Distinctive Christian CharacterSource(s) of evidence
- How do you know? / Know
well / Need to become more familiar
What is the school’s mission, vision and core Christian values?
How do governors support the Christian vision of the school?
What makes this school a distinctly Christian school?
How would you describe the links with the local church(es)?
How effective is the school, through its Christian character, supportive of the development of all learners?
What role do governors play in positively promoting the school’s distinctly Christian values between all members of the school community?
Collective Worship
Source(s) of evidence
- How do you know? / Know
well / Need to become more familiar
When was the collective worship policy last reviewed?
Does the CW engage the children?
Does CW underpin the core values?
How is CW planned in school and who leads it?
How is CW evaluated, who does it and what changes as a result?
Religious Education
Source(s) of evidence
- How do you know? / Know
well / Need to become more familiar
What is the achievement of learners in RE?
How is RE monitored? Who does it?
To what extent does RE make a contribution to the distinctly Christian values of the school?
Does the school use the Diocesan RE syllabus?
(Secondary – what proportion of learners take a recognised qualification in RE at KS 4?)
Leadership and Management
Source(s) of evidence
- How do you know? / Know
well / Need to become more familiar
When was the school’s vision, mission and aims last reviewed and what was governor involvement?
Can all school leaders, including governors, articulate the school’s Christian vision?
To what extent is RE and CW incorporated in the school improvement plan?
What were the issues at the last inspection and what progress has been made?
To what extent does the school engage with the Church at parish and diocesan/district level?
Are future church school leaders identified within school and how are they supported?