San Mateo County Community College District

Bond Oversight Committee

Minutes of the August 15, 2005 Meeting

Members Present: Marta Bookbinder, Coleman Campbell, Dr. Patrick Cheng, Rose Jacobs Gibson, Stanley Gross, Marion McDowell, Bill Nack, Jim Wyatt

Members Absent: Leah Cowan, George Cresson, Ruth Nagler

Others Present: Kathy Blackwood, Barbara Christensen, Linda Da Silva, Karen Freeman, Ron Galatolo, Phyllis Lucas-Woods, Mr. McDowell, Tom Mohr, Jose Nunez, Maggie Souza

1. The meeting was convened at 12:25 P.M. in Building 13, Room 15 at Cañada College. Jim Wyatt chaired the meeting and asked everyone present to introduce themselves.

2. Minutes

The minutes from the May 6, 2005 were approved as amended.

3. Tour of Cañada College and update on Districtwide Projects

Tour and update will be given at the end of the meeting.

4. Review of Grand Jury Letter regarding model construction practices

The document was noted as an informational item and was reviewed with members by Barbara Christensen, Jose Nunez, Linda Da Silva, and Karen Freeman. This document will be posted on the Facilities Planning & Construction website.

5. Review of cumulative report on expenditures (June 30, 2005)

Kathy Blackwood reviewed the budget figures indicating that $39 million was spent in 2004-05 and that a total $138 million of the $207 million authorized in the Bond has been expended or committed to date. That $138 million represents two-thirds of the total funds available. An external auditor will conduct financial and performance audits of bond expenditures beginning next month and concluding in December. The auditor will examine the Bond Projects Lists and the amounts spent on those projects in order to assure that no money was spent on items not on the Projects List.

Linda Da Silva noted that , in addition to the Bond Projects funds ( $207 million), the District has received nearly $110 million in state, local and private funds to be used for facility improvements.

6. Discussion of November Bond Measure

Chancellor Galatolo reported that our Board of Trustees in July decided to continue what our District started in campus renovations by adopting a resolution ordering an election to authorize issuance of General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $468 million. The District has compiled a list of unmet capital facilities needs totaling more than half a million dollars. It is estimated that the District will be eligible for almost $80 million in State and local funding for these projects over the next few years reducing our unmet need to approximately $468 million. A survey of likely voters in November was taken that indicated between 65 to 67% of likely voters would support a community college bond measure. 55% majority is needed for passage. The cost to the average homeowner would be approximately $52 a year or $4.33 a month. A meeting of a campaign committee to discuss the Bond campaign will be held after the next August 17 Board meeting.

7. Schedule for the next meeting

The next meeting will be held in November, 2005 on either a Tuesday or Wednesday.

8. Committee members’ comments/requests for future agenda items

Committee members with agenda items for the next meeting should contact Barbara Christensen.

9. Public comments


10. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:40 P.M. Committee members were then led on a tour of

the Cañada building an construction projects.