USD 306 Board MinutesPage | 4


5056 E. K-4 Highway Gypsum, KS 67448


July 20th, 2015

The meeting of the USD 306 Board of Education was held on Monday, July 20th, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the board conference room.

Board Members present: Lori Blake, Becky Cooper, Steve Bartholomew, Dwight Conley, Justin Knopf, Kenny Costigan, and Brandon Hughes (by phone).

Board Members Not present: none

Others Present: Greg Mann, Superintendent; Stephanie Hettenbach, Clerk of the Board; Lois Show, Michelle Fulton, Treasurer; and attached list.

The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. by President Becky Cooper.

A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded by Steve Bartholomew to move agenda items of Responsible use, Chrome books for 7-12 Staff, Handbook Approval, Milk/Prime Vendor bids, and update on Jr. High Tech Lab after financial information and to approve the agenda as amended. Carried 7-0


Election President:

A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded by Kenny Costigan to cast a unanimous ballot to elect Steve Bartholomew as President. Carried 7-0

Elect Vice President:

A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded by Steve Bartholomew to elect Becky Cooper as Vice-President.

A motion was made by Dwight Conley and seconded by Justin Knopf to nominate Kenny Costigan as Vice-President.

Discussion followed.

Lori Blake called for the end of discussion seconded by Justin Knopf.

Becky Cooper was elect Vice-President. Vote 4-3

Resolution – Meetings

Discuss on time change of meetings to 7:00 p.m. and the May meeting to the third Monday to reduce conflict with Awards night.

A motion was made by Becky Cooper and seconded by Justin Knopf to approve the Resolution as changed with 7:00 p.m. start time and May 16th, 2016 meeting date- Meetings in setting the meeting dates for the board of education meeting. Carried 7-0

Resolution - Public Records & Providing Access Thereto

A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded by Becky Cooper to approve the Resolution-Access to Public Records-as defined in the 1983 H.B. 2327. Carried 7-0

Resolution - Authorizing Early Payment of Claims

A motion was made by Becky Cooper and seconded by Dwight Conley to approve the resolution authorizing early payment of claims in accordance with K.S.A. 12-105B as amended by 1982S.B. 446. Carried 7-0

Resolution - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles - Waiver of Requirements

A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded by Justin Knopf to approve the resolution for the waiver requirements for generally accepted accounting principles in accordance with K.S.A. Supp 75-1120a. Carried 7-0

Resolution – Home Rule –

A motion was made by Becky Cooper and seconded by Justin Knopf to approve the Resolution for Home Rule. Carried 7-0

Appointments #8-17

A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded by Justin Knopf to approve recommended appointments and designations as presented. Carried 7-0

District Clerk and Deputy Clerk –Stephanie Hettenbach and Margaret Anderes

Approve District Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer –Michelle Fulton and Cindy Mueller

Approve Appoint Designated Agent - KPERS –Michelle Fulton

Appoint Designated Agent for Health Insurance –Stephanie Hettenbach

Appoint Truant Officers -Principals – Tiffany Snyder and Roger Stumpf

Approve Superintendent as Freedom of Information Officer and Title IX Coordinator –

Gregory Mann

Designate Depositories for District Funds –Bennington State Bank—Salina, Kansas Designate Board Attorney –Norman Kelly; Norton, Wasserman, Jones and Kelly

Designate Official Newspaper for Legal Publications -Salina Journal

DesignateRoger Stumpf, Jr/Sr High Principal, to administer the activity funds.

A motion was made by Justin Knopf and seconded by Kenny Costigan that all policy statements found in the minutes of this board education prior to June 30, 2015 (AD), be rescinded, and that the board of education adopt the current policy manual (or written policies) as presented and recommended by the superintendent of schools, to govern this school district during the 2015-2016 (AD) school year, subject to periodic review, amendment and revision by the board of education. The current policy manual will remain in effect until a new policy manual is adopted. Carried 7-0

A motion was made by Becky Cooper and seconded by Justin Knopf to approve 1116 hours for the 2015-2016 school year. Carried 7-0

A motion was made by Justin Knopf and seconded by Lori Blake to approve the mileage rate reimbursement at the Kansas State rate of $.56 per mile.Carried 7-0

Consent Agenda:

A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded by Becky Cooper to approve the Consent Agenda which included:

·  Accept the resignation from Kristy Rodriguez as Jr. High Math Teacher/JH Athletic Director.

·  Approve the hiring of Nathalea Stevenson as secondary Math teacher and Head High SchoolVolleyball Coach

·  Approve Jeff Besher for head JH boys’ basketball coach

·  Approve Dwight Lilly for asst JH boys’ basketball coach.

·  Approve Greg Mann as the representive Food Service Representive for the 2015-2016 school year.

A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded by Becky Cooper to approve the minutes June 15, 2015, June 26, 2015 Special conference call meeting, and the June 29, 2015 Special conference call meeting minutes as amended. Carried 7-0

A motion was made by Kenny Costigan and seconded by Lori Blake to approve the General Fund Warrants and Vouchers for the month of July for a total of $259,819.45. Carried 7-0


Vocal Presentation – Keri Boley, Secondary Vocal Teacher, introduced Madison Roths and Gracie Stutterheim. The students gave an explanation of the process to be selected for National Honors Choir, asked for approval to attend and funding for National Association for Music Educators convention in October. Discussion followed.

A motion was made by Justin Knopf and seconded by Kenny Costigan to approve Madison Roths, Gracie Stutterhem and Keri Boley, as chaperone, to attend and pay actual expenses, not to exceed $2,795, for the NAME convention in October 2015. Carried 7-0

Responsible Use Policy – Darren Richter made a brief presentation, stating this policy is for any school issued device and there are very few changes from previous years. Darren Richter answered questions from the Board of Education.

Discussion followed.

A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded by Becky Cooper to approve the Responsible Use Policy. Carried 7-0

A motion was made by Becky Cooper and seconded by Justin Knopf to approve the Chromebook Policy Handbook 2015-2016. Carried 7-0

A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded by Becky Cooper to approve the signature page of the Chromebook Responsible Use agreement. Carried 7-0

Chromebooks for 7-12 Staff - Darren Richter, IT assistant presented a slide show to support a request for Chromebooks for 7-12 staff. Discussion followed with Kinsey McVay and Kim Clements adding information from the teachers prospective.

A motion was made by Kenny Costigan and seconded by Justin Knopf to purchase Chromebooks for 7-12 staff based on estimated expense. Carried 7-0

Milk Bids/Prime Vendor Bids – Susan Wilson, Food Service Director, presented information on the 2015-2016 milk bids and prime vendor bids.

A motion was made by Dwight Conley and seconded by Lori Blake to approve Hiland Dairy as milk provider and F & S Foods as prime vendor for the 2015-2016 school year. Carried 7-0

Break – 8:37 p.m.

Reconvened – 8:45 p.m.

Jr. High School Tech Lab Update – Mike Garretson and Kim Clements presented an update on the refurbishing of the Jr. High School Tech Lab and an interactive demonstration of playing music with potatoes and celery.


Lori Blake led a discussion on the KASB season pass to reduce costs for professional development through the Association.

Superintendents Report:

Mr. Mann informed the Board of Education on the legislative updates, professional negotiation, changes in the state wide Board of Education elections, Gannon case, the power outage at the school building on July 19,2015, budget, and a special meeting of Board of Education meeting to review the budget before publishing. July 29th at 7: p.m. was agreed for special meeting.

The budget hearing will be set for August 18, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.

Action Items:

Handbook approval:

Handbooks were discussed. The Teachers Handbook requires additional updates. Mr. Mann stated, in the future, handbooks will be present to the Board of Education in June.

A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded by Becky Cooper to approve the Sr. High Student Handbook, Jr. High Student Handbook, Activity Handbook, Student/Parent Handbook. Carried 7-0

KERMIP representative resolution and partial meeting minutes:

The Board of Education reviewed and approved the resolution for KERMIP appointing Stephanie Hettenbach.

A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded by Dwight Conley approving the KERMIP representative resolution and appointing Stephanie Hettenbach, clerk to the Board of Education as the USD #306 Southeast of Saline as KERMIP representative. Carried 7-0

A motion was made by Lori Blake and seconded by Becky Cooper to approve the partial meeting minutes of the July 20th, 2015 Board of Education meeting. Carried 7-0

Policies Proposed by Auditors:

Mr. Mann explained the policy changes requested by the Auditors. Those changes will be presented for approval at the August 10th, 2015 Board of Education meeting.

Board of Education Policies:

Mr. Mann reviewed the proposed KASB Board Policy changes. The policies USD #306 will adopt will be approved at the August 10, 2015 meeting.

Brandon Hughes disconnected from meeting prior to executive session.

Executive Session:

A motion was made by Becky Cooper and seconded by Lori Blake that the board go into executive session #1 for 20 minutes for the purpose of discussing matters relating to nonelected personnel; and that the board return to the open meeting at 10:50 p.m. Carried 6-0 Six board members and the superintendent entered executive session.

Same motion as above: 20 additional minutes; Six board members and the superintendent entered executive session. Reconvened at 11:30 p.m.

Same motion as above: 20 additional minutes; Six board members and the superintendent entered executive session. Reconvened at 11:50 p.m.


A motion a made by Becky Cooper and seconded by Kenny Costigan that the board go into Executive session #3 for 15 minutes for the purpose of discussing matter relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative or representatives of the body or agency; and that the board return to the open meeting at 12:06 a.m. Carried 6-0 Six board members and the superintendent entered executive session.

The Meeting was adjourned by President Steve Bartholomew to adjourn at 12:15 a.m. Carried 7-0

approved as printed ______Stephanie Hettenbach______

amended ___x____ Clerk of the Board