Erol İnelmen
Abstract: The aim of this work is to pay homage to an important contributor to the development of solid waste discipline by briefly summarizing his academic pathway from wastewater to solid waste. We hope that hiswork will illuminate the path of the coming generations: the three four meter high towers for the treatment of organic solid waste still is a symbol of Prof. Kriton Curi never vanishing energy.
The author had the very special privilege to work with late Prof.Kriton Curi as Director of the Environmental Sciences Institute hosted by the BoğaziçiUniversity. His very early and leading efforts in the solid waste management world culminated with the creation of the Turkish National Committee on Solid Wastes which contributes to the academic literature with many important issues. He is warmly remembered by all of those that had the opportunity to know him personally. This paper is in his memorial.
On the occasionof Prof. Vedat Yerlici Memorial conference, we had the opportunity to go over with Prof.Curi all his 103 publications(1). Unfortunately his early loss prevented us to go any further at that time into a deep study of his work. Many publications followed his death on the occasion of The Kriton Curi International Symposium on Environmental Management in the Mediterranian Region(2). The park in Kadıköy –which includes a public library- is a testimony of the appreciation of the people who acknowledge his work.
“Prof.Kriton Curi” park in Kadıköy (Anatolian side of İstanbul)
In this paper we attempt to present our findings on the process we witnessed while crossing borders from “waste water”to “solid waste” treatment as can be seen from the publications of Prof.Curi as listed in our previous work (1). The process of crossing to a new area of environmental engineering was very natural as the problem of waste accumulation and disposal became every year more important. His last work devoted to Environmental Ethics is worth close reviewing (4).
Prof.Curi was very keen on the problem of “leachate”–to be seen in last publications- in solid waste dumping stations. We remember with grief his prediction of the accident in a local dumping station. He was instrumental in preparing a paper we presented in the Hazardous Waste Management in Economically Developing Countries (3).From his first days in the Sanitary Engineering laboratory to his last meeting in Europe he was always an active person. He proved us that waste disposal sites generate methane with a memorable practical experience.
We hope that the work that he started so wisely be the light to many of his followers. Prof. Curi was not only a beloved teacher (we had the opportunity to attend one semester course he designed for everybody interested), a brilliant academician (as testified by many awards he received) but a never tired activist. We had the privilege of being present in many of his accomplishments (see Appendix showing the increase in the number of solid waste publications from 1973 to 1995). We hope to see his “solid waste treatment plant” again in operation.
We acknowledge the support during decades of Prof.Günay Kocasoy, from the Environmental Sciences Institute.
(1) Inelmen, E., (1997) “Reconciling Engineering Research and Educational Activities: A Case Study”, V. Yerlici - Engineering and Education (Ed. G. A. Altay), pp. 325-334, Istanbul, 1997.
(2) Kocasoy, G. and Inelmen, E. (1998) "Managing the Impact of Hospitality Industry on the Mediterranean Environment", In: (Kocasoy, G. (Ed.)) The Kriton Curi International Symposium on Environmental Management in the Mediterranian Region, 18-20 June 18-20 1998, Antalya, pp.257-262.
(3) Inelmen, E., "Design Proposal of a Operation Support System for A Regional Network of Hazardous Waste Incinerators", In Hazardous Waste Management in Economically Developing Countries (Ed. Curi, K.), Turkish National Committe on Solid Wastes and International Solid Waste Association, pp. 337-344, Istanbul, 1993.
(4) Curi, K. “Proceedings of the first international symposium on environmental ethics”, İstanbul : Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 1996.
Appendix: Classification of Dr.Curi's Publications on Environmental Engineering (1973-1995)
Source: BoğaziçiUniversity Publications Inventories (1971-1981), (1982-1992), 1993, 1994 and CV