Dr Eric Pardede

Journal Papers

  1. Shanbhag, N., Pardede, E. “The dynamics of product development in software startups: The case for System Dynamics”, International Journal of System Dynamics Applications 8(2), Article 5, to appear 2019.
  1. Za’in, C., Pratama, M., Pardede, E. “Evolving Large Scale Data Stream Analytic based on Scalable PANFIS”, Knowledge-based Systems, accepted December 2018.
  1. Mahbub, S., Pardede, E., Kayes, A.S.M, Rahayu, W. “Detection of Astroturfing: A Survey”, International Journal of Web & Grid Services, accepted December 2018
  1. Mehdi, O.A., Ibrahim, H., Affendey, L.S., Pardede, E., Cao, J. “Exploring Instances for Matching Heterogeneous Database Schemas Utilizing Google Similarity and Regular Expression”, Computer Science and Information Systems 15(2), pp, 295-320, June 2018.
  1. Hanna, D., Veeraraghavan, P., Pardede, E. “PrECast: An Intelligent Protocol for Eliminating Broadcasting in IPv4 Networks”, Electronics 7(5), May 2018.
  1. Tomy, S., Pardede, E. “From Uncertainties to Successful Start Ups: A Data Analytic Approach to Predict Success in Technological Entrepreneurship”, Sustainability 10(3), March 2018.
  1. Tomy, S., Pardede, E., “Opportunity Evaluation using Uncertainties in Software Entrepreneurship", Entrepreneurship Research Journal 7(3), July 2017.
  1. Alqarni, A.A., Pardede, E. “XML schema matching using early dissimilarity detection approaches”, Computer Systems Science & Engineering 31(5), p1, September 2016.
  1. Tomy, S., Pardede, E., "Controlling Privacy Disclosure of Third Party Applications in Online Social Networks", International Journal of Web Information Systems 12(2), pp. 215-41, July 2016.
  1. Bonais, M., Nguyen, K., Pardede, E., Rahayu, J. W., "Automated generation of structural design models from SBVR specification", Applied Ontology 11(1), pp. 51-87, March 2016.
  1. Baqasah, A.M., Pardede, E., Rahayu, J.W., "Maintaining Schema Versions Compatibility in Cloud Applications Collaborative Framework", World Wide Web 18(6), pp.1541-77, November 2015.
  1. Alzain, M.A., Li, A.S., Soh, B., Pardede, E., “Multi-Cloud Data Management using Shamir’s Secret Sharing and Quantum Byzantine Agreement Schemes”, International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 5(3), pp. 35-52, September 2015.
  1. Pardede, E., "The use of modern pedagogical techniques when introducing IT students to Entrepreneurship", Teaching in Higher Education 20(6), pp.636-51, August 2015.
  1. Fudholi, D.H., Rahayu, J.W., Pardede, E., "A Data-Driven Dynamic Ontology", Journal of Information Science 41(3), pp.383-98, June 2015.
  1. Baqasah, A.M., Pardede, E., Holubova, I., Rahayu, J.W., "XS-Diff: XML Schema change detection algorithm", International Journal of Web and Grid Services 11(2), pp.160-92, April 2015.
  1. Wahid, N., Pardede, E., "XSDyM: An XML Graphical Conceptual Model for Static and Dynamic Constraints", Computers Standards and Interfaces 37, pp.60-72, January 2015.
  1. Landberg, A.H., Nguyen, K., Pardede, E., Rahayu, J.W., "Delta-dependency for Privacy-Preserving XML Data Publishing", Journal of Biomedical Informatics 50, pp.77-94, August 2014.
  1. Alghamdi, N., Rahayu, J.W., Pardede, E., "Semantic-based structural and content indexing for the efficient retrieval of queries over large XML data repositories", Future Generation Computer Systems 37, pp.312-31, July 2014.
  1. Landberg, A.H., Rahayu, J.W., Pardede, E., "XTrigger: XML Database Trigger", Computer Science: Research and Development 29(1), pp.1-19, February 2014.
  1. Phan, B. V., Pardede, E., "Active XML (AXML) Research: Survey on the Representation, System Architecture, Data Exchange Mechanism and Query Evaluation", Journal of Network and Computer Applications 37, pp.348-64, January 2014.
  1. AlZain, M.A., Soh, B., Pardede, E., "A Survey on Data Security Issues in Cloud Computing: From Single to Multi-Clouds", Journal of Software 8(5), pp. 1068-78, May 2013.
  1. Phan, B. V., Pardede, E., Rahayu, J. W., "On The Improvement Of Active XML (AXML) Representation And Query Evaluation", Information Systems Frontiers 15(2), pp.203-22, April 2013.
  1. Pardede, E., Lyons, J. "Re-designing Assessment Practices in Entrepreneurship Subject for Information Technology Course: Embedding Assessment for Learning", IEEE Transactions on Education 55(4), pp.566-72, November 2012.
  1. Alghamdi, N. S., Rahayu, J.W., Pardede, E., "OXDP and OXiP: The notion of objects for efficient large XML data queries", International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 3(2-3), pp.112-25, July 2012.
  1. AlZain, M.A., Soh, B., Pardede, E., "A New Model to Ensure Security in Cloud Computing Services", Journal of Service Science Research 4(1), pp.49-70, June 2012.
  1. Clarke, A., Pardede, E., Steele, R., "External and Distributed Databases: Efficient and Secure XML Query Assurance", International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 5(3), pp.421-33, June 2012.
  1. Alrefae, A., Pardede, E., Phan, B. V., "Caching Mechanism in Peer-to-Peer Networks through Active XML", Journal of Software 7(3), pp. 508-15, March 2012.
  1. Landberg, A.H., Rahayu, J.W., Pardede, E., "n-Dependency: Dependency Diversity in Anatomised Micro Data Tables", Logic Journal of the IGPL 19(5), pp. 679-702, October 2011.
  1. Le, D. X. T., Bressan, S, Taniar, D., Rahayu, J.W., and Pardede, E., "Using semantics for XPath query transformation", International Journal of Web and Grid Services 6(1), pp.58-94, March 2010.
  1. Pardede, E., Rahayu, J.W, Aujla, R.K., Taniar, D., "SQL/XML Hierarchical Query Performance Analysis in an XML-Enabled Database Systems", Journal of Universal Computer Science 15(10), pp.2058 - 77, September 2009.
  1. Landberg, A.H., Grain, H., Rahayu, J.W, Pardede, E., "Incorporating Privacy Support into Clinical Data Warehouses" Electronic Journal of Health Informatics 4(1), e1, July 2009.
  1. Pardede, E., Rahayu, J.W., and Taniar, D., "XML Update Management in XML-Enabled Relational Database", Journal of Computer and System Sciences 74(2), pp.170-95, March 2008.
  1. Taniar, D., Khaw, H.Y., Tjioe, H.C., and Pardede, E., "The Use of Hints in SQL-Nested Query Optimization", Information Sciences 177(12), pp.2492-521, June 2007.
  1. Pardede, E., Rahayu, J.W., and Taniar, D., "Object-Relational Complex Structures for XML Storage", Information and Software Technology Journal 48(6), pp.370-84, June 2006.
  1. Pardede, E., Rahayu, J.W., and Taniar, D., "Preserving Conceptual Constraints During XML Updates", International Journal of Web Information Systems 1(2), pp.65-82, June 2005.
  1. Rahayu, J.W., Taniar, D., Lee, N.K, and Pardede, E., "A Case Study of Using an Object-Relational Paradigm in Building a Web Database Application", International Journal of Computers and Their Applications 10(3), pp.171-84, September 2003.