National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Washington, DC 20546-0001
Procurement Notice
PN 17-10
June 15, 2017
Revision to NFS 1804.71, Release/posting of documents
(NFS Case 2017-N017)
PURPOSE: Revise NASA FAR Supplement (NFS) 1804.71 to implement policy regarding the completion of the new electronic document posting checklist prior to releasing/posting documents to prevent the inadvertent disclosure of contractor proprietary or other sensitive non-public data.
BACKGROUND: Contractor proprietary or other sensitive non-public data can be inappropriately released by mistakenly providing a contractor’s financial or technical proprietary data to another contractor, inadvertently exposing or allowing access to sensitive internal agency information or export controlled data, or releasing sensitive documents that contain metadata during a competitive procurement. Metadata is defined as additional information contained in files such as track changes, comments, hidden information or embedded objects. Because of the potential harmful impact of these inadvertent disclosures, a new electronic document posting checklist was developed to check documents prior to release/posting to help mitigate the inadvertent disclosure of contractor proprietary or other sensitive non-public data.
ACQUISITIONS AFFECTED BY CHANGES: This new requirement to complete the electronic document posting checklist is effective as of the date of this PN.
ACTION REQUIRED: Contracting officers shall complete the electronic document posting checklist or a Center developed checklist that meets the intent of this checklist prior to any documents or files being uploaded, released, transmitted, or posted to an internet accessible location.
PARTS AFFECTED: NFS section 1804.71.
TYPE OF RULE AND PUBLICATION DATE: These changes do not have a significant effect beyond the internal operating procedures of NASA and do not have a significant cost or administrative impact on contractors or offerors, and therefore do not require codification in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) or publication for public comment.
HEADQUARTERS CONTACT: Manny Quinones, Contract & Grant Policy Division, 202-358-2143, .
William P. McNally
Assistant Administrator for Procurement
PART 1804
(Revised March 7, 2017[June 15, 2017])
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SUBPART 1804.71 RESERVED [Release or posting of documents]
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Subpart 1804.71—Reserved [Release or posting of documents]
[1804.7101 Policy.
It is the responsibility of all involved in the acquisition process, who have access to contractor proprietary or otherwise sensitive non-public data to handle such data in an appropriate manner to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive and/or proprietary contractor information or data.
1804.7102 General.
Contractor proprietary or other sensitive non-public data can be inappropriately released by mistakenly providing a contractor’s financial or technical proprietary data to another contractor, inadvertently exposing or allowing access to sensitive internal agency information or export controlled data, or releasing documents which contain metadata during a competitive procurement. Because of the potential negative impact of these inadvertent disclosures of contractor proprietary or otherwise sensitive non-public data on the integrity of the procurement process, great care must be taken in the handling of this data to prevent the unintentional disclosure of contractor proprietary or other sensitive non-public data.
1804.7103 Procedures.
Contracting officers shall complete the electronic document posting checklist or a center-developed checklist that meets the intent of this checklist prior to any documents or files being uploaded, released, transmitted, or posted to an internet accessible location. Exempted documents include Agency level directives posted to the NODIS library or other policy documents available through the Federal Register.]