Calling all Super Heroes!
February 10, 2017
Dear Family,
My name is Heather Nye and I am this year’s VBS director. I will be working closely with Pastor James Harris, our Director of youth and children’s ministries. This is my 9th VBS, and I am VERY excited about this year’s theme!
This Year’s VBS is Hero Central: Discovering your strength in God! Please mark your calendars,VBS will be July 10th- the 14th from 8:30am- 12:30pm. We will not be serving lunch, however the children will get a superhero Snack. We will have a pizza party Friday with families at the conclusion of VBS in Cokesbury Hall.
Children ages 3yrs.- 5th grade are invited to attend. We request that all children be potty trained for ease on our leaders. For those still new to the potty game, please send a small bag with a change of clothes, just in case. Please label EVERYTHING.
Hero registration will open on April 23rd.
The Dead line to register your child will be June 25th.
We will have a mission project that we will work on throughout the week. We will be collecting money to go toKoinonia. Via a game called Coin Wars! Each class will have a superhero bucket to collect their donations, but there is a twist. All pennies will count as positive currency, and all others will be negative, and can be placed in another classes bucket for a little healthy competition. Start saving your coins and may the best Hero win!
At VBS Hero Central, your child(ren) will enjoy an interactive, energizing, Bible based good time as they discover their strength in God. They will become Heroes and explore how to serve God and his mission.
After a high energy opening assembly in the sanctuary, at Hero Central, the Heroes rotate through 6 Stations: Bible Story Headquarters, Craft Headquarters, Music Headquarters, Science Headquarters, Recreation Headquarters, and Snack Headquarters. We will close in the Sanctuary with a message from our Supersonic Shuttle Crew. Your Heroes will discover a hero verse (Bible memory verse) that will remain with them in their faith long after VBS.
If you are available and would like to join the Hero Central Team, it would be super to have you! It takes many smiling faces to make VBS an exciting time. Please consider volunteering. There are many opportunities available. To register please visit:
We know that many cannot spare the time;there are other ways that you can still be involved in this amazing time in our church. There will be a list of items that we will need donated to help make VBS go smoothly. Look for it in the Narthex beginning May7th.
We have a few important dates to remember:
- February 18-9am- stage room. First volunteer interest meeting. Continental breakfast will be provided.
- April 23- VBS online Registration will be open!
- May7- Donation list will be up in the Narthex
- June 5- Noon – stage room. VBS volunteer 2nd meeting and child safety check
- June 11- Donations will be due
- June 24 –9-12-stage room. 3rdVBS volunteer meeting- job assignments, folders, coworkers Etc.
- June 25- Registration Deadline.
- July 1- VBS decoration and prep- Time TBD
- July 6-9 VBS decoration and prep- TimeTBD
- July 9- final room decoration time and VBS decoration and prep 12pm -?
- July 10- 8:30am – VBS starts!!
I am so excited and I can’t wait to see all that God has in store for us this summer at Hero Central! See you soon!
If you have any questions please feel free to call or text me at 937-266-1385 or email:
Please keep in mind I have 3 young kids. Thanks!