
Rather than providing a printed order of service for each member of the congregation, these notes provide suggestions which can be adapted according to local custom.

The Gathering of the People of God


Welcome to this Advent Sunday Service, where we look ahead to Christ’s coming; and celebrate together the work of the Mission in Britain Fund. As we worship, let us accept Luke’s invitation to be caught up in the big story of God’s creation and redemption of the world.

Gathering Prayer

Emmanuel, God with us,

with excitement and anticipation

we gather together, to watch and wait

for the signs of your presence among us. Amen.

(© ROOTS for Churches Limited. Used by permission.)

Call to Worship

The time of your birth is coming. We are waiting.

The time of your birth is coming. We are watching.

The time of your birth is coming. We are listening.

As the time of your birth gets closer, we will be ready.

Let the Advent adventure begin.

(© ROOTS for Churches Limited. Used by permission.)


“Longing for light, we wait in darkness” (StF 706)

or “Come, thou long-expected Jesus” (StF 169) (HP 81)

Lighting the advent candle

Use the Advent Candle liturgy ( The liturgy is designed to be printed double sided on A4 to create a tri-fold leaflet. In the print dialogue box tick “print double sided” and “flip on long side”


“Like a candle flame” (StF 176)

Prayer of adoration

According to local custom

Prayer of Confession

Let us confess our sins to God,

trusting in his mercy and forgiveness.

Holy and forgiving God,

we have sinned against you and each other

in thought and word and deed.

We have turned from your life-giving word,

and ignored the message of those you sent.

We are unprepared for the coming of your Son.

Have mercy upon us and forgive us,

that strengthened by your love

we may serve you more faithfully;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


“I am making all things new,” says the Lord.

This is Christ’s gracious word:

“Your sins are forgiven.”

Amen. Thanks be to God.

(From The Methodist Worship Book © TMCP. Used by permission.)

A prayer of thanksgiving

Lord, your kingdom is near.

The signs are all around us:

in the awesomeness of creation,

the fearsome heat of the sun

and the strange light of the moon,

the wonder of sparkling galaxies.

Your signs are all around us:

in the fallen leaves of autumn

and the evergreens of winter.

Your signs are all around us:

in the diversity of life,

sea creatures and river dwellers,

birds of the air and beasts of the field,

insects, and organisms too small for the eye to see.

Your signs are all around us:

in the joy of human relationships,

for those who delight in our summertime joy

or sit with us in the darkness of our wintertime;

those who support and encourage in loss and disappointment.

Lord, your kingdom is near.

We thank you for the signs. Amen.

(© ROOTS for Churches Limited. Used by permission.)


“Lo, he comes with clouds descending”
(StF 177) (HP 241)

A Mission in Britain story or film

A selection of stories is printed in the Leaders’s Notes. (

The Ministry of the Word

Old Testament

Jeremiah 33:14-16


Psalm 25:1-10


1 Thessalonians 3:9-13


“Author of faith, eternal Word” (StF 457) (HP 662)


Luke 21:25-36

or creative reading “No Question”, in the Leader’s Notes (


For sermon ideas, refer to the Leader’s Notes.


“Darkness like a shroud covers the earth” (StF 170)


A Mission in Britain story

A selection of stories is printed in the Leader’s Notes.

Giving of envelopes

We now have the opportunity to give to the Mission in Britain Fund. It’s only through the support of congregations like ours that grants can be made to the life-changing work we have heard about today.

(The offering is taken up.)

Prayer for Mission in Britain Fund

Heavenly Father,

thank you for Methodist mission in Britain.

Thank you for these generous gifts to the fund.

Compassionate God, we pray that you would break our hearts for what breaks yours.

Inspire us to action.

Father of all wisdom,
bless those who are planning mission,

and send them people to support and guide them.

Give discernment to the Grants Team and Connexional Grants Committee who assess applications and award grants.

And may your will be done in Britain, as it is in heaven

for the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours.

Now and forever. Amen.

Prayers of Intercession

God of Justice,

You hear the cries of the widow,
the orphan and the stranger;

unblock our ears and eyes to the injustices of our world.

Christ who came to live among us,

you feasted with prostitutes and tax collectors;

help us to love this confused and confusing world.

Holy Spirit, holy changemaker,

you transform all that we are and all we can be;

encourage us to seek signs of your transformation in the most hopeless situations of the world.

Help us to act for justice,

love your people,

and be ready and willing to be part of your kingdom,
in the name of your Son. Amen.

(© Tony Miles. Used by permission.)

The Lord’s Prayer


“Sing we the King who is coming to reign” (StF 185)
(HP 244)


Final Prayer

Advent God,

your creation inspires our journey;

your Son is the life-map we follow;

your Spirit the light we travel by.

May the Trinity of all three surround and protect us. Amen.

(© ROOTS for Churches Limited. Used by permission.)