The easiest way is to create an indicator because you can make this as complex as you want. Using the simple example of %change. Open up the TS development environment and create an indicator. Verify it and give it a name. This indicator can be used for both the plot and also in Radarscreen if you want to see the calculations used there for the symbols selected by the scan
The Easylanguage for the %change scan would be something like:
Value1 = (Close - open)*100/open;
Plot1(value1, "%change");
Plot2(close, "Close");
Plot3(open, "Open");
The Easylanguage for the change in last 2 bars would be something like:
Value1 = Close - close[2];
Plot1(value1, "Change");
Plot2(close, "Close Now");
Plot3(open, "Close 2 ago");
Now open up the scanner and Create new scan
Determine universe of symbols to run scan against
In this example I have selected all NYSE stocks, but you can choose anything from the list. You can add rows for extra selections. You can exclude symbols from the selection in the lower pane. You can just type in specific symbols or create your own custom lists for re-use. Just click on the down arrow and choose “Manually enter symbols”.
Go to scan criteria tab
Choose indicator and then choose from the list of indicators you created earlier e.g. #PLAYING. In my example the indicator has 3 values plotted. So I choose the column I called %change to base the scan on
I choose operator Top# and enter a field value of 10, which will bring back a list of the Top 10 highest %change. There are many other possibilities e.g. >= 10 will bring back all symbols with %change >= 10%.
Again you can enter multiple rows e..g >= 10 and second criterion <= -10 which will bring back symbols with positive or negative % changes greater than 10%.
Click on the + sign next to the indicator name
Here you can change the interval e.g. in this example I choose daily %change. I also select an ascending sort.
Go to the schedule tab if you want to schedule the scan at certain times. Go to the Results tab. Here you can get TS to create a custom list which you can use later, but it is not necessary.
Click on run
The left hand pane shows previous run results and the right hand pane shows the progress of the current run
The results are presented
You can either copy the symbol list directly into a Radarscreen or if you created a custom symbol list from the results – use that to put the list into radarscreen.
Below I have done that and also added the indicator I had created for this example
For the example of Highest current close reached in last 2 days, the Easylanguage would be something like:
Vars: Select("False");
if close = Highest(close,2) then Select = "True" else Select = "False";
Plot1(Select, "Select");
Plot2(close, "Close");
In this case the scan would be selecting symbols where the value of the variable I called “Select” is set to True.
You can see the results are showing all the True examples. The results were saved as a symbol list and entered into radar screen below