Expect Great Things
Radom, Poland – Many of you, I’m sure, have heard of William Carey, a pioneer missionary often referred to as the “Father of Modern Missions.” In 1792, in the text of a message based on Isaiah 54:2-3, defending the need for foreign missions, Carey first uttered his now famous quote: “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.”
Matthew 5:16 “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven”, in conjunction with Carey’s quote, are the driving forces behind God’s work in Radom, Poland, involving Steve and Bernatka Snyder and Hope Jeffrey.
In 2005, we established an international Christian foundation under Polish law, and chose to name the foundation “OWRze” (pronounced “Ove’-zhe”), an acronym formed from the first three words in the Polish translation of Carey’s quote (Oczekuj Wielkich Rzeczy – Expect Great Things). Since its establishment, not only have we lived in expectation of great things from God, but we have also evidenced many great things done by God. We continue to work in the homeless shelters of Radom, and in Children’s Ministry in Radom neighborhoods, along with traditional I.M. camp ministries. In additional, in accordance with the second portion of Carey’s quote, God has brought new ministries to OWRze. We’d like to share three particular areas displaying God’s sovereignty and glory.
One major new work is in a Chechen war refugee camp, located here in Radom. Chechnya has been at war with Russia, in a struggle for freedom and independence, for several years now, and vast numbers of citizens have either been killed or have fled for their lives. Refugees who escape from Chechnya often have nothing more than perhaps a shopping bag full of possessions.
We were introduced to a small group of refugees last year, and this year, God called us into Chechen ministry at a deeper level. In early summer, plans were made to bring together our local church and some refugees. A few weeks before the event, a local department store contacted us and told us they were willing to give us 200 pairs of shoes, knowing that a part of OWRze’s work is distribution of clothing to needy families. On the day we were to pick up the shoes, the department manager called us, and told us it wouldn’t be just 200 pairs, but 500 pairs of shoes! Our praise and excitement filled the air! From the first moment of notification about the shoes, we knew exactly what God had planned for them – to be given to Chechen refugees. We picked up the shoes gladly, but hmmm... with no ministry location in which to store them, so what then? We ended up simply putting them in Hope’s living room.... (When was the last time you had 500 pairs of shoes, not just in your house, but in your living room????? On Sunday at church, Hope complimented a teen girl on her new shoes. A lady then asked Hope if she likes shoes... Hope immediately replied, “I must! I’ve got 500 pairs in my living room!”)
Just 5 days before the barbecue, our pastor told us the church would not be participating. By then, it was too late to cancel the event, and by the grace of God’s wisdom, we determined to simply scale the event down to ourselves, a missionary couple from Krakow and just a few Chechens. We surrendered the event to God, trusting Him to work out the details. We also prayed fervently that God would give us someone to work with from the Chechen camp who could help us arrange the details of distributing the shoes. Praise God, once again in His wisdom He brought to us a Chechen family we had met in 2005, including a man who has been at the camp 3 years, and knew exactly the right people for us to contact in order to obtain permission from Polish Social Services to do the distribution. Ultimately, the smaller barbecue provided us with a much better connection, more personal relationships and far more rewarding conversations. God’s sovereignty shone through brightly and His ways do indeed work!
As the time for distributing the shoes drew near, we also considered that perhaps Radom’s evangelical churches would be willing to help with clothing contributions. Again, God’s sovereignty and His plan for this ministry were made clear. When Steve shared our plans and request for clothing with one of the pastors, his immediate reply was, “Of course! We’ve already got 10 bags of clothing collected! We just didn’t know what we were going to do with them!” In the end, this one church contributed 30 large-size garbage bags full of clothing!
So, with shoes and clothing at our disposal, we arranged for the distribution. And prayed for helpers! We knew it was a bigger task then just the 3 of us could handle, not just physically, but also linguistically, as Chechens speak Russian, and we don’t! Some of them have been in Poland long enough to speak some Polish, but language differences remain a barrier. Once again, Jehovah-Jireh did not disappoint. Two of our colleagues from Odessa, Ron Winkler, an American, and Sasha Litvak, a Ukrainian, joined us for the 2 days of distribution. Sasha’s Russian was a tremendous blessing, as he was able to communicate with them at a much deeper level!
This one event, clothing and shoe distribution in the name of Jesus Christ, has opened doors for us to also teach English at the Chechen camp. For these people, English provides an opportunity for employment in several countries throughout Europe, helping them as they strive toward new lives; for us, English remains an effective tool for building relationships with the final goal of sharing the gospel, leading to the ultimate new life in Christ. We are also looking forward to an opportunity to host a team from Odessa who will be able to speak to the Chechens in Russian, their heart language, and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them.
God’s hand was also revealed to us this summer through “close encounters of the police kind”! Like typical parents, Polish parents are protective of their children. And also, in a not so unusual fashion, Catholic priests in Radom again this year warned their parishes regarding the “cults” who were trying to entice, entrap and harm children by “luring” them to language camps, etc. This “warning” was issued the week following our VBS, which had included English language lessons at a location right next door to a Catholic church, and also shortly following an English camp sponsored by another evangelical church in Radom. (The saying still holds true in Poland, that if you’re not Catholic, you’re a cult.) As a result of parental caution and the false warning issued by a territorially protective Catholic church, parents called the police questioning OWRze’s authenticity and validity. We were preparing for a camp for children from poor and pathological families when suddenly, at the Snyders’ home one morning, the police arrived, asking to talk to “the foundation”. They interviewed us for about 30 minutes, then asked Steve to accompany them to the station. After an additional 2-3 hours of questioning and lecturing, the police determined that OWRze was indeed a bona fide foundation and gave us their seal of approval. Along with their seal of approval, inroads were also made to begin English lessons with them, again using English language as a tool for relationship building with the end goal of sharing the gospel.
In the end, OWRze was completely approved and okayed by the police, however the Catholic facility we were going to use wasn't registered with the governmentas it needs to be. Because of this, we did have to cancel the camp, but we are incredibly aware of it all being under God’s control and protection so that all of this happened before we left for camp. Or before we had a bunch of kids sitting on a bus ready to go and the police drive up. Or during camp having police show up, finding out the place isn't legal and having to send them all home. There could have been so many more worse scenarios for this - God's power and protection were displayed magnificently and we are grateful!
A few other police encounters also have made it clear to us that God’s hand is guiding us in this direction. While on a children’s outreach event in another poor neighborhood in Radom, a mother called the police, who came and questioned Steve and our pastor, and in the end again cleared us, and offered good advice. And at our family camp, the police again arrived, simply to make sure we really hadn’t taken anyone’s children.... Also, Steve, by the grace of God bringing rain to an outdoor ministry event, was given the opportunity for extended conversation with Radom’s mayor, who is the former police commandant. Individually, Steve and Hope hae been challenged to begin seeking ministry among influential people groups in Radom, reaching beyond the average citizen on the street. As God continues to point us toward a ministry of serving Radom’s police, we look forward to the opportunity to host an English camp specifically for police officers in 2007.
Last but not least, OWRze, along with many of you, has been praying for a ministry location. As of the writing of this article, it appears God is answering that prayer as well. We discovered a marvelous location in Hope’s apartment building and in August talked with the president of the condo association. But upon learning the conditions of purchase, including a court case deadline involving the property, we realized they were more than we could deal with in the very short time required, and sadly left behind the thought of the purchase and returned to praying for a location.
BUT GOD.....brought this property back to the forefront again.By His sovereignty, He:
- extended the court deadline not just once, but twice, giving us a ample time for prayer, consideration and negotiation
- causedthe president of the condo association tore-open negotiations on the property
- changed the tide to where we are being pursued as purchasers, and put bargaining power on our side
- reduced the purchase price of the property by 1/3 (actually to ½ its market value)
- caused the condo association to lower the monthly condo fee substantially
- caused our conditions for payment (spread over one year instead of at time of purchase) to be accepted so that we would have the time to raise financial support
- caused an American church to commit to providing a substantial portion of the cash needed for the initial down-payment required at time of purchase.
Ownership of this particular ministry location would provide ample space for a neighborhood center for children, a food bank, a clothing bank, a meeting place for substance abuse recovery groups, an office, a warehouse and many other purposes as well.
We see clearly the awesome truth, as the New Living Translation puts it, that “God in his mercy has given us this wonderful ministry”. There is no mistaking the hand of God in any of the work we’ve been involved in this summer! His power, His mighty right hand, and His sovereignty have been revealed through the new work of a Chechen war refugee ministry, the new work of ministering to Radom’s police force, and the potential provision of a ministry location for reaching out to many other residents of Radom, as well.
In our camp offerings in 2007, we hope to include two English camps, one specially designed for police officers, an “American sports” camp (baseball and football), and an adventure camp including such things as rock climbing, kayaking, and river rafting. If you have talents or desires to share the gospel using any of these means as relationship-builders, please contact International Messenger’s office for application information or see our web site
Because of how God has revealed Himself in Radom during 2006, we are greatly encouraged to attempt even greater things for God, and expect even greater things from God. We pray that you will ask God for His wisdom and guidance in joining His work here in whatever capacity He intends for you. As a newly founded organization, OWRze has an unlimited number of ground-floor openings for harvest workers in several areas: prayer partners, short-term teams and long-term workers, advocacy and representation in U.S. churches, as well ascontributors of material goods and financial resources.