Holy Infant Catholic Church Liturgical ProceduresRevised January 2014


5000 Southpark Drive, Durham, NC 27713Phone 919-544-7135 Fax 919-544-1799

We who are called as ministers of hospitality should foster a spirit of welcoming among the assembly. By doing so, we help to manifest God’s presence to the assembly. It is essential to understand each of the parts, and the whole of the Liturgy in order to fully cooperate with the Church at worship. Because the call to ministry is a sacred trust, we must approach our ministry with diligent preparation that begins with prayer. By continuing to be attentive to the liturgy and the assembly, we serve as examples of Christian love that binds the church together. (Liturgical Ministry: A Practical Guide to Spirituality by Donna M. Cole)

All liturgical ministers are registered parishioners. The guidelines that follow conform to the theological and liturgical principles in the diocesan guidelines.

Attire and Behavior

By dressing appropriately, liturgical ministers help the assembly focus on the ministry rather than on personal appearance. Ministers, regardless of age, should dress at a minimum in “business casual” attire. Sneakers, jeans, T-shirts, sweat/jogging suits, shorts, and skimpy clothing of any type are not appropriate. Pins or jewelry with any type of writing, EXCEPT for a name badge, should not be worn.

Ministers model a respectful and reverent attitude by arriving on time, avoiding distracting behavior (e.g. talking with others during the liturgy unless appropriate), and participating in the entire liturgy.

Training and Formation

Technical orientation and training as well as liturgical and spiritual formation are a necessary part of every ministry. Initial orientation and training are required before the new minister enters service. Each minister is also expected to grow in faith and action through attending ongoing formation for established ministers at least once a year. Each minister is expected to attend the yearly formation held for all Holy Infant liturgical ministers.

Substitution Procedure

Each liturgical minister is absolutely crucial for the celebration of the liturgy. Please be present when scheduled or request a substitute through the Website as early as possible.

Day of the Liturgy

Preparation Prior to the Liturgy

  1. Arrive at least 20 minutes before the celebration begins. Visit the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for a few minutes and ask God’s blessing upon your ministry. Offer your ministry to the Lord before, during, and after the liturgy. The following is a suggested adaptation of the direction of intention by St. Francis de Sales:

Lord, I give you my actions and ministry. Help me to conduct myself in a manner that will praise you and assist my brothers and sisters in their worship of your Holy Name.

  1. Place a check next to your name on the schedule posted in the sacristy. Put on your nametag.
  1. Check the names of all ministers on the schedule. It is important to be aware of the other ministers to ensure that all ministries are properly staffed.
  1. Host material is in the host binder located in the sacristy.READ AND FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH THE SCRIPT. Do not add announcements to the script without approval from the presider. Do not ‘ad-lib’ the script! The host is not to be a source of distraction. Regardless of your gifts and talents, there is no substitute for adequate preparation. Preparation is especially critical for special seasonal celebrations. Greeters will provide the names of two gift bearers to the host (you may have to remind the greeters!). Instruct these individuals in their responsibilities and escort them to the preparation table during the first collection.
  2. Check with the Directorabout any special events such as baptisms or needed instructions, such as for special blessings. When there is a baptism, meet with the family and baptismal coordinator before the liturgy. This will allow them to make a connection, and gives the host a chance to get an accurate pronunciation of the families’ names. For a liturgy at which there is a baptism, members of the baptismal families will typically be gift bearers. This should be confirmed even if it is already written in the script. Instruct these individuals in their responsibilities, and escort them to the preparation table during the first collection.
  1. Identify Eucharistic Minister #4. This minister will assist with the collection after the liturgy.
  1. The Director is ultimately responsible for getting the liturgy started on time. Please check in 10 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass for any special instructions.
  1. The host is concerned for all the people gathered, and must be available before and during the celebration and provide assistance in any emergency that may occur during the service.

During the Liturgy

  1. The host is the keystone to the call to worship. The host’s demeanor sets the tone; if somber, the assembly will follow; if friendly or warm, the assembly will pick up the invitation. Good preparation will bring the script alive and make it sincere. Take an active and enthusiastic part in the liturgy. Please do not begin the welcome until you are sure you have folk’s attention. Likewise following the Assembly’s greeting to one another, wait until you have their attention before continuing with the announcements.
  2. Choose a seat near the ambo. At the designated start of the liturgy, proceed from your place in the assembly to the ambo. Take a moment and allow the assembly to settle. This portion of the script typically includes a welcoming statement, a greeting to visitors, the introduction to fellow parishioners, the names of the gift bearers and announcements for the week. Return to your place for the moment of silence. Take the binder with you so that the ambo will be clear for the lectors and presider.
  1. Preparation of the gifts: If a baptism has occurred during the liturgy, escort the baptismal family gift bearers to the gift table located at the end of the last pew. Otherwise go to the preparation table and wait for the gift bearers to join you. (If the gift bearers are new to the parish or visiting it will be necessary to escort them to the preparation table.)
  2. It is the Host’s duty to bring up the 1st collection in the large basket and to assure that the Altar Attendants know when to begin the procession. Please wait until the collection is finished and the Greeters have brought you the basket to begin the procession.
  3. The procession to the Altar: Altar Attendants, Gift Bearers and Host with basket. The Presider will not take the basket but will touch it. The Host then takes the basket to the Credence Table and places it underneath. Then return to your place in the assembly.

After the Liturgy

  1. Take the two collections into the sacristy and place them on top of the counter. Place the first collection in the large blue HiLife bag. Place the second collection in the zippered envelope and put in the HiLife bag. Place the first collection zippered envelope and any other envelopes or bags as necessary into the HiLife bag. The bag and envelope are located on the right side of the counter in the sacristy.
  1. If there are multiple Host Scripts remove yours if it is no longer necessary. Return the binder to its place in the sacristy.
  2. Along with Eucharistic Minister 4 (EMOT 4), proceed with the collection to the Parish center to sort. The Parish Center key will be in the bottom ofthe large blue Hi-life bag.
  1. Both EMOT 4 and the host separate the first collection and sort all like bills by denomination, collection envelopes, and by checks. This may be done in the conference room in the Parish Center. Place all the separated bundles into the white bag marked first collection. The process is then repeated for the second collection and then placed into the blue bag marked second collection. If there are items such as schedule requests, notes, letters, etc. please place them in a neat pile.
  2. Once the collection sorting is done, take this to the parish center work room and place the collection bags in the top of the safe. The handle on the right side of the safe will need to be turned two or three times so that the bags will drop into the safe. Make sure the light is turned off and the work room door is closed behind you.Make sure that the door is locked.
  3. Place any miscellaneous materials (letters, forms etc) on counter located directly in front of you as you enter the parish center.
  1. Make sure that the front door is locked as you exit the parish center.
  2. Place the key in the blue Hi-life bagand return them to the sacristy.
  3. Return the collection baskets to their place in the FH if need be.
  1. Return your nametag to the Ministry Closet. Visit the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and thank God for the opportunity to serve and for His many blessings.

Host Checklist

Prior to the Liturgy

*Arrive at least 20 minutes before the liturgy.

*Visit the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.

*Review script located in host binder.

*Meet with the Director to determine if there are any special needs for the liturgy (i.e. baptisms, seasonal instructions).

*Check with the greeters for the names of the gift bearers. When there is a baptism, check the host script first. The names of the gift bearers are normally printed there. Confirm with the baptismal family that they will bring up the gifts.

*Note if all ministries are fully staffed.


*Begin the liturgy on time.

During the Liturgy

*Begin the liturgy by announcing welcoming statement, greeting to visitors and introduction to fellow parishioners, and announcements.

After the Liturgy

*Take the two collection baskets to the sacristy.

*Remove the host script for your liturgy if it is for your liturgy only.

*Along with EMOT 4 proceed to the Parish Center to sort the collection.

*Secure the collection in the safe located in the Parish Center.

*Visit the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for a minute.



January 21/22, 2005


Good Evening/Morning (PAUSE). I am ______

I would like to invite any guests who are with us today to stand and introduce themselves or be introduced. Please speak loudly and tell us who you are and where you are from so that we can welcome you to our community. (Pause) So that there are no strangers in our midst, let us now turn and greet one another. (Pause a few moments and then continue making sure that the assembly has quieted, otherwise they do not hear the announcements).

At this time please turn off all electronic devices.(Make sure that folks hear this.)

"Our gifts are being presented in the name of the community by":

(Names of presenters)______


January 21/22, 2005

5:15pm, 8:30am, 11:00am



"Our Second Collection is to meet our Charity and Justice obligations."

This is to be the first announcement before the second collection.

  1. The Parish Center will be closed, Monday, January 18 in observance of Martin Luther King Day. It will re-open on Tuesday, January 19 at 9:00 am.
  1. This Tuesday, January 19, 1999, there will be no reconciliation service at 6:30pm and no 7:00pm liturgy. Instead there will be a 9:00am liturgy.
  1. If you haven’t signed up to have your portrait taken for our pictorial directory please do so after our liturgy today. This is the last weekend to sign-up so please stop by our sign up table, which will be in the hospitality room.
  1. Please stop by the hospitality room after today’s liturgy and see what St. Patrick’s Gifts has to offer you. St. Patrick’s Gifts sells a variety of religious goods.
  1. Copies of the Christmas program are available in the atrium. Feel free to take one home.


Please return your music books to the Greeters following liturgy

If anyone would like more information about Holy Infant or would like to register see one of the Greeters after the liturgy.

Please join us for refreshments in the atrium after the liturgy. (only for morning liturgies).

The normal order is:If there is a baptism, the order is:

1. Sending Forth of candidates and catechumens (if celebrated)1. General intercessions

2. Any special commissionings (if celebrated)2. Baptism

3. Creed3. Collection and presentation of gifts

4. General Intercessions

5. Collection and presentation of gifts

For the presentation of the Gifts, there should be two people. One for the bread, one for the wine


1.When the Closing Song is completed, take the collections and place them on the counter in the sacristy..

2.Take the collections to the Parish Center with EMOT 4 for sorting. Place the collections in the safe. Return the blue HI-Life bag with key to the Sacristy.

3.Take a moment for a prayer of thanksgiving in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.

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