

The UTHSCSA School of Nursing faculty will be recognized as a provider of exemplary, innovative, culturally proficient faculty practice/engagement throughout local to global communities.

Objectives / Activities and Outcomes Measures / Completion Date / Responsibility
  1. Assess community and SoN needs regarding the number, type, and potential for faculty practice partnerships.
/ 1.1 Develop current partnership database.
1.2 Conduct an environmental scan and site visits to local industries and UTSA student health and Dept. of Athletics.
1.3 Work with UTHSCSA schools to develop an occupational health practice.
1.4 Annual review of partnership opportunities with faculty, staff / March 2010 / Associate Dean for Practice/Engagement and the Committee on Faculty Practice and Engagement
  1. Plan and implement inter-professional models of teaching, care delivery and consultation with health care professionals at UTHSCSA student health clinic, as well as community agencies.
/ 2.1 Quarterly negotiations with partner organizations to evaluate effectiveness and ongoing needs. / December 2010 / Associate Dean for Practice/Engagement, the Committee on Faculty Practice and Engagement and Assistant Dean for Administration
  1. Expand initiatives locally, nationally, and globally that increase opportunities for students and faculty to interact with diverse populations.
/ 3.1 Identify and pursue WHO collaborating center affiliation, other governmental and non-governmental organizations, and healthcare organizations.
3.2 Determine current level of student and faculty participation in national and international in service learning projects.
3.3 Increase student and faculty participation in national and global activities by 10% per year. / December 2010
March 2010
December 2010 / Associate Dean for Practice/Committee on Faculty Practice and Engagement
  1. Strengthen the scholarship of engagement through the integration of faculty practice, teaching and research.
/ 4.1 Develop and approve the School of Nursing Faculty Practice plan including policies, practices, procedures, for governance and administration.
4.2 Implement the School of Nursing Faculty Practice Plan linking information to the school’s website and intranet.
4.3 Provide financial support for the School of Nursing and augment faculty salaries through the Faculty Incentive Plan (Refer to policy in SoN Handbook)
4.4 Increase the number of faculty engaged in practice by 20% per annum from the baseline of January 2010.
4.5 Evaluate the Faculty Practice Plan annually.
4.6 Increase recognition and encouragement for faculty and staff members who assume leadership roles in their professional organizations. / March to June, 2010
June 2010
June 2010
January 2011
December 2011 / Associate Dean for Practice/Engagement, the Committee on Faculty Practice and Engagement and relevant School of Nursing and University Committees
Associate Dean for Faculty Practice/Engagement and the School of Nursing Faculty Practice and Engagement Committee.
  1. Increase the visibility of UTHSCSA School of Nursing by enhancing and expanding lifelong learning services to a broad range of healthcare professionals.
/ 5.1 Have a designated Disaster Preparedness Team. Provide disaster preparedness training for faculty and support for a community response to declared emergencies.
5.2 Increase the number of professional continuing education programs offered by the SoN in South Texas by 10% per year over the next three years. / 2009
2009-2012 / Associate Dean for Faculty Practice/Engagement, The Committee on Faculty Practice and Engagement and Disaster Preparedness Coordinator.
Associate Dean of Faculty Practice/Engagement, Committee on Faculty Practice and Engagement and Director of Continuing Nursing Education.