Science Laboratory Safety Procedures
- Be responsible for your actions at all times. No horseplay!
2. Stay at your assigned lab stations unless directed otherwise.
3. Read ALL procedures and instructions before attempting the lab
activity. Do not touch any lab equipment unless instructed!
4. Eating, drinking, chewing gum, applying make-up, manipulating contact
lenses are NOT permitted in the lab area at any time.
5. Working without the instructor present is prohibited.
6. Do only the experiments described or as instructed.
7. Equipment or materials may not be removed from the laboratory.
Personal Safety:
8 Wear safety goggles unless your instructor SPECIFICALLY TELLS YOU
9. Secure loose clothing, i.e. bulky sleeves or jackets.
10. Tie back long hair.
11. ALL accidents must be reported to the instructor immediately, no matter
how small.
12. Ask the teacher for instructions on how to clean up spilled chemicals.
13. Know the location of all safety equipment in the room AND understand
its operation.
Safety with Chemical Lab Equipment:
14. Do not taste, touch, or smell any chemicals unless specifically instructed
to do so. ALL chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered
15. Avoid inhaling fumes generated in a lab activity. Smell, only if directed
to do so, by wafting.
16. Do not force glass tubing into rubber stoppers or force stoppers into
17. Never handle broken glass with bare hands. Immediately tell your instructor and he/she will clean it up.
Safe Laboratory Environment:
18. Backpacks and books are to remain in the classroom area.
19. Never sit on lab tables or counter tops.
20. Follow the instructor’s directions for disposal. Solids do NOT go down
the sink and SOME liquids must not go down the sink.
21. Allow matches to cool or wet them before throwing them into trash cans.
22. ALL trash is to be placed into the trash cans, not the sink.
23. Work areas shall be cleaned up and materials returned to the
appropriate locations when the lab is completed.
24. Students MUST wash hands with soap and water before leaving the lab
Laboratory Safety Procedures Agreement
I, ______(printed student’s name) have read and agree to follow all the safety rules set forth in this agreement. I realize that I must obey these rules to ensure my own safety, and that of my fellow students and instructors. I will cooperate to the fullest extent with my instructors and fellow students to maintain a safe lab environment. I will also closely follow the oral and written instructions provided by the instructor. I am aware that any violation of this safety agreement that results in unsafe conduct in the laboratory or misbehavior on my part may result in being removed from the laboratory, detention, receiving a failing grade, and/or dismissal from future labs completely. If I am dismissed from more than one lab, I will not be permitted to return to future labs and will be given an alternate assignment to complete.
Revised, 6/2010