Admissions Conference Call Minutes
Present: Rose Hansen- ESC, Michelle Hoffman - BHSU, Joe Mueller – SDSM&T, Katy O’Hara – DSU, Michelle Kuebler – SDSU
Not Present: NSU & USD
- Implementing MCR 8 – Summer Orientation Coordination
a. Carla - What is the difference between CADV & xORP? Ranny -CADV is the common restriction that is used for all other advising purposes outside of orientation advising. This restriction prevents a student from registration at any Regental Univeristy. What the smart coded xORP, combined with the registration restriction on RGCT, does is not permit a student to register in sections for a particular university until they have attended, or have been confirmed to attend an orientation/advising session.”
ADM Mod: We are in agreement on Ranny’s statement.
b. xORP entered prior to orientation based on ??? Carla - How do they know who to put these on? A student doesn’t necessarily need more than one program. Ranny - The xORP is entered by a specific university when the student is accepted for admission and moved to student and a registration priority is assigned.
ADM Mod: We feel need to add onto Ranny’s statement. Specifically, an accepted student is only MTS when that student commits or lets the university know that he/she is coming to an orientation session; and then the student is MTS, gets Reg Prior, & is assigned xORP. The timing of the commitment or reply on coming to orientation is normally right before Orientation or the start of the semester.
- All xORP restrictions are ended after all orientation sessions have been attended – Carla -How do you know? Ranny - My recommendation would be that each university end all xORP holds no later than the day before Registration/Orientation Day for the Fall and Spring Semesters. This is probably something I should put in the System Processing calendar and you should edit.
ADM Mod: We feel that the most appropriate date to make sure that the holds are removed would be after the last day to add courses. Most campuses still require students to go through advising up until the last day to add a course. These xORP holds that are still on would only be for student who have not registered at all for courses and need to have the hold to insure that advising is done. After the last day to add a course, we agree it would be beneficial to have it put on the processing calendar to run an edit on active xORP holds.
d. Carla - When they do a MTS right away on an app, they don’t automatically put an xORP on all applications, do they? Ranny - The thing with Move to Student and Registration Priority is that once one university does this, all universities, for this prospective student, need to enter their xORP or they will be able to register. I am not sure the admissions people have coordinated this to that extent unless they plan to daily run edits on their accepted applications to see if that student has been moved to student.
ADM Mod: Each admissions office will determine what works best for them and will run their own edits accordingly.
Ie – Each university can monitor the students that are signed up for orientation sessions. Then that university can see if a student has registered for courses already. If the student has already registered, each university can check to see who they are registered with and then determine if they need to assist that student with the commitment process and getting proper advising for that institution.
SDSU ran this method last summer and surprising found that we dealt with a low percentage of students that we needed to assist with the commitment process and advising for our campus. The majority of these students were TS admits.
e. In Creating a STUDENTS Record for an Individual Application & Creating STUDENTS Records for a Group of Applications
Carla - They don’t put an xORP on all of these records, do they? Ranny - As above, the key here is when the first university moves the prospective student .
ADM Mod: Yes - each institution would put a xORP code for each individual they MTS a program for their university.
f. In Defining Course Eligibility Rules
Step 7 - Enter the name of the course eligibility rule.
- Naming convention is university or common -> module -> name
- The Record not found--Enter (A)dd or RETURN to Reenter prompt is displayed.
- If the rule displays on the RGCT screen and the cursor moves to the next line of the rules group, continue with step 11.
Note: Effective Spring 2005, xxxx was added to prevent a student from registering for sections offered by a university until the student has attended orientation at that university. This rule accesses the university specific xORP restriction and compares it to the university specific sections (i.e. S01, D01, and U01). Courses with locations of USDSU, AD, CUC, and EW will not be restricted by any university’s xORP restriction. Carla - Do you mean topic code? Ranny - Yes or building and room whichever is most accurate. Carla - Sections only have the 6 regental locations on them.
ADM Mod: This is a part of set-up and we did not have further input into this.
g. Each university will monitor if and when this restriction should be overridden. The student is required to attend orientation before the restriction can be removed. Another university should not override another universities restriction. Carla - What do they do if a student comes to a SDSU orientation and registers for SDSU but just wants to take 1 USD class online? Ranny - If USD has entered the UORP hold then they will need to request approval from them.
If the student only had a SORP hold and this was removed then the student could register for sections anywhere.
ADM mod: If a student is committing a university and wants to take an additional class from another university, we believe the other universities xORP should be overridden. Ie: A student has committed to DSU and he/she is signed up for most DSU classes and wants one SDSU class. DSU should override the SORP to help this student finish getting registered.
h. Carla - Why would you put the overload here instead of on STPE at the time of entering the restriction? Ranny - We want the overload rule to remain at 18.01. For orientation, there is a common agreement that this overload can be overridden for prospects to multiple universities.
ADM Mod: We agree with the statement on overload being overridden for prospects to multiple universities.
- Registrars want Admissions to have documentation sent in with application to let Admissions know of name change.
The Admissions Module does not agree with the philosophy of the Registrars. When an application is signed off on by a student, that is the testament by the student that the information is correct. Also, this would add an extra workload for ESC and would slow down the processing of the application. This new process would end up being cumbersome and confusing for the student. The Admissions Module is not in favor of collecting documentation of name change with the application.