Barbourne Health Centre

Patient Participation Group

Wednesday 18th May 2016

Present Sarah Payne

Present Ingrid Darnley

Present Jenny Lockwood

Resignations received from June and Mike

Matters arising from Sept 2015

PPG board now in use in the waiting area

News from the Practice

More practices pooling a range of resources and ideas in attempt to save money. Learning from practice.

There is a suggestion that paramedics could become attached to care homes that are allocated to GP surgeries, ie. we would have St Stephens Care Home and named paramedic could undertake home visits but the limitations of the role indicate that this may be a long term project. The paramedic training is now degree level and it is likely that there could be paramedics attached to health centres. ANP’s are able to prescribe and undertake home visits where appropriate.

The in house pharmacist is concentrating on hypertension, a role for educating patients and offering information and advice. It is also an opportunity to meet with patients to discuss their medication etc. Positive feedback received from those patients involved.

Dr Ray will be returning to the practice in July and will be working Monday to Thursday. Liz Alcock the HCA phlebotomist is also returning. Two full time HCA’s have been recruited HCA’s – we have Liz now on board and Steph is up skilling from Phlebotomist to HCA and should be qualified in December 2016 so we will have the equivalent of 2 full time HCA’s.

From July there will be no further Saturday appointments, but the practice will open from &am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Two GP’s are able to commit to this plus an ANP. Sarah wil staff the reception until reception staff commence work. There will be 4 GP’s (3 x f/t and I x p/t and 3 f/t anp’s.

Art work for the surgery has not been progressed, still waiting to hear from the organiser. (Sally Morgan). SP suggested contact with the local primary school and a competition. JL suggested similar but with secondary school and perhaps with social care students with a view to encouraging a young person or two onto the PPG for a year.

ID suggested that it might be useful to publish info in the Messenger as well as on the website.

Action SP to attend to the above.

2016 questionnaire

It was noted that 3 members of the PPG gave up a day of their time to undertake the questionnaire on behalf of the practice; and a further day was taken up in collating the information for the practice. Many thanks to the PPG members for their efforts.

The information has not as yet been shared with the patient group.

Action SP to ensure info is available on the PPG notice board and on the website, and the changes highlighted by the responses to the questionnaire.

The telephone triage system has now ceased as it was not cost effective. However phone consultations take place. The triage system is used to gauge whether a home visit is required, and the duty GP undertakes this role. The majority of home visits are undertaken by the ANP’s with the exception of end of life care which is undertaken by a GP.

GP Patient Survey – National Scheme

JL asked for feedback about this.

Action SP to check it out and find the information


Discussion about the numbers of DNA and appointments/time/money wasted as a consequence. JL had picked up a suggestion from an Evesham practice; patients who are known to be serial DNA’s are given an appointment time 30 minutes prior to the actual appointment time, therefore if they DNA the appointment could be offered to someone else.

Action SP to raise at the staff meeting

PPG awareness week

This was discussed but it was felt that we had so few members and so little time available that it was not practical at this time. However it might be something we could address later in the year. A coffee morning perhaps? Suggestions welcomed.

NAPP survey

Only 6 questions to answer.

ID offered to attend to this Action ID

Dates of next meeting

Weds 2pm 7th September, 7th December