Report to Regulatory Committee of 23rd November 2006
Subject: Erection Of 8 Flats With Associated Access Road, Car Parking And Landscaping, Land Adjacent To The Manse, Main Street, Sauchie - Ref No. 06/00308/FULL
Applicant: Springfield Homes
Agent: Seven Design Group, 95 Morrison Street, GlasgowPrepared by: Grant Baxter, Principal Planner
Ward: Fairfield Councillor Ovens
1.1.The report considers a detailed planning application for the erection of 8 flats on the former garden of Sauchie and Coalsnaughton Parish Manse.
1.2.Outline Planning Permission for residential development of the site has lapsed and a previous reserved matters application for erection of 10 flats withdrawn amid concerns regarding height/scale of the proposed building in relation to the adjacent Manse and lack of adequate amenity space. This current detailed application for 8 flats addresses concerns regarding amenity space, however the building footprint and height are largely unchanged from the previously unacceptable proposal and would be considered to have an over-dominant effect on the adjacent Manse which would not complement it’s design nor enhance the character of its surroundings. As such the proposals are considered contrary to Development Plan policies regarding infill development, environmental quality and amenity space and are recommended for refusal.
2.1.It is recommended that the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:
- The proposed block of flats, by virtue of its excessive height would have an over-dominant effect on, and would not complement the design of, the adjacent Manse, and as such would not enhance the character of the surroundings through the form and scale of the development. The proposals are therefore contrary to Policies EN11 and RES4 of the Clackmannanshire Local Plan 2004 and the Council’s Supplementary Advice Note (SAN 2) on Infill Residential Development, 1999.
3.1.The site is an area of overgrown garden ground previously associated with the adjoining former Manse (now a children’s nursery). The site is approximately 0.16 hectares in size on relatively level ground and bounded by mixture of walls, fences and hedging. The site was formerly within Sauchie Conservation Area but this designation no longer applies.
3.2.Outline Planning Permission was granted in December 2002 for residential development. Key provisions of the conditions on the outline permission require the development to complement the traditional design and materials of the Manse, having regard to wall and roof proportions and to be located within a building zone in the centre of the site facing Main Street and respecting the front building line of the Manse.
3.3.A Reserved Matters application (05/00372/RES) for 10 flats was made in November 2005 but was recommended for refusal on the basis of excessive height and over-dominant effect of the building on the adjacent Manse and in terms of inadequate provision of amenity space. The application was withdrawn prior to being considered by the Regulatory Committee of 22nd December 2005.
4.1.Roads and Transportation: No objections in principle subject to appropriate conditions.
4.2.Land Services: Tree protection measures required, tree survey required along with detailed landscaping proposals. Developer contribution required for off site improvements to public open space/play area.
4.3.Sauchie Community Group: No comments to date.
5.1.The applicant has notified 27 neighbouring properties and no representations have been received to the application.
6.1.The application has to be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The key development plan policies contained within the Clackmannanshire Local Plan are those that relate to residential development and environmental quality. Whilst the previous outline planning permission has now expired, the principle of residential development on this site is considered acceptable subject to an assessment against detailed policy criteria and supplementary advice notes. Policy RES 4 of the Local Plan supported by SAN 2 requires new developments to enhance the character of the neighbourhood through appropriate form and quality of design. Policy EN11 requires new developments to integrate well with the built form and ensure form, scale, layout and materials enhance the character of the surroundings.
6.2.As evidenced by the previous outline approval and the subsequently withdrawn reserved matters application, the relationship to and impact on the adjacent former Manse are key consideration for any new build development on this site. Whilst the proposed flats would have a finished ground floor level some two metres below that of the adjacent Manse, the ridge level would match that of the Manse, as per the previously submitted proposals. This scale and height of building would be considered to have an over-dominant effect on the adjacent Manse and would fail to enhance the character of its surroundings as a result. Despite a reduction in the number of units within the proposed flatted block from 10 to 8, the scale and height of the building remains unchanged and therefore these issues of concern remain.
6.3.The applicant’s agent has been made aware of these concerns, and that a modest reduction in the height of the block would largely resolve this concern. There has been no indication from the applicant’s agent that they would consider such a reduction in height nor submission of amended plans demonstrating such amendments.
6.4.As a result, the proposals have failed to address previously expressed concerns regarding the height of the building and the over-dominant effect on the adjacent Manse, and as such the form and scale of the proposed building would not enhance the character of its surroundings. The application is therefore recommended for refusal on the basis of these concerns.
7.1.Financial implications: None.
7.2.Staff implications: None.
7.3.Strategic aims:
Create strong, active, safe and caring communities / Achieve local economic prosperity and stability /
Make the most of Clackmannanshire's unique built and natural environment /
Develop a culture of personal achievement where everyone isvalued /
Improve the health of the people of Clackmannanshire /
Represent and promote the interests of all of the people of Clackmannanshire /
Ensure that the people of Clackmannanshire receive the highest quality services for the public pound /
Head of Development Services
Report For Land Adjacent To The Manse, Main Street, Sauchie Page 1 of 1