AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)

LPTC General Membership and Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, January 4, 2011

Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 3-5, 2011, Orlando, FL



Scott Miller



General membership and Steering Committee


4 January 2011

Orlando, FL


AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)

LPTC General Membership and Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, January 4, 2011

Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 3-5, 2011, Orlando, FL


Date: January 4, 2011

To: Scott Miller, LPTC Chairman

From: Don Sargent, Secretary

Subject: Minutes - Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee,

Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 3-5, 2011, Orlando, FL

Chairman Scott Miller called the meeting to order at 1945 hours on Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at the ASM conference in Orlando, FL. The agenda for the LPTC meeting is included as Attachment 1. Twenty-one members, including five by teleconference, were in attendance (Attachment 2 is the attendance roster).

The LPTC Steering Group meeting took place beginning at 1700 hours on Tuesday, January 4th, prior to the full committee meeting. Thirteen attendees, including three by teleconference, are indicated on the Attachment 2 attendance roster. Steering group minutes were taken and the topics covered were discussed again in the general meeting.

Key points and discussion from the general membership meeting follow:

Opening Remarks / Introduction

Scott Miller started the meeting with welcoming remarks. The agenda for the meeting was also reviewed.

Scott then presented and discussed an organization chart of the Propulsion and Energy Committee and a summary of the P&E meeting (Attachment 4) that he had attended on Monday, January 3rd. Included were plans and issues for forthcoming Joint Propulsion Conferences through 2016. Scott then presented a current LPTC organization chart, Attachment 5, showing subcommittee assignments. {A projected LPTC organization chart, to be effective May 1, 2011, was presented later as part of the Membership Subcommittee report.}

Scott then reviewed the purpose and objectives of the LPTC (Attachment 6), and a chart (Attachment 7) showing the metrics summary for the Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee. The total metric for the LPTC was 77.0%, which is up 10% in the last two years. Scott discussed the LPTC Goals for 2009-2011 (Attachment 8).

Old Business

Don Sargent presented the status of action items from the LPTC General Membership meeting at the July 2010 JPC in Nashville. Attachment 3A lists the continuous or old action items were completed or closed during this meeting. Action Items completed or closed during the course of the July 2010 meeting are in Attachment 3A. Action Items established during the course of the meeting have been added to outstanding action items from previous meetings, and are listed in Attachment 3B.

No comments or corrections to the minutes of the July 2010 meeting were received, and the minutes were then approved as written by voice vote.

JPC Conference Planning Updates

·  2011 JPC, San Diego, CA, to be held July 31st – August 3rd, 2011

o  Chip Sauer prepared material on the 2011 JPC (see Attachment 9). There will be 30 to 32 liquid propulsion sessions. Approximately 140 liquid propulsion abstracts were submitted, and all but 40 have been reviewed by LPTC members. Abstracts that have been reviewed were assigned to sessions, and initial assignment of session chairs will be based upon last year’s assignments. Session titles will be revised over the next two weeks. Chip still needs to finalize any Special Topic sessions.

o  Due to budgetary constraints (lack of sponsors), there will be no off-site events.

o  Action 10JPC-03, assigned to Dan Kirk, is to summarize the discussion of LPTC posters and make a recommendation for next JPC, considering cheaper alternatives.

o  Action 11ASM-3, assigned to Bill Wang, is to acquire LPTC laser pointers for tech sessions for the 2011 JPC, and to look at higher quality pointers that should last more than one session.

·  2012 JPC, Atlanta, GA, to be held July 30th – August 1st, 2012

o  Ivett Leyva presented the planning milestones for the 2012 JPC (see Attachment 10). Abstracts will be due in November 2011, and abstract review is to be completed by December 2011.

·  2013 JPC, San Jose, CA, to be held July 14th – July 17th, 2013 (see Attachment 11).

The LPTC has not yet selected a Liquid Propulsion Technical Area Coordinator for the 2013 JPC. This issue was extensively discussed at our January 2011 general meeting. Silvio Chianese expressed interest in filling this position, but was concerned that his work obligations at Northrop Grumman Aerospace may interfere with the time commitments for three JPC planning meetings during 2011, 2012, and 2013. Silvio tentatively agreed to accept the 2013 JPC coordinator role, pending concurrence from his manager at Northrop Grumman. Scott Miller took an action (11 ASM-6) to contact Silvio’s manager to facilitate this concurrence.

·  Professor Ashwani Gupta, Director of the AIAA Propulsion and Energy Group, visited the LPTC General Meeting. His remarks included a plea to solicit additional corporate sponsors for the 2011 JPC. Also, there still needs to identify a General Chair and a Technical Chair for the 2013 JPC.

New Business

Subcommittee Reports

·  Treasurer’s Report (see Attachment 12) - Mike Meyer

o  LPTC deposited $3,473 from the Nashville July 2010 Short Course.

o  The projected balance for January 2011 is $4,831.

o  The projected balance for December 1, 2011 is $4,200.

·  Membership Subcommittee Report (See Attachment 13) - Scott Forde

o  An “Alumni” non-voting membership category has been established. The “alumni” category represents recognition that former members often continue to play important roles in mentoring TC and PC activities and provide ongoing work in support of the committees.

o  Overall TC and PC guidelines for the number of committee members were also updated. The guidelines are: no more than 35 regular members and no more than 50 total members. This provides up to 15 additional members from the international, associate, and alumni membership categories.

o  As of January 2011, there are 44 total members on the committee

Committee has 7 International members

Committee has (Scott believes) 10 young members

Therefore there are at most 8 open eligible spaces {35 - (44-7-10)}.

o  Added 3 New Members in 2010

Mr. Thomas Kmec

Mr. Justin Locke

Dr. Nobuihiro Yamanishi

o  David Perry retired from LPTC in 2010 after 17 years

o  LPTC Members Resigning as of May 1, 2011

Brent Bates

Scott Glubke

Carl Engelbrecht

o  Four New Nominees– Biosketches are included in Attachment 13.

Stewart S. Bushman

Mark Ford

David Lineberry

Jeff Schnackel

All four nominees were elected unanimously by the LPTC members in attendance.

o  Scott Miller accepted an action (11ASM-2) to acquire LPTC shirts for newer members, after getting a count and a size distribution.

o  A projected LPTC organization chart, to be effective May 1, 2011, is included in Attachment 13.

•  Eric Bresnard will be the new LPTC Chairman, Scott Forde will be the new LPTC Vice Chairman, and Scott Miller will be the new Past Chairman.

•  A Membership Subcommittee Chairman is needed to replace Scott Forde, who is the new LPTC Vice Chairman. The LPTC members in attendance failed to select Scott’s replacement. Instead, two action items were adopted: each LPTC Subcommittee Chairman shall submit the name of candidate for new Chair of Membership Committee (Action 11 ASM-7); and the Membership Committee shall recommend a candidate for the new Chair of Membership Committee (Action 11 ASM-8).

·  Publications Subcommittee (Geoff Reber). No Publications Subcommittee report was submitted. See Attachment 14.

•  The Publications Subcommittee has an action (10JPC-6) to query the AIAA membership database to sort by Liquid Propulsion identified interest area to get a larger distribution for the LPTC newsletter.

•  The Publications Subcommittee has an action (10JPC-9) to publish LPTC awards in Aerospace America.

•  The Publications Subcommittee has an action (10-JPC-10) to publish the AIAA award presentation to Kent Pugmire.

·  Webmaster (Gary Grayson). See Attachment 15. The website has been updated as needed, with posting of the July 2010 minutes and recent awards announcements. A special awards page feature section was added to publicize Dr. Pugmire’s Sustained Service Award.

·  Awards Subcommittee (Alfredo Lopez). See Attachment 16.

•  27 papers from the 2010 JPC are being reviewed by the Awards Subcommittee to select the LPTC Best Paper.

•  LPTC is leading the selection committee for the Wyld Propulsion Award. Eight nomination packages have been received. Nominations for the Wyld Award to AIAA are due by 10/1/2011

•  The Awards Subcommittee has an action (09JPC-8) to create criteria for the selection of the LPTC Lifetime Achievement Award, and the LPTC Service Award.

•  The Awards Subcommittee has an action (10ASM-1) to determine which LPTC members would qualify as a sustaining AIAA member.

·  Education Report (Alan Frankel). See Attachment 17.

•  The 2010 Liquid Propulsion Short Course had 31 attendees from the U.S. and from seven other countries. The honorarium to LPTC was $3,473.

•  Planning for the 2011 Liquid Propulsion Short Course has commitments from several instructors. The goals are to somewhat standardize the presentation format, to consolidate propulsion basics into one presentation, and to broaden the offering.

•  All LPTC members were assigned an action (11ASM-9) to recommend a potential topic and identify a presenter, for the Propulsion Short Course at 2011 JPC.

•  The LPTC should pull together activities for the 2011 JPC that would support the AIAA strategic plan for K-12 STEM outreach.

·  History Subcommittee Report (T. Kent Pugmire). See Attachment 18.

§  Kent reviewed the speakers at the 2010 JPC History Session, and the invited participants for the 2011 JPC History Session.

§  An action (10ASM-5) was assigned to Ivett Leyva, Kent Pugmire, and Chip Sauer to recommend names for a “special persons” session at JPC 11, and to combine this session with the History Session.

§  Kent listed the recorded history sessions, from 2004 through 2010. Adequate equipment is now available for recording both video and sound. Thanks to Jacobs Technology Inc. for filming the 2010 History session.

§  Sets of the recorded sessions are now available for $125. The 2010 Nashville recorded session is available for $10.

§  Request was made to Ashwani Gupta and to the AIAA Directors Fund for transcribing audio for a possible book publication.

§  An action (09JPC-9) was assigned to Kent Pugmire to follow up on requesting TAC funds for transcribing the History videos.

§  A continuing challenge is how to fund retiree’s JPC travel. Thanks to AMPAC for providing Exhibitor badges and lunch tickets last year, and Spincraft can do the same for this year.

§  An action (11ASM-4) was assigned to Alan Frankel and Kent Pugmire to acquire quality mugs with LPTC logos as token gifts to History Session presenters at JPC 11.

·  Liaison Reports

§  Foreign Liaison Report – Oskar Haidn publicized the 4th European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences (EUCASS) that will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia, July 4-8, 2011.

·  The action items assigned in the meeting were reviewed and agreed upon. See Attachment 3B for the final action item list/status.

·  Scott Miller adjourned the meeting at approximately 22:35 hours.


General Membership Meeting Agenda

7:30 Welcome, Review Agenda Miller

7:35 Introductions/Opening Remarks Miller

7:45 Technical Activities Committee (TAC) Business

Propulsion & Energy (P&E) Report &TC Metrics Miller

8:00 LPTC Organization and Metrics Miller

8:10 Review Old Action Items Sargent

8:20 Review and Approve Prior Meeting Minutes Sargent

8:25 Conference Updates

2011 JPC – San Diego Sauer

Planning Status

2012 JPC – Atlanta Leyva

Planning Status

2013 JPC – San Jose

Selection of Technical Coordinator

8:50 Subcommittee Reports

Treasurer’s Report Meyer

Membership Forde

Publications Reber

Website Grayson

Awards Lopez

Education Frankel

History Pugmire

9:50 Liaison Reports

JANNAF Liquid Propulsion Cohn


Liquid Hydrogen Naraghi

Foreign Preclik

AIAA Electric Propulsion Meyer

10:00 New Business Miller

10:10 Action Item Review Sargent

10:15 Adjourn Miller


Attendance, General Membership and Steering Meetings

Ashwani Gupta was a visitor


Action Items Completed or Closed During General Membership Meeting

No. / Action Item /


/ Due By
Update conference paper no-shows, names, country, %, topic etc.
Send results to Mike Nusca /

Dan Kirk/Alan Frankel

/ Replaced by Continuous Action Item
08JPC-6 / Send an email to Eric Besnard on the history of the Wyld Award including past recipients /

Kent Pugmire

/ Closed. Info is on AIAA Awards website
10JPC-01 / Investigate acquiring additional LPTC shirts for newer members /

Scott Miller

/ Completed. Replaced by 11ASM-2
10JPC-02 / Investigate acquiring LPTC laser pointers for tech sessions – look at higher quality options /

Bill Wang

/ Completed. Replaced by 11ASM-3
10JPC-04 / Investigate acquiring LPTC mugs as a token gift to History Session presenters /

Kent Pugmire

/ Completed. Replaced by 11ASM-4
10JPC-05 / Contact Scott Glubke to inquire about membership status /

Scott Miller

/ Completed.
Scott Glubke has resigned
10JPC-07 / Send photo to Geoff Reber of AIAA award presentation to Kent Pugmire. /

Scott Miller

/ Completed
10JPC-08 / Provide writeup to Geoff Reber of AIAA award presentation to Kent Pugmire. /

Silvio Chianese

/ Completed
10JPC-11 / Reschedule LPTC Steering and General Membership meetings to avoid last evening of ASM meeting. Schedule both meetings back-to-back on Monday or Tuesday at ASM. /

Scott Miller

/ Completed.


Updated Action Item List, After Deleting Completed or Closed Items

No. / Action Item /


/ Due By

Continuous Action Items

Submit or update single page resumes and pictures to Scott Forde / All / 11 JPC
Provide inputs for Aerospace America Highlights to Geoff Reber / All / 11 JPC
Provide inputs for the LPTC Newsletter to Geoff Reber / All / 11 JPC
Identify candidates with liquid propulsion background for next Wyld Award .Provide nominations for Wyld Award to AIAA by 10/1/2011 / Kent Pugmire / Alfredo Lopez / 11 JPC
Update conference paper no-shows, names, country, %, topic etc. Send results to Chip Sauer for JPC 11. / Dan Kirk/Alan Frankel / 11 JPC
Old Action Items
09JPC-8 / Create criteria for the selection of the LPTC Lifetime Achievement Award, and the LPTC Service Award / Alfredo Lopez / 11 JPC
09JPC-9 / Follow up on requesting TAC funds for transcribing the history videos. Request was made to Ashwani Gupta / Kent Pugmire / 11 JPC
10ASM-1 / Determine which LPTC members would qualify as a sustaining AIAA member / Alfredo Lopez / 11 JPC
10ASM-5 / To create a list of names for a “special person session”, such as George Sutton, Bob Sackheim, George Sutherland. Combine special person session with History session. / Ivett Leyva / Kent Pugmire / Chip Sauer / 11 JPC
10JPC-03 / Summarize discussion of LPTC posters and make recommendation for next JPC, considering cheaper alternatives. / Dan Kirk / 11 JPC
10JPC-06 / Query AIAA membership database to sort by Liquid Propulsion identified interest area to get a larger distribution for the LPTC newsletter / Geoff Reber
Scott Miller will call Geoff / 11 JPC
10JPC-09 / Publish LPTC awards in Aerospace America. / Geoff Reber / 11 JPC
10JPC-10 / Publish AIAA award presentation to Kent Pugmire. / Geoff Reber / 11 JPC
New Action Items (Assigned on 01/04//2011)
11ASM-2 / Acquire additional LPTC shirts for newer members after getting count and size distribution. / Scott Miller / 11 JPC
11 ASM-3 / Acquire LPTC laser pointers for tech sessions – look at higher quality pointers that should last more than one session. / Bill Wang / 11 JPC
11 ASM-4 / Acquire LPTC mugs as a token gift to History Session presenters / Alan Frankel / Kent Pugmire / 11 JPC
11 ASM-5 / Reschedule LPTC Steering and General Membership meetings at JPC 11 and ASM 12 to avoid last evening of meeting. Schedule both Steering and General meetings back-to-back on Monday or Tuesday. / Eric Besnard / 11 JPC
11 ASM-6 / Contact Sivio Chianese’s manager for concurrence that Silvio may devote time to serve as 2013 JPC Technical Coordinator, to include attending three AIAA planning meetings during 2011, 2012, & 2013. / Scott Miller / 11 JPC
11 ASM-7 / Submit name of candidate for new Chair of Membership Committee / Each LPTC Subcommittee Chairman / 3/31/2011
11 ASM-8 / Recommend candidate for new Chair of Membership Committee / Membership
Committee / 3/31/2011
11 ASM-9 / Recommend a potential topic and identify presenter, for Propulsion Short Course to be conducted at 2011 JPC / All / 1/21/2011