, Maggi Miller
Faculty development workshops on topics of interest to each campus
Examples: Teaching Strategies Workshop (focusing on issues such as lecture preparation, facilitating student learning, and assessment.All participants receive a copy of McKeachie’s Teaching Tips.), Learning Styles Workshop, or other topics as requested by faculty.
Technical support via phone,chat, and email throughout the period of partnership
Long-term support and training on an ongoing basis as new instructors are added and other needs arise
Ongoing service and support from your local Sales Representatives, District Manager, Digital Solutions Manager, Team Up Faculty Advisor and Customer Editor
Upon adoption of a Cengage Learning program, Cengage will arrange a consultation to develop a training and implementation schedule which ensures that all instructors are fully prepared for the fall semester. We will also provide you with a personalized service agreement listing contact information for all Cengage resources for your individual campus and detailing delivery of the specific implementation services we agree upon for your campus.