Kim Nørgaard / ElsterNicolle Raven / ESMIG
Willem Strabbing / ESMIG
Georgiana Huiban
Chrystelle Muratel / ESMIG
Adriano Mendes / Janz
Jennifer Woodhall / Chameleon
Natasa Hartmann Iskraemeco
Itziar Lasaosa Torrontegi ZIV
Guest speaker: Anita Kelly, Limino Communications
Topic 1 / WelcomeThe Chair of the MEG Group, Kim Nørgaard, welcomed everyone and went through the agenda of the call. It will consist of the regular meeting for one hour, and then a presentation from Anita Kelly, the communication specialist selected to support ESMIG through the re-branding process.
Topic 2 / Minutes of last EC call & actions follow-up
The minutes of the last meeting were presented and the actions were discussed one by one. Most of them will be detailed in the other agenda points. No comments were added, so the minutes were approved by everyone.
Topic / Action / Responsible / Deadline
Discuss roles of member representatives in EC / Secretariat/EC / Next EC Call / On the agenda
Send examples of Association Annual Books / Georgiana / 1 December 2014 / Done
Discuss partner associations / Georgiana & Nicolle / Next MEG Meeting / To be sent
Put deadlines in place for actions and plans under a MEG Calendar / Georgiana / 20 January 2015 / Ongoing
Create an external newsletter (up-to-date, short) / Georgiana & Nicolle / 20 January 2015 / Done, to be revised
Send proposals for re-launch + lobbying +C-level events / Georgiana / 20 January 2015 / Ongoing
Send reminders to GA regarding hosting the May 22 GA / Georgiana / 20 January 2015 / Will be repeated
Start planning SEW / Georgiana / 20 January 2015 / Done
Check host for Vienna GA and start planning / Georgiana / 20 January 2015 / Ongoing
Send reminders to members regarding the events to be attended in 2015 – refine list / Georgiana / 20 January 2015 / Done
Keep the members informed and ask for comments on changes / Georgiana & Nicolle /MEG Members / 20 January 2015 / Ongoing
Send input for Manifesto / MEG / 1 December 2014 / Done, the final form to be revised
Join EUW call / MEG / 11 December, 14:30 / Done
Organize next MEG Meeting in Brussels, 20 January, together with a presentation from the Branding Agency / Georgiana / 10 January 2015 / Done
Topic 3 / Communication Plan - Updates
As agreed in the last GA, ESMIG will (re)create a Newsletter for its members, containing ESMIG activities and market news. After reviewing it, it was decided to have 2 separate news documents:
· A weekly newsletter (market/industry/EU news)
· A seasonal newsletter focused solely on ESMIG activities (A4 page).
The ones receiving it can share it in their company and especially to the decision-makers, to keep them updated.
Also, for reinforcing the direct communication with CEOs/decision-makers in the member companies, a CEO Letter from Maher Chebbo was sent out to all the CEOs in the database. It was suggested to attach an annual report to it next time – containing light text, photos, graphics). The EUW report could be taken as an example.
We should also check if the CEO list ESMIG has is up-to-date, therefore it will be passed by the MEG members, and then the GA to check.
Actions / responsible / Deadline
Create weekly newsletter / Georgiana / 20 January 2015
Create seasonal newsletter focused on ESMIG Activities / Georgiana/Nicolle / 20 January 2015
Create annual report for CEO Communication (example: EUW report) / Georgiana/Nicolle/Willem / December 2015
Update CEO list/input from members / Georgiana / June 2015
Topic 4 / ESMIG Events Plan 2015
The re-branding event will be defined according to the recommendation of the re-branding specialist, as soon as possible. It was discussed to combine the re-launch with a lobby event and C-level event.
The SEW (June) was discussed – following the participation and feedback in the past years, it is clear that we need a good theme and possibly to partner up with one organisation to overcome the big competition for slots.
Georgiana suggested a theme around the consumer campaign, together with EDSO: “the shift from the consumer to the prosumer and the impact on the smart grid”. It would be good to consider an individual slot as well, maybe around a hot topic like Demand Response or Interoperability that would allow ESMIG to also introduce the new scope and visual identity. The proposals will be analysed and the final plan will be shared with the MEG members before submitting it to SEW organizers (end of February).
The GA (May 22) will start to be arranged once we have a confirmed host for the event. If we do not have one by mid-February, it will be held in Brussels.
The GA (November 2) will take place in Vienna. We are hoping to arrange a host for it. Chrystelle mentioned that Landis+Gyr have an office there, so we can check if they can accommodate our meeting.
The EUW (November 3-5) was discussed in a call with the organizers (Synergy) in December, which resulted in a standard 20% discount on the raw space for the ESMIG members opting for it. As the conditions are more or less final, a meeting with Synergy should be arranged in order to conclude on the “cool-down” period and start the preparations.
Actions / responsible / Deadline
Send proposals for re-launch + lobbying +C-level events / Georgiana / 19 March 2015
Send reminders to GA regarding hosting the May 22 GA / Georgiana / 1 February 2015
Send proposals for SEW / Georgiana / 28 February 2015
Check host for Vienna GA and start planning / Georgiana / 19 March 2015
Arrange meeting with Synergy to finalise the EUW details for ESMIG area / Georgiana / 1 February 2015
Topic 5 / ESMIG – EDSO Consumer campaign “”
Georgiana presented the latest designs, which were created by a freelancer. They were rated as much better and are now in implementation. The plan is to launch the website in February and prepare a Horizon 2020 project proposals for obtaining funds that would allow to turn it into an impactful campaign.
Actions / responsible / Deadline
Keep the members informed and ask for comments on changes / Georgiana & Nicolle /MEG Members / 19 March 2015
Topic 6 / ESMIG re-branding: presentation from Anita Kelly
Anita introduced herself, her work and the background of the project with ESMIG: a change in mission and scope, a repositioning of what ESMIG represents, a renewed drive to influence policy, advise on new standards, retain existing members and attract new ones.
The main question is whether ESMIG needs a changed brand identity to support its strategic change.
The options are: a full change (new name, new strapline, new description, new logo), an adjustment (keep name and logo, new strapline and description), or no change.
She presented the impact of a change and the case for maintaining the current brand, the success factors and some examples of rebranded trade associations. The input from the members was positive.
Chrystelle mentioned that it takes time and resources to establish a brand. She suggested an evolution of the current name, so that it is clearly coming from ESMIG. Other opinions were on the same tone: having a complete new brand is difficult, keeping the name and adding a subtitle like “The Smart Energy Association” or changing the meaning of the acronym would be more suitable options.
Jennifer suggested to base the actions on the reason and purpose of the strategy change – if it is a radical one, than it requires a radical change in the brand identity as well. We should not be afraid of change.
Kim emphasized the success factors of “decisiveness” or not having to make a compromise.
The plan of actions and the dates for the messaging workshop will be sent to the MEG members in due time.
Actions / responsible / Deadline
Keep the members informed and ask for comments on changes / Georgiana & Nicolle /MEG Members / 19 March 2015
Topic 7 / AOB
The next call was set for 19th of March at 10:30. Other updates and proposals will be sent via e-mail for comments and suggestions.
Actions / responsible / Deadline
Arrange the next call on 19th of March at 10:30 / Georgiana / 19 March 2015
Actions / responsible / Deadline
Discuss partner associations / Georgiana & Nicolle / Next MEG Meeting
Put deadlines in place for actions and plans under a MEG Calendar / Georgiana / 20 January 2015
Create weekly newsletter / Georgiana/Nicolle / 20 January 2015
Create seasonal newsletter focused on ESMIG Activities / Georgiana/Nicolle / 20 January 2015
Create annual report for CEO Communication / Georgiana/Nicolle / December 2015
Update CEO list/input from members / Georgiana / June 2015
Send proposals for re-launch + lobbying +C-level events / Georgiana / 19 March 2015
Send reminders to GA regarding hosting the May 22 GA / Georgiana / 1 February 2015
Send proposals for SEW / Georgiana / 28 February 2015
Check host for Vienna GA and start planning / Georgiana / 19 March 2015
Arrange meeting with Synergy to finalise the EUW details for ESMIG area / Georgiana / 1 February 2015
Keep the members informed and ask for comments on changes / Georgiana & Nicolle /MEG Members / 19 March 2015