Chapter 12: Politics of the Roaring Twenties
Section 1: Americans Struggle with Postwar Issues
Standard: 115.2 Analyze the events that prompted attacks on civil liberties including the Palmer Raids, KKK, and immigration quotas.
11.6.5 Trace the advances and retreats of organized labor.
1. isolationism
2. communism & The Red Scare
3. Palmer Raids
4. Sacco & Vanzetti
5. quota system
6. Boston Police Strike
1. Why did America move toward isolationism after WWI?
2. How did Americans react to the perceived threat of communism?
3. What were the results of the Palmer Raids?
4. What was different about the KKK of the 1920s from the original KKK ?
5. What were the major strikes in the era and what were the results? Why was the labor movement losing appeal?
Chapter 12: Politics of the Roaring Twenties
Section 2: The Harding Presidency
Standard: 11.5.1 Discuss the policies of President Harding.
1. Warren G. Harding:
2. Fordney-McCumber Tariff:
3. Dawes Plan:
4. Ohio Gang:
5. Teapot Dome Scandal & Albert Fall:
1. What was Harding’s attitude toward the reforms of the Progressive Era?
2. What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact and why was it ineffective?
3. Did the Dawes Plan work? Why did it cause Europe to resent the US?
4. What did the Harding Administration do with the tariff and what was the impact?
5. How did the scandals of the Harding administration hurt the nation economically?
Chapter 13 The Roaring Life of the 1920s
Section 1: Changing Ways of Life
Standards: 11.2.2 Describe the growth of cities. 11.2.7-11.3.2 Ideologies of Social Gospel – revivalism - Billy Sunday 11.5.3 Examine the passage of the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act
1. 18th Amendment & Volstead Act
2. Speakeasies
3. Bootleggers & Al Capone
4. Fundamentalism
5. Scopes Trial
Reflection Questions:
1. What was life like in the nation’s cities during the 1920’s?
2. How did small-town life and city life differ?
3. What were some of the causes and effects of Prohibition?
4. How did criminals take advantage of Prohibition?
5. Summarize the beliefs of fundamentalists. [Like Billy Sunday]
6. What was the conflict between fundamentalists and those who accepted evolution?
Chapter 13: The Roaring Life of the 1920s
Section 2: The Twenties Woman
Standards: 11.5.4 Analyze the changing role of women in society.
1. Flappers:
2. Double standard:
3. Margaret Sanger:
Reflection Questions:
1. How did the flapper embody the changing attitudes of many young women in the 1920’s
2. How was the women’s freedom still limited?
3. How did the nation’s booming economy provide greater work opportunities for women?
4. What forms of inequality and discrimination did women face in the professional world?
5. How did family life change during the 1920’s
Chapter 13: The Roaring Life of the 1920s
Section 3: Education and Popular Culture
Standards: 11.5.6 Trace the growth and effect of radios and movies in the worldwide diffusion of popular culture.
1. Charles Lindbergh
2. F. Scott Fitzgerald
3. Ernest Hemingway
1. How did public high schools and education change in the 1920s?
2. How did various forms of media help to shape American culture in the 1920s?
3. Why did radio become so popular?
4. Who were the most popular American heroes of the 1920s and what does this say about the era?
5. Why did movies become so popular as well?
6. What new styles did writers, artists, and composers experiment with in the 1920s?
7. Why did some writers like the “lost generation” reject American culture and values?
Chapter 13: The Roaring Life of the 1920s
Section 4: The Harlem Renaissance
Standards: 11.5.2 Analyze Marcus Garvey’s Back to Africa Movement 11.5.5 Describe the Harlem Renaissance and new trends in literature, music and art.
1. Zora Neele Hurston & Langston Hughes
2. James Weldon Johnson
3. Marcus Garvey & “Back to Africa” Movement
4. Harlem Renaissance
5. Louis Armstrong & Duke Ellington
1. What caused many African Americans to move to northern cities?
2. How did the influx of African Americans change northern cities?
3. What ways did African-American leaders and the NAACP attempt to combat racism and violence?
4. What was Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Africa” movement?
5. What ideals did the Harlem Renaissance writers promote?
6. What music became the most popular and who were the leading musicians?
7. Beyond literature, in what other areas did African-Americans achieve success in the decade?
Chapter 12: Politics of the Roaring Twenties
Section 3: The Business of America
Standard: 11.5.1 Discuss the policies of Calvin Coolidge. 11.5.7 Discuss the rise of mass production techniques and new technologies and the resulting prosperity. 11.6.1 What weaknesses in the U.S. economy were developing in the late 1920s
1. Calvin Coolidge:
2. urban sprawl
3. installment plan:
1. How did the automobile change American life?
2. What advances were made in the airplane industry during the postwar years?
3. How did the use of electricity affect the lives of Americans?
4. What role did mass advertising play in the American economy in the 1920s?
5. Why were some business and farmers struggling in the 1920s?
6. What were the positives and negatives about installment plans and the ability to buy with credit?