Mrs. Engelmann’s Classroom
Procedures and Routines
Entering the Classroom
- Enter quietly and sit down with all required materials
Getting to Work Immediately
- Upon entrance, begin warm-up problems.
Headings on Papers
- All papers need to have full name, date, and hour, or will not be graded.
Finding Directions for each Assignment
- Directions will always be clearly discussed and stated at the top of the assignment.
When You Need a Writing Utensil
- After class has begun, borrow from another student at your table or raise your hand to purchase a pencil for 25 cents, do not get up to disrupt class.
End of Class Dismissal
- The bell does not dismiss class.
Turning in Papers.
- Place all papers in the assignment folder and one student from the table should place the folder in the assignment tray.
Getting the Teacher’s Attention
- Raise your hand, if I am helping another student, then wait and go on to another question. I will get to you as fast as possible.
Knowing the Schedule for the Day
- Never ask if we are done for the day, the schedule will be posted on the whiteboard.
Asking a Question
- Raise your hand; wait until called upon to ask.
Listening to and Responding to Questions
- Listen, it is impossible to hear everything, wait until called upon by the teacher to raise your point.
Moving About the Room
- Permission must be obtained before leaving your seat.
Going to the Office
- If you are called to the office, then don’t mess around and get up there as quickly as possible without interrupting the class.
If the Teacher is Out of the Room
- I have made arrangements with Mr. Werner and Mr. Toombs to watch the class, so you will never be unattended.
If You Are Suddenly Ill
- Quietly let me know and I will send you to the nurse, if it is an emergency, then quickly let me know and the same procedure will apply.
When You Are Tardy
- Sit down quietly and immediately get to work.
Walking in the Hall during Class Time
- We will sometimes leave the classroom which will require us to walk through the hallways, if the class is disruptive then those responsible will lose out as well as return to the classroom to try again.
Keeping Our Area Orderly
- Before class is dismissed, all tables must clean up their workspace and be seated at their table.
School Wide Announcement is Made
- Actively listen and be respectful of others.