1. Gregory and I ...... in the same class at school.

A. am

B. are

C. is

D. have

The correct answer is B

Gregory and I are in the same class at school.

2. It's a beautiful day, ...... it?

A. isn't

B. wasn't

C. has

D. doesn't

The correct answer is A

It's a beautiful day, isn't it?

3. My sister ...... long blonde hair. It's short and brown.

A. has

B. hasn't got

C. hair isn't

D. has got

The correct answer is B

My sister hasn't got long blonde hair. It's short and brown.

4. We always ...... the news in the evening at dinner time.

A. look

B. watch

C. listen

D. turn

The correct answer is B

We always watch the news in the evening at dinner time.

5. Complete the “family” of words: ticket, bus, driver, ......

A. store

B. seat

C. wardrobe

D. sand

The correct answer is B


6. Mum usually cooks dinner, but Dad ...... the cooking tonight.

A. makes

B. is making

C. do

D. is doing

The correct answer is D

Mum usually cooks dinner, but Dad is doing the cooking tonight.

7. Are you ...... eat that piece of toast or can I have it?

A. want to

B. going

C. go to

D. going to

The correct answer is D

Are you going to eat that piece of toast or can I have it?

8. Scotland ...... part of the United Kingdom.

A. isn't

B. are

C. is

D. makes

The correct answer is C

Scotland is part of the United Kingdom.

9. You answer your phone and someone says, “Can I speak to Alan?” You don't know anyone called Alan. What can you say?

A. Sorry, you're wrong.

B. I think you've got the wrong number.

C. Speaking.

D. I'm afraid he's out.

The correct answer is B

I think you've got the wrong number.

10...... to go swimming next Saturday?

A. Would you

B. Can we

C. Do you want

D. Do you

The correct answer is C

Do you want to go swimming next Saturday?

11. The President only answered one question because he didn't have ...... time.

A. very much

B. only a few

C. quite a lot

D. so many

The correct answer is A

The President only answered one question because he didn't have very much time.

12. The three men ...... the money and ran away.

A. took

B. spend

C. are stealing

D. find

The correct answer is A

The three men took the money and ran away.

13. Australia is ...... from Europe than the USA.

A. as far

B. not much shorter

C. as distant as

D. farther

The correct answer is D

Australia is farther from Europe than the USA.

14. President ...... lived in the 19th century.

A. Barack Obama

B. John F. Kennedy

C. Abraham Lincoln

D. George W. Bush

The correct answer is C

President Abraham Lincoln lived in the 19th century.

15. “Peter didn't pass his exams. We're so disappointed.” “Oh, what ...... ”

A. fun

B. a pity

C. a nice surprise for you

D. good news

The correct answer is B

“Peter didn't pass his exams. We're so disappointed.” “Oh, what a pity”.

16. That was a very fast race and we think the winner's ...... the world record!

A. broken

B. breaking

C. broke

D. breaks

The correct answer is A

That was a very fast race and we think the winner's broken the world record!

17. You see something in a souvenir shop that looks very strange. You ask the shop assistant about it. What question is it not appropriate to ask?

A. How does this work?

B. Excuse me, what's this for?

C. Can you tell me what this is, please?

D. Excuse me, what are you serving?

The correct answer is D

Excuse me, what are you serving?

18. Which American public holiday is on July 4th?

A. Thanksgiving

B. Christmas Day

C. Independence Day

D. New Year's Day

The correct answer is C

Independence Day

19...... you drive more slowly, please? You're going too fast.

A. Would

B. Do

C. Must

D. Why can

The correct answer is A

Would you drive more slowly, please? You're going too fast.

20. “Knives” rhymes with “...... ”

A. wives

B. thieves

C. gives

D. alive

The correct answer is A

“Knives” rhymes with “wives”.

21. Miss! We've ...... this exercise. We did it last year!

A. just done

B. already done

C. not yet done

D. already did

The correct answer is B

Miss! We've already done this exercise. We did it last year!

22. In a crowded café, you can only see one seat free. What do you ask the person next to the free seat?

A. Do I sit here?

B. Is this seat taken?

C. Have you taken this seat?

D. Is this busy?

The correct answer is B

Is this seat taken?

23. My town is really boring because there's ...... to go in the evenings.

A. nothing

B. anywhere

C. not a thing

D. nowhere

The correct answer is D

My town is really boring because there's nowhere to go in the evenings.

24. She's had toothache ......

A. for December

B. since last week

C. next week

D. yesterday

The correct answer is B

She's had toothache since last week.

25. The “o” in “money” has the same sound as the “o” in “...... ”

A. done

B. gone

C. phone

D. alone

The correct answer is A

The “o” in “money” has the same sound as the “o” in “done”.

26. Who won the American Civil War?

A. The United Kingdom

B. The Commonwealth

C. The Southern States

D. The Northern States

The correct answer is D

The Northern States

27...... there were no houses here.

A. Since 1990

B. There are 20 years

C. About 20 years ago

D. It has been a long time

The correct answer is C

About 20 years ago there were no houses here.

28. Complete the “family” of words: shoulder, knee, arm, ......

A. ceiling

B. ankle

C. file

D. belt

The correct answer is B


29. Rosemary ...... orange. It doesn't suit her.

A. must wear

B. should have an

C. looks like

D. shouldn't wear

The correct answer is D

Rosemary shouldn't wear orange. It doesn't suit her.

30. Pronunciation: “incompetent” = o O o o ; “celebration” = ......

A. O o o o

B. o O o o

C. o o O o

D. o o o O

The correct answer is C

Pronunciation: “incompetent” = o O o o ; “celebration” = o o O o

31. Prices have ...... a lot since last year. Everything is much more expensive now.

A. gone up

B. turned out

C. got up

D. run down

The correct answer is A

Prices have gone up a lot since last year. Everything is much more expensive now.

32. This is my first driving lesson. I ...... driven a car before.

A. have never

B. never did

C. was never

D. did not ever

The correct answer is A

This is my first driving lesson. I have never driven a car before.

33. “Would” rhymes with “...... ”

A. code

B. rude

C. cloud

D. good

The correct answer is D

“Would” rhymes with “good”.

34. A friend tells you on the phone that he has injured his leg playing rugby. When you ask, “Is it broken?”, he says, “...... but it hurts a lot.”

A. No, it's not painful

B. No, I think I've broken it

C. No, it's just badly twisted

D. I can't break it

The correct answer is C

When you ask, “Is it broken?”, he says, “No, it's just badly twisted but it hurts a lot.”

35. Where do you see the words “No Trespassing”?

A. On a gate outside a private house.

B. On a restaurant table.

C. On a packet of aspirins.

D. Inside a bus.

The correct answer is A

On a gate outside a private house.

36. Can you see those woods? I remember ...... there when I was little.

A. to play

B. of playing

C. playing

D. have played

The correct answer is C

Can you see those woods? I remember playing there when I was little.

37. The police want to know ...... people who saw the accident.

A. who are the

B. are there any

C. did they have some

D. if there are any

The correct answer is D

The police want to know if there are any people who saw the accident.

38. She's very nice and I'm quite .... of her, but I'm not going to marry her!

A. keen

B. interested

C. fond

D. taken

The correct answer is C

She's very nice and I'm quite fond of her, but I'm not going to marry her!

39. “Is she better today?” “I ...... She looks terrible. I'm so worried.”

A. hope not

B. don't think so

C. think it

D. don't expect it

The correct answer is B

“Is she better today?” “I don't think so. She looks terrible. I'm so worried.”

40. The Industrial Revolution in England was a period when ......

A. the king was put in prison

B. machines changed everything

C. trains and factories were bombed

D. everyone became rich

The correct answer is B

The Industrial Revolution in England was a period when machines changed everything.

41. When he went next door ...... the noise, they just laughed at him.

A. for complaining of

B. for asking them to stop

C. in order to

D. to complain about

The correct answer is D

When he went next door to complain about the noise, they just laughed at him.

42. “Who ...... what happened?” “All of us did.”

A. did you see

B. was seen

C. have you seen

D. saw

The correct answer is D

“Who saw what happened?” “All of us did.”

43. Why don't you .... those empty boxes? You're never going to need them.

A. put on

B. get rid

C. throw away

D. keep to

The correct answer is C

Why don't you throw away those empty boxes? You're never going to need them.

44. “Isn't Michael here?” “No, he's ...... the dentist's. He'll be back soon.”

A. been to

B. gone to

C. left at

D. went to

The correct answer is B

“Isn't Michael here?” “No, he's gone to the dentist's. He'll be back soon.”

45. A shop assistant answers a customer's question, saying, “Yes, if you've got the receipt.” What was the question?

A. Can I exchange this, please?

B. Can I try this on, please?

C. Can you deliver it?

D. Can I buy this?

The correct answer is A

Can I exchange this, please?

46. “How long is the interval?” “About 15 minutes. You will hear a bell five minutes before the second act ...... ”

A. will finish

B. will begin

C. has finished

D. starts

The correct answer is D

“How long is the interval?” “About 15 minutes. You will hear a bell five minutes before the second act starts.”

47...... often wrote about poor people in London.

A. Ernest Hemingway

B. Charles Dickens

C. William Shakespeare

D. Agatha Christie

The correct answer is B

Charles Dickens often wrote about poor people in London.

48. The pictures ...... are incredibly beautiful.

A. that are painting

B. she paints

C. who she paints

D. does she paint

The correct answer is B

The pictures she paints are incredibly beautiful.

49. The “th” in “both” has the same sound as the “th” in “...... ”

A. either

B. think

C. this

D. brother

The correct answer is B

The “th” in “both” has the same sound as the “th” in “think”.

50. She wasn't brilliant but she studied hard and ...... a very competent lawyer.

A. made away

B. changed for

C. turned into

D. came up

The correct answer is C

She wasn't brilliant but she studied hard and turned into a very competent lawyer.

51. The term “Native Americans” includes ......

A. Hispanics

B. American Indians

C. immigrants

D. The Pilgrim Fathers

The correct answer is B

The term “Native Americans” includes American Indians.

52. “Is this the book that you were looking for?” “Yes! Where ...... it?”

A. did you find

B. are you looking for

C. were you finding

D. have you looked for

The correct answer is A

“Is this the book that you were looking for?” “Yes! Where did you find it?”

53. When you are staying with Aunt Jane, ask ...... you some of her special cakes. They're delicious!

A. to her to make

B. for making

C. that she will make

D. her to make

The correct answer is D

When you are staying with Aunt Jane, ask her to make you some of her special cakes.

54. The stripes on the US flag represent the number of ......

A. states in the USA

B. men who signed the Declaration of Independence

C. colonies that rebelled against Britain

D. men who arrived on The Mayflower

The correct answer is C

The stripes on the US flag represent the number of colonies that rebelled against Britain.