DRAFT Notes of Alresford Tennis Club

8pm Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 19th November 2013

Alresford Recreation Centre

Present / Apologies
Howard Lewis (chair) / Judith Horgan
Barbara Redman-White (secretary) / Dorothy Lewis
Melvyn Horgan (Treasurer) / Mark Trickle
Suzi Harrison
Donna Holliday
Tim Jenkinson
Lucinda Pilbrow
Alasdair Scott
Alex Turner

Annual General Meeting

1 / Minutes of AGM 2012
The minutes were agreed as accurate.
There were no matters arising other than those appearing on the agenda.
Barbara agreed to send an e-copy to Alasdair to post on the website. / BG
2 / Chair’s Report
Howard gave his report which is attached.
Discussion ensued regarding the membership target which currently stands at 500. This is an unrealistic target as we have only three courts and the surrounding villages all have their own courts. It was agreed that a target membership of 300 is more realistic.
3a / Treasurer’s Report
Melvyn Horgan presented the accounts which are attached.
He commented that:
  • The subscriptions have increased slightly as a result of increased membership
  • The income from visitors’ fees has increased
  • No changes to rent or affiliation
  • Due to a change in the LTA procedure for Wimbledon tickets, the funds no longer go through our accounts. Thereforethis year’s accounts show no income or expenditure though this makes no difference to us financially.
  • The lights were replaced this year at a significant cost.
  • The income donation of £9875.75 comes largely from Bighton Open Spaces Fund, with a little from Old Alresford Open Spaces Fund.
  • The current surplus being carried forward is £41,385 of which £38,100 is committed to construction of the pavilion.
It was proposed by Howard Lewis that the accounts be accepted; seconded by Alex Turner. Passed unanimously.
3b / Subscriptions 2013/14
Melvyn Horgan proposed that in view of the current financial environment the subscriptions for the forthcoming year be frozen. This was seconded by Tim Jenkinson and passed unanimously.
4 / Junior Membership and Coach’s Report
Donna Holliday’ report is attached.
Discussion ensued around the need for new players for the men’s B team. Donna agreed to email male members of the club to inform them of the opportunity.
Alasdair Scott queried why the tennis nets are frequently set at the wrong height. It was agreed that it was unlikely the coaches were setting them wrongly. Howard offered to make measuring sticks for net height and Donna agreed to remind the coaches.
5 / Captain’s Report
Mark Trickle was unable to attend the meeting but his report is attached.
6 / Committee
The current members of the committee offered to continue their service. Howard Lewis proposed that these members of the committee be accepted on block. Tim Jenkinson seconded. Passed unanimously.
Howard further suggested that Helen Richies be accepted onto the committee as ‘Junior Players’ Co-ordinator’ to work alongside Donna. This was seconded by Donna Holliday and passed unanimously.
7 / Any Other Business
  • Donna had heard from Town Councillor Lisa Griffiths that the town is considering building new tennis courts in Alresford. Donna will ask for more information on this and liaise with other committee members.
  • Lucinda raised the issue of moss on the courts creating a slippery surface. Suggestions of various sprays were made, but concern shown by Howard regarding the guarantee of the courts if non-specialist chemicals were used. Tim also raised concern regarding toxicity. It was agreed that this matter be discussed at the next committee meeting.
  • Alasdair informed the group that the website subscription is due. It was unanimously agreed that he pay it and be reimbursed by The Club.
  • Alex Turner offered to clean the net tapes.
  • Alex also requested new balls for Thursdays. Alasdair suggested that new balls were being requested as soon as balls showed any sign of dirt, which was often the second time they were used. Howard said that there are new balls in stock which can be provided on request. Lucinda also said that Mark Trickle could provide balls that had only been used in matches.
/ DH
8 / Dates of Next Meetings
The next AGM will take place in November 2013.
The next committee meeting will take place on 21st January at 8pm. The agenda will include lights and court cleaning.

The meeting closed and refreshments were taken.