Concord Township Board of Supervisors
October 1, 2013 Public Meeting Minutes
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October 1, 2013
Dominic A. Pileggi called to order the public meeting of the Concord Township Board of Supervisors at 7:00 p.m. on October 1, 2013 at the township building at 43 Thornton Road, Concord Township. In attendance were the following: Dominic J. Cappelli, Kevin P. O’Donoghue, Elizabeth A. “Libby” Salvucci, Robert J. Willert, Brenda L. Lamanna, Nathan M. Cline (Pennoni Associates Inc.), and Hugh A. Donaghue, Esquire. John J. Gillespie was not in attendance.
The Board’s September 3, 2013 public meeting minutes were approved unanimously on a motion by K. O’Donoghue, seconded by L. Salvucci. Mr. O’Donoghue commented that recently in the Garnet Valley Press there was some talk regarding Libby Salvucci’s comments last month. He stated that the minutes speak for themselves. He added that Libby attended the recent Grist Mill event: Many residents were not from Concord Township but from Delaware, and he echoed her comments.
D. Cappelli made a motion to approve the total expenditures for September of $729,615.28, the September Township payroll of $80,039.39, the Sewer Payroll of $34,479.92, the current Township bills totaling $474,244.49, and the current Sewer bills totaling $139,851.48. The motion was seconded by K. O’Donoghue and unanimously adopted by the Board.
On a motion by L. Salvucci, seconded by K. O’Donoghue, the Board voted unanimously to
approve Resolution No. 44-2013 recognizing the Concord Canes American Legion Prep Baseball Team for winning the Pennsylvania State Championship.
The following presented their monthly reports for September:
* Pennsylvania State Police
Libby Salvucci Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC)
Bob Willert * Sewer Department
Manos Kavadias* Code Enforcement/Zoning Officer
Hugh Donaghue Township Solicitor
Nate Cline Pennoni Associates/Township Engineer
Bob Willert Township Manager
All asterisked reports have been made a part of the minutes.
There was no representative of the PSP in attendance.
L. Salvucci reported the PSAC members have finished giving out bus stop safety information and have been attending local events.
The Solicitor reported that the first Pancoast case had been dismissed, and we are awaiting a ruling on preliminary objections on the second. On the Hionis matter, the Judge’s response is forthcoming, possibly in 30-45 days. The Anter billboard has been denied a second time and another appeal filed. He noted that billboards had been opposed up to the Commonwealth Court. The Supreme Court of PA has stated that “…since billboards are not objectionable per se, a blanket prohibition on billboards without justification cannot pass constitutional muster.” –the ordinance recently adopted should end billboard erection in Concord Township.
In J. Gillespie’s absence, Bob Willert gave the sewer department report. He also noted that Public Works had placed a portable speed limit sign on Smithbridge Road, and this would be used for Spring Valley Road. The township provided extra pay for Public Works to remove “bandit” signs on Saturday. Manos was addressing the pretzel signs and Walgreens.
S. Miller was not in attendance to provide the Planning Commission report, and Nate Cline had no engineering report.
Rufus Miley of 22 Leopard Run asked if the Wegman’s Conditional Use hearing was still on for October 22, and status of the Brandywine East and Citadel Federal Credit Union projects.
Vance Downing of 33 Locust Farm Drive inquired as to the status of the ARLE program.
Gary Pappa of 34 Smithbridge Road referred to a fatal vehicle accident in May and related that his daughter was the driver of the other car involved. He has been working with Representative Barrar and Kevin O’Donoghue regarding improvements to Smithbridge Road. He thanked all who worked to get the speed monitoring sign put up at the location of the accident. He felt that stop signs should be put at all cross streets along Smithbridge.
The Board reaffirmed Ordinances 348 and 349 Loop Road (Brandywine Mills) Overlay and Zoning Map Ordinances, which were adopted on September 24, 2013. New ordinance numbers will be assigned.
On a motion by L. Salvucci, with a second by D. Cappelli, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Jennifer Arbittier Williams to the Historical Commission to replace Ginny DeNenno; term to expire September 6, 2014.
Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation Bid was awarded to Tri-State Grouting LLC. It was explained that manholes installed without coating have been deteriorating. The bid amount was $164,650.00; the highest bid came in at $199,233. D. Cappelli motioned, K. O’Donoghue seconded, and the Board voted unanimously to award the bid to Tri-State.
Snow Removal Bids were reviewed. Public Works will call in all three bidders based on various size vehicles. The Board then unanimously approved the use of all three bidders on a motion by K. O’Donoghue, seconded by D. Cappelli.
Resolution No. 45-2013 Route 322 & Evergreen Drive to authorize submission of Application for Traffic Signal Approval was unanimously approved on a motion by L. Salvucci and seconded by K. O’Donoghue. N. Cline noted that this was a condition of approval for the Brandolini Concord Spring Valley project.
D. Cappelli motioned, K. O’Donoghue seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the 2013 Road Program Change Order No. 1 and Certificate for Payment No. 1. This payment is on this month’s bill list.
Ordinance No. 354 Animal Control Fees was unanimously approved on a motion by K. O’Donoghue and seconded by L. Salvucci. A hearing was held prior to tonight’s public meeting.
D. Cappelli motioned, K. O’Donoghue seconded and the Board voted unanimously to approve the following Escrow Releases:
Park Crossing at Concordville Escrow Release No. 2 in the amount of $229,742.94
Estates at Garnet Valley (Bodo Tract) Escrow Release No. 5 in the amount of
Panarello – Mill Road Escrow Release No. 6 in the amount of $11,945.40
There were no applications to accept as complete for review.
The Chairman announced upcoming events:
October 12: 8-10 a.m. Fall Recycling Day
October 17: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Senior Citizen Expo at BYC Gymnasium
October 25: 6:30 p.m. Carve out Cancer – Walking Trail
October 26: 11 a.m. Dog Costume
1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Harvest Festival – 40 Bethel Road
With no additional business to conduct, D. Cappelli made a motion that the October 1, 2013 public meeting be adjourned at 7:29 p.m. The motion was seconded by K. O’Donoghue and approved by unanimous vote of the Board.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda L. Lamanna, Township Secretary