Hacienda Involved Parents & Staff

General Meeting

November 19, 2013

Social: 6:45

Meeting called to order: 7:00 PM

Welcome - Shirley Choy-Marshall

Minutes – Laura Prijatel

-Approval of minutes from October, 2013 M/S/A

Principal’s Report –Mrs. Mohamed

Staff members were invited to the HIPS Holiday Party. They were excited about the ugly sweater contest. More teachers have received i-Pads. Congratulations to our Lego Robotics teams who competed this month. They did very well with two teams receiving trophies. Work on Common Core is continuing. Teachers are continuing with trainings. There is still concern regarding achievement gap between hispanic/low income groups and the rest. We will continue to focus on that.

Report from Veronica Lewis , San Jose Unified School District Board Trustee

Common Core Standards information is available on the district website. The district is continuing to work on Common Core Standards. Local control funding seems to be a big puzzle. District is not sure how much they will receive. Community meetings will be set up for parents, students, and community members to provide input and feedback to the district. Parents are welcome to attend Board meetings to give ideas and suggestions to the Board. Some current policies are being amended (uniform complaint procedures, student nondiscrimination/harassment, & Special Education identification of 504).

Treasurer’s Report/Audit Update- Pam Crone

The second half of the audit is not completed yet. It should be ready to go over at the January HIPS meeting. Apologies to HIPS members that it is delayed.

Key Officer Reports

VP of Volunteers-Kristen Corcoran-Holiday Boutique needs volunteers to help out. Main need is someone to conduct raffles every hour, and also someone to help with meet & greet for vendors. Thank you to Melissa Belur for chairing Fall Festival for 2nd year. Thank you to other Fall Festival volunteers: Pam Crone for prize redemption; Michelle Scripoch for ticket sales; Shirley Choy-Marshall for helping with class baskets for the entire evening; Lisa Horan for stepping up as Food Chair; Theresa Rossetto for helping with food and organizing notes for future events; SELAC for providing great food; Garrett Brisbee for Haunted House and lighting; & Kelly Campagna for organizing grade level baskets.

VP of Communications-Pam Crone for Meredith Stotzner-Newsletter article deadlines is Friday, November 22nd for delivery on Thursday, December 5th. If you have articles or ideas please submit them. Remember less is more, try to be concise and to the point. January newsletter will not be out until mid-month due to the holiday break. If you have an event early in the year (art night, Star Party, etc.) get your article in early. Comments and suggestions on communication are welcome. Can we research the cost of an electronic marquis?

Old Business

Fall Festival Recap-Melissa Belur-Biggest crowd we’ve had, great weather. Even though we ordered more food than last year, we still ran out. Income was $14,179.00. Expenses were approx. $6,000.00. We made just shy of $8,000.00. One negative aspect was difficulty getting enough volunteers. Next year we need to focus on how to get more volunteers. Comments regarding the Grade Level Baskets welcomed. Did people understand it or even know about it? Should we combine it with a raffle for next year, advertise more, change location?

New Business

Holiday Boutique (12/4)-Krista Kleidon-Everthing is going well so far. We have 23 paid and secured vendors. Five or six have been turned away due to same product (jewelry). Many new and different vendors coming. May end up with 30-35 vendors (compared to only 16 last year). Should be really exciting and great event. Santa and Yogurtland will be there.

Spring Fling (04/26/14)-Shirley Choy Marshall & Catherine Lavin-Meeting tomorrow 11/20/13 from 2:00-3:00 to for giving feedback regarding event, brainstorming ideas. We still need some key positions filled (Walkathon Chair; Prize Chair; Possibly Food). A survey was sent out last week for suggestions and/or comments. Information tables were recently set up near Kinder areas to inform new families about Spring Fling.

Green Team Update-Melissa Belur-Coordinator still needed. Can make the position as big or small as you would like. Green Team does Trash Free Fridays & recycling program. There are lots of small and big things we can do. The team will meet 1st Monday of the month. Capri Sun recycling and 4th 5th grade students collecting recycling is on hold for now due to lack of volunteers to organize it. An idea is being considered to set up an Amazon affiliate store for purchasing green items such as reusable bottles or lunch boxes, and other items. Hacienda would receive a percentage of sales.

Traffic Safety Team Update (Shirley Choy-Marshall)

Team is currently working on document to map problem areas, traffic flow issues, and make recommendations on what needs to be done. They are looking for people to be present in drop-off area to make sure traffic is flowing, & kids are exiting vehicles safely. The request for a “Right Turn Only” sign in front drop-off area was denied by traffic safety person sent by the District. It was decided there was no need for it. Based on this, the district will not fund it. Mrs. Mohamed will look into the possibility of putting it up if we pay for it. We may be able to contact Donald Rocha’s office to see if they can help with signs. Traffic Committee will continue to work on issues. This is a work in progress.


-3rd Grade Holiday Chorus will be at Hicklebee’s on 12/12. Powell’s Sweet Shop may have a percentage back night also.

-Tamale fundraiser for Mr. Marcelo sold over 1300 tamales, and made over $1,000.00 in proceeds for him.

-HIPS Holiday party is Tuesday, 12/17 at Sonoma Chicken Coop from 6:00-9:00 p.m. We are trying to get the word out that everyone is invited. Appetizers and fondue will be provided. There will be an ugly/tacky sweater contest and white elephant gift exchange ($5.00 or less).

Meeting Adjourned 8:30 p.m. M/S/A

Next meeting: January 21st at 7:00 PM (6:45 social) (NO REGULAR HIPS MEETING IN DECEMBER)