January 2014





Dear Colleague



This briefing gives information on pay and conditions and other matters in ATT Academies. This briefing focuses on two key issues:

  • academy pay and appraisal policies, following discussions at national level; and
  • academies’ participation in local facilities time arrangements allowing local union officers to support members in schools and academies.

The NUT is also sending NUT members in ATT Academies the first of a planned series of email briefings. This will also be copied to everyone who receives this briefing.

ATT pay policy

Has the pay policy been published in final form? –


Has it been agreed with the trade unions including the NUT? –


Are further discussions ongoing? –

No – discussions are concluded.

Comments on the pay policy –

The ATT’s final policy will be published in final form very shortly. It is largely compliant with NUT policy in respect of pay portability though does provide for portability to be disapplied in exceptional circumstances.Any decision not to allow portability should be subject to explanation.It is also compliant with regard to fixed pay scales but is notfullycompliant in respect ofpay progression criteria.

ATT performance management / appraisal policy

Has the PM/appraisal policy been published in final form? –


Has it been agreed with the trade unions including the NUT? –


Are further discussions ongoing? –

No – discussions are concluded.

Comments on the PM/appraisal policy –

Again the final ATT policy will be published shortly. The policy does not include limits on observations and provides for drop-ins with the length and frequency variable. There are no limits on objectives. There are problems over links with pay progression. The draft policy states that performance and appraisal outcomes will be used to help inform pay decisions. In respect of the role of Teacher Standards the draft says that evidence to assess performance will include but not be limited to Teacher Standards.

Facilities time

Has the chain agreed that academies will make payments into local facilities pots? -


Comments on the position –

The national ATT recognition agreement states: “ATT will participate in arrangements within the Local Authority area with regard to time off with pay for any employees of the ATT academies who are local or national trade union officers in order to permit time off with pay for trade union duties undertaken in that capacity”.

Other information on ATT academies, recognition and pay and conditions

An NUT members’ briefing on ATT pay and conditions and the ATT recognition agreement can be found at Regional staff and local officers can also access ATT employment procedures on Hearth at Pay and Conditions> Academies>Academy Chains.

NUT training for Academy representatives

The NUT is planning a one-day training and briefing meeting at national level for NUT reps in Academy chains including ATT reps later this term. The meeting will be held on Wednesday 2 April 2014 at NUT headquarters and further details will be circulated shortly. The NUT will be writing to the ATT to ensure that Academies are that reps are entitled to time off with pay to attend.

Information on training for NUT Academy representatives (provided by NUT Regional Offices) can be found at NUT Academy reps are entitled to time off with pay to attend these training courses.

NUT contacts

Reps seeking assistance with casework or organising work should in the first instance contact the NUT local secretary who can seek further support as appropriate.

The NUT Executive representative for ATT Academies is Tony Tonks at . NUT HQ contacts are Andrew Morris, Head of Salaries Dept d Steve Barrett, Professional

Local secretaries should ensure that Steve Barrett has NUT reps’ names and email contact details and pass this to NUT reps if they are not on the distribution list.

Yours sincerely


Head of Department

Salaries, Superannuation and Education Economics