Ideas for Ceramics workshops
Subject: Ceramics / Theme/topic: CoilBuilding / Week: 1Aims:
- To introduce students to the technique of coil building
- To introduce students to the methods of decoration/using coloured slips
- Working towards a body of work to raise money for charity.
Working towards goals
Persistence and resilience and optimism
Evaluation and review / Learning Objectives:
Know and understand:
- The tools of coil building
- The techniques of coil building
- The techniques of decoration including mark-making, texture and coloured slips
- Build and decorate their own coil pot
Resources: wooden boards, banding wheels, sculpting tools, decoration tools, clay, coloured slips
Order and timing of task: / Task: / Description of task:
1. 5 mins / Introduction /
- To aims and objectives
2. 5 mins / Preparation /
- Set students up with work station, including:
banding wheel
sculpting tools
- Explain to students the function of the materials
- Discuss the importance of health and safety
3. 35 mins / Demonstration
and practical /
- The coil building technique will be broken into steps, which will be
Step 1 - rolling the clay into coils
Step 2 - making base of pots
Step 3 - smooth base with tools
Step 4 - continue to add coils to base, smoothing with tool
- During this time students are encouraged to ask questions about the process
4. 20 mins / Decoration /
- Class will look at different ways of decoration including mark making, texture and colour. This will begin as a demonstration of each of the techniques and allow the students to choose their own form of decoration
- During this time teacher will facilitate
5. 10 mins / Tidy /
- Students have time to clear and tidy their work stations
6. 5 mins / Evaluation /
- Discuss what students have achieved in the lesson in terms of:
- Knowledge, understanding and practical skills of coil building and decoration
- Ask students how they think they have worked e.g. on task, focused etc.
Subject: Ceramics / Theme/topic: CoilBuilding / Week: 2
- To develop technique of coil building and introduce the use of pinch pots in sculptural ceramics
- To develop methods of decoration
- Working towards a body of work to raise money for charity.
Working towards goals
Persistence and resilience and optimism
Evaluation and review / Learning Objectives:
Know and understand:
- The tools of coil building
- The techniques of coil building and pinch pots
- The techniques of decoration including mark-making, texture and coloured slips
- Build and decorate their own coil pot
Resources: wooden boards, banding wheels, sculpting tools, decoration tools, clay, coloured slips
Order and timing of task: / Task: / Description of task:
1. 5 mins / Introduction /
- To aims and objectives
2. 5 mins / Preparation /
- Set students up with work station, including:
banding wheel
sculpting tools
- Explain to students the function of the materials
- Discuss the importance of health and safety
3. 35 mins / Demonstration
and practical /
- The coil building technique will be broken into steps, which will be
Step 1 - rolling the clay into coils
Step 2 - making base of pots
Step 3 - smooth base with tools
Step 4 - continue to add coils to base, smoothing with tool
Step 5 – create two pinch pots to join together to make forms
During this time students are encouraged to ask questions about the process
4. 20 mins / Decoration /
- Class will look at different ways of decoration including mark making, texture and colour. This will begin as a demonstration of each of the techniques and allow the students to choose their own form of decoration
- During this time teacher will facilitate
5. 10 mins / Tidy /
- Students have time to clear and tidy their work stations
6. 5 mins / Evaluation /
- Discuss what students have achieved in the lesson in terms of:
- Knowledge, understanding and practical skills of coil building and decoration
- Ask students how they think they have worked e.g. on task, focused etc.
Subject: Ceramics / Theme/topic: CoilBuilding / Week: 3
- To continue technique of coil building to create a range of bowls and vases
- To continue developing painting and decorating techniques
- Working towards a body of work to raise money for charity.
Working towards goals
Persistence and resilience and optimism
Evaluation and review / Learning Objectives:
Know and understand:
- The tools of coil building
- The techniques of coil building
- The techniques of decoration including mark-making, texture and coloured slips
- Build and decorate their own coil pot
Resources: wooden boards, banding wheels, sculpting tools, decoration tools, clay, coloured slips
Order and timing of task: / Task: / Description of task:
1. 5 mins / Introduction /
- To aims and objectives
2. 5 mins / Preparation /
- Set students up with work station, including:
banding wheel
sculpting tools
- Explain to students the function of the materials
- Discuss the importance of health and safety
3. 35 mins / Demonstration
and practical /
- The coil building technique will be broken into steps, which will be
Step 1 - rolling the clay into coils
Step 2 - making base of pots
Step 3 - smooth base with tools
Step 4 - continue to add coils to base, smoothing with tool
- During this time students are encouraged to ask questions about the process
4. 20 mins / Decoration /
- Class will look at different ways of decoration including mark making, texture and colour. This will begin as a demonstration of each of the techniques and allow the students to choose their own form of decoration
- During this time teacher will facilitate
5. 10 mins / Tidy /
- Students have time to clear and tidy their work stations
6. 5 mins / Evaluation /
- Discuss what students have achieved in the lesson in terms of:
- Knowledge, understanding and practical skills of coil building and decoration
- Ask students how they think they have worked e.g. on task, focused etc.
Subject: Ceramics / Theme/topic: Introduction to Art / Week: 4
- To introduce students to wider field of art forms.
Understanding my feelings
Managing my expression of emotions
Expressing feelings in a range of ways and appropriately in a range of situation / Learning Objectives:
Know and understand:
- Various forms and mediums of art
- How artists work within a studio environment
- recognise the different mediums of art
- to encourage students to reflect on the day by printing out photos and creating a collage in the art room
Order and timing of task: / Task: / Description of task:
5 mins / Introduction /
- To aims and objectives
20 mins / Visit to Art Exhibition /
- Students are taken to an art exhibition.
- During this time students are encouraged to discuss:
the technical and conceptual aspects of art
the exhibition space and the impact of a gallery
the cost of art
colours, textures, scale, techniques
- Students take photos of exhibition for later discussion
15 mins / Public Art /
- Students are taken to see a public piece of art at Greenham/ Arlington Arts.
- During this time students are encouraged to discuss:
why public art is commissioned
where in Newbury art can be found e.g. businesses, homes, outside areas
why so many different places have artwork within their environment
5 mins / Evaluation /
- Discuss what students have learnt from the visits
Subject: Ceramics / Theme/topic: SlabBuilding / Week: 4
- To introduce students to the technique of slab building
Working towards goals
Persistence and resilience and optimism
Evaluation and review
- Empathy
- Building and maintaining relationships
Know and understand:
- The tools of slab building
- The techniques of slab building
- Build and decorate their own slab box
Resources: wooden boards, banding wheels, sculpting tools, decoration tools, clay, coloured slips
Order and timing of task: / Task: / Description of task:
1. 5 mins / Introduction /
- To aims and objectives
2. 5 mins / Preparation /
- Set students up with work station, including:
banding wheel
sculpting tools
- Discuss the importance of health and safety
3. 35 mins / Demonstration
and practical /
- Students will explore three different ways of creating slabs:
- Students are shown how to create a simple slab box
- During this time students are encouraged to ask questions about the
4. 20 mins / Decoration /
- Class will choose a decoration technique, explored in week 2 e.g. mark making, texture and coloured slips.
- During this time teacher will facilitate
5. 10 mins / Tidy /
- Students have time to clear and tidy their work stations
6. 5 mins / Evaluation /
- Discuss what students have achieved in the lesson in terms of:
- Knowledge, understanding and practical skills of slab building
- Ask students how they think they have worked e.g. on task, focused etc.
Subject: Ceramics / Theme/topic: SlabBuilding / Week: 5
- To introduce students to the technique of slab building
Working towards goals
Persistence and resilience and optimism
Evaluation and review
- Empathy
- Building and maintaining relationships
Know and understand:
- The tools of slab building
- The techniques of slab building
- Build and decorate their own slab box
Resources: wooden boards, banding wheels, sculpting tools, decoration tools, clay, coloured slips
Order and timing of task: / Task: / Description of task:
1. 5 mins / Introduction /
- To aims and objectives
2. 5 mins / Preparation /
- Set students up with work station, including:
banding wheel
sculpting tools
- Discuss the importance of health and safety
3. 35 mins / Demonstration
and practical /
- Students will explore three different ways of creating slabs:
- Students are shown how to create a simple slab box
- During this time students are encouraged to ask questions about the
4. 20 mins / Decoration /
- Class will choose a decoration technique, explored in week 2 e.g. mark making, texture and coloured slips.
- During this time teacher will facilitate
5. 10 mins / Tidy /
- Students have time to clear and tidy their work stations
6. 5 mins / Evaluation /
- Discuss what students have achieved in the lesson in terms of:
- Knowledge, understanding and practical skills of slab building
- Ask students how they think they have worked e.g. on task, focused etc.
Subject: Ceramics / Theme/topic: End Project / Week: 6
- For students to consolidate knowledge, understanding and skills of sculptural ceramic techniques through creation of own piece of ceramics
Working towards goals
Persistence and resilience and optimism
Evaluation and review
- Empathy
- Building and maintaining relationships
Know and understand:
- The techniques of coil building, pinch pots and slab building
- The techniques of decoration including mark-making, texture and coloured slips
- Build and decorate their own piece of ceramics, inspired by the techniques learnt over the previous weeks
Resources: wooden boards, banding wheels, sculpting tools, decoration tools, clay, coloured slips, moulds
Order and timing of task: / Task: / Description of task:
1. 5 mins / Introduction /
- To aims and objectives
2. 5 mins / Preparation /
- Set students up with work station, including:
banding wheel
sculpting tools
- Discuss the importance of health and safety
3. 30 mins / Practical /
- Students will choose a sculptural technique to create their own ceramic piece.
- Students can choose to create a simple form to improve their technique or to experiment with a concept, using the form as a vehicle for their ideas, these choices will be discussed
- During the practical time, teacher will facilitate
4. 15 mins / Decoration /
- Class will decorate their pieces from a choice of mark making, texture, moulds, coloured slips.
- During this time teacher will facilitate
5. 10 mins / Tidy /
- Students have time to clear and tidy their work stations
6. 10 mins / Evaluation /
- Discuss what students have achieved in the lesson in terms of:
- Knowledge, understanding and practical skills of sculptural ceramic techniques and decoration
- Discuss what has been achieved throughout the project:
- What skills have students learnt?
- How have students worked?
- What have they discovered about their own talents?
- What areas are there for improvement?
Comments from other participants on the “Barnstorming” Day
Ceramics are ideal for our students for confidence building, team development, skills building, self esteem - so many think they can’t do anything creative. They would also enjoy getting ‘hands on’ with the materials.