MSSEI Self Assessment Plan
Application NameData Classification / Protection Level 2
Resource Proprietor
(Functional Owner)
Application Coordinator
Department/Unit Name
Table of Contents
1. Project / System Overview
2. Target Audience
3. Architecture Model
4. Data Flow Description
5. Support Model
6. Meeting MSSEI Requirements
Appendix A – Hardware inventory
Appendix B – Software Inventory
Template Revision History
Date / Author / Description4/23 / Leon Wong / Version 1
5/14 / Leon Wong / Updated with to match administrative changes to MSSEI
Page 1 of 1
UC Berkeley
1. Application / System Overview
Describe the overall application / system purpose, the data classification level given by IT Policy, as well as the sensitive data elements that qualifies the application atspecified data protection level.
2. Target Audience
Describe the users who will use and be affected by the application.
3. Architecture Model
Attach a high-level diagram of data flow and data storage, including all the interconnected system names and interfaces.
4. Data Flow Description
Provide description of data movement and data storage depicted inthe architecturemodel. Please include brief description of how each component in the architecture model is being secured.
5. Support Model
Please list any support and development staff that have elevated privileges in the application or its underlying systems, including their roles and responsibilities in supporting/developing this application. In the responsibilities column, please make note if a role is temporary. Examples of temporary roles may include short-term contractors or support staff that will lose theirelevated accessto application in the near future (3 – 6 months). Elevated privileges in this case may mean permissions to change application configuration, bulk access to covered data, etc.
Name / Role / Application Responsibilities / Email Address6. Meeting MSSEI Requirements
The Minimum Security Standards for Electronic Information (MSSEI) define the minimum set of confidentiality controls required for Electronic Information as well as the device types for which these controls are applicable.
For each MSSEI standard (1.1 – 17.1),describe how compliance with the standard are achievedfor the device types listed with existing tools and practices.If a standard is recommended (o) on a device, indicate how the standard will be met or document the considerations for not meeting the control.
Device type definitions, and detailed descriptions of each control with links to implementation guidelines are available questions are provided here asprompts, with the caveat that theyare subject to change. They are not intended to be comprehensive and may not be applicable for all systems.If compliant controls are not yet implemented, describe any future plans or proposal to meet applicable standard, and use “Progress” column to indicate whether implementation status of the security standard is “Not Started”, “In Progress”, “Fully Implemented”.
MSSEI 1.1Removal of non-required covered data
- What do you do with systems or storage media that are being replaced or otherwise decommissioned and have handled covered data?
- Do you have a documented process for securely deleting covered data from decommissioned devices?
- What tools do you use to securely delete covered data?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI 1.2 Covered system inventory
- Is there a documented inventory of devices used in the covered system?
- Do you have a list of devices that are used to support covered system? See Appendix at the end of the document for a device inventory template.
- Is there a documented process to update inventory list as the devices and covered system are updated (e.g. changes in business function, specification)
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI 1.3Covered system registration
- Is a security contact assigned in Security Contacts application and maintained for each IP address?
- Are covered devices registered in RDM? Covered devices may include privileged devices such as system admin workstations that are used to access institutional devices.
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI 1.4Annual renewal
- Do you have a written procedure that assigns the responsibility to an individual to annually review your RDM registration and Security Contacts?
- Is it apart of their responsibilities to verify all information provided is accurate and up to date? Be sure to provide the name of the individual responsible.
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI 2.1 Managed software inventory
- Do you have an inventory of all installed software on all Privileged Access and Institutional devices? Does this inventory include software title, version and patch level?
- Do you have a list of authorized software which is necessary to meet business needs for Privileged Access and Institutional devices?
- Is there an documented inventory process by which the Resource Custodian is notified when unauthorized software packages are discovered on Privileged Access and Institutional devices?
- Is there a written procedure to periodically review and who is assigned that responsibility to approve of a maintained software list?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI 3.1 Secure device configuration
- Are your devices built, configured, and deployed with a recognized security configuration benchmark? (e.g. RedHat KickStart, custom build scripts, hardening checklists)
- Does a process exist to regularly check device configurations and notify the Resource Custodian of any changes? What follow-up actions are planned when unplanned configuration changes are detected?
- For example, is there an email send to Resource Custodian listing configuration changes? Once an unplanned change is detected, will Resource Custodians create an ticket in a ticket tracking system to track the issue?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI 4.1 Continuous vulnerability assessment and remediation
- Have you verified that all Privileged Access and institutional devices allow the ISP scanners?
- What is the process to ensure covered devices have been scanned within the last week (5 business days)?
- If you do not allow ISP scanners, what is your documented process for continuous scans?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI 4.2 Authenticated scan
- Do you have a process in place to perform authenticated scan on covered devices? (Secunia for PC, Nessus departmental scanner for Unix/Macs)
- How are vulnerabilities remediated after they are identified in the authenticated scan?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI 4.3 Intrusion detection
- Are your covered devices on the campus network to take advantage of centrally provided IDS service?
- Are the covered devices registered properly per MSSEI system registration requirement (1.2)?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI 5.1 Device physical security
- Where are your institutional devices physically located?
- If not at Warren data center,
- how is access to that room controlled (key, keycard, etc.)?
- Do you have a documented process for adding or removing people granting/denying access to institutional device?
- Do you have an audit trail of who entered and left your data center?
- What's your process to generate and review the list of personnel who have physical access to your institutional devices? (Including warren)
Institutional Devices:
MSSEI 6.1 Secure coding training
- What coding training has been taken by developers of covered applications? Please highlight components of training specific to developing secure code.
- What is your training plan for your developers? How are you identifying developers that should go to training? What is the process to review training progress?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI 6.2 Code review
- Do you have documented code review process? How are staff identified to participate? Does all code go through the process?
- What Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) methodologies were used to develop application?
- What security requirements are incorporated into SDLC?
Institutional Devices:
MSSEI 6.3 Application security testing
- Have you contacted the Application Security Testing Program (ASTP) to schedule an assessment?
- If you've received an ASTP assessment, what was the grade given to your system from that assessment?
- If assessment was done by 3rd party, please describe the assessment methodology and results of that assessment.
Institutional Devices:
MSSEI6.4 Commercial software assessment
- What security requirements were included in the vendor review process?
Institutional Devices:
MSSEI7.1 No "institutional" devices on mobile/wireless devices
- Do any institutional systems have wireless network interface installed?
- If installeda) is it Enabled?; b) do you have a document process to ensure it is always disabled?
Institutional Devices:
MSSEI8.1 Privacy and Security training
- What privacy & security training are required for users in these following groups?
- Resource Proprietors
- Resource Custodians (Application Developers & Infrastructure Administrators)
- End Users
- How are training requirements communicated to listed group of users?
Institutional Devices:
MSSEI9.1 Unique passphrases
- How are users made aware that they must use unique and significantly different passphrases for each separate account under their control? Is this documented process?
- How are users made aware that they cannot reuse passphrases for personal/consumer accounts?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI9.2 Separation of accounts
- How are user accounts tied to institutional identities?
- Does each user account, including administrative accounts, in the application and underlying systems correspond to an individual? For accounts that are required to be shared due to application/system constraints and/or institutional requirement, what's the process to inventory these shared accounts along with description?
- What's the process to disable built-in administrator accounts and instead assigned a administrative function to individuals?
- When working with databases, is each application given a unique login account? Are password changed in different environments, for example, is the production database passwords different from development?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI9.3 Separation of system resources
- Are web servers and database only hosting systems of like data protection level, for example, are all databases hosting only PL2 data on server 1 and only PL1 data on server 2?
- Are you DB servers segmented from other services? How are your databases separated? Do your DB servers run multiple services? If so, which services?
- Are all critical services, such as, file server, database, operate on separate host machines or virtual machines?
Institutional Devices:
MSSEI10.1 Use of admin accounts only on secure devices
- How are administrative accounts used to perform privileged operations? Please include in the description the various devices that are required to perform the privileged operations. E.g. if a work laptop is used to login to a secured host before performing privileged operation, please include the work laptop in your description. Please include description the function of all devices where admin credentials are entered.
- What devices are being used for administrative functions? How do you identify these devices? Do you have enforcement that limit administrator functions being performed only on approved privileged devices?
- How are you notifying administrators of this control?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI10.2 Admin account security
- What password complexity requirements are enforced for administrative accounts? Is this process documented?
- Where application or script require access to administrative credentials, how are the credentials stored and protected?
- Are administrative accounts used for high risk activities such as web browsing, email, etc.?
- How are you managing shared service account credentials that have elevated privileges?
- where administrative accounts keys can read any private key, how do you identify and manage these administrative accounts?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI11.1 Managed hardware firewall
- Do you have hardware firewall or router with Access Control Lists configured to protect Institutional System devices? What type and model? What is your context name?
- Do you have active outbound rules? Do you have default deny rule enabled?
- Do you have documented justifications for each of your firewall rules? If so, what's information are required to be included in the firewall justification rules?
- Please describe the process in which firewall rules are added or changed, including any review or approval process. Define the responsible person for your firewall.
- How are changes in the firewall configuration and rules logged and traceable back to the original request (e.g. a ticketing system)?
Institutional Devices:
MSSEI11.2 Protected subnets
- What devices reside in the same protected VLAN(s) as covered devices? Do you have an inventory of the devices connected to the protected VLAN(s)?
- If non-covered devices reside in the protected VLAN, please describe the system supported by these non-covered devices in terms of their associated data classification level and MSSEI compliance (Level 1 or Level 2 compliance or no compliance).
- Where is the network device(s) connecting the covered devices located? How is the network device(s) physically protected?
- Do you have any wireless access points on your PL2 private VLAN (subnet)?
Institutional Devices:
MSSEI12.1 Security audit logging
- Are you sending your logs to campus logging program? Have you reconfigured your apache, IIS, or Jboss logs to use syslog to securely transmit your logs?
- Do you have full audit trail for user access to cover data? If web application, are the IIS, apache logs enabled and collecting source IP address, time, date, etc.?
- Can you show which user has access covered data when?
- How are the log files protected from tampering or unauthorized access?
- How does your system ensure time synchronization?
Institutional Devices:
MSSEI12.2Security audit log analysis
- Do you have a dedicated staff to review audits daily?
- How are log events prioritized and reviewed? What rules or algorithms is being used to determine a log event require further investigation?
Institutional Devices:
MSSEI13.1 Controlled access based on need to know
- What is the process in place to review request for access to covered application and devices (Institutional and Privileged)? Is the process documented? Who is responsible for the review?
- What kind of approval requirements need to be met before requested access is granted?
- What procedures are in place to review access granted to covered systems?
- Is your system automated to remove employees' access once they are no longer employed or they have a change in job responsibility?
- At what frequency do you review access to your application and devices (Institutional and Privileged)?
- How have you implemented the principal of least privilege in your application?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI14.1 Account monitoring and management
- Are there any automated reports showing inventory of user accounts in covered systems?
- Are there any automated reports showing account and group level changes? Examples of account and group level changes include:
- Status changes that enable or disable accounts/groups
- Account access privilege updates
- Account creation/deletion
- Group access privilege updates
- Group membership updates
- Group creation/deletion
- What documented procedures are in place to remove stale accounts that no longer require access to covered systems? Examples of stale account may include terminated or transferred employees, old service accounts, old administrative accounts, etc.
- Are there expiration dates assigned to user accounts? If so, how are expiration dates determined?
- Are account locked after multiple failed login accounts?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI15.1 Encryption in transit
- Have you identified theentireflow of covered data over networks, including to and from external vendors/entities, backup systems, and redundant systems? Ensure that you have thoroughly "followed" the flow of covered data over networks. A common pitfall when identifying data flow is failing to consider external systems that receive or send covered data such as via FTP, Web Services, and other batch data processing components with network access.
- Do your QA or Development environments contain copies of covered data? Ensure that your security plan includes encryption mechanisms for these common environments and not just Production systems.
- Have you documented the type of encryption protocols and authentication methods in use for each network transmission of covered data related to your system?
- Have you identified any vendor products in your system that use encryption and can you provide documentation for the protocols and mechanisms used by those products?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI15.2 Encryption on mobile devices and removable storage media
- Will covered data be stored in mobile devices and removable storage media? If so,
- what encryption mechanisms are used to protect covered data on mobile devices and removable media?
- How are encryption keys stored and managed?
- Please describe any documented policies or procedures to physically secure mobile devices and removable storage media.
- How do you keep track of removable storage media location and data owner?
- What is the backup plan for covered data stored in mobile devices and removable storage media?
- How do you ensure that all covered data is encrypted on your backup media?
- If proprietary encryption algorithms are used, how have you ensured the encryption methods are "industry acceptable"?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI15.3 Secure deletion upon decommission
- What documented procedures are used to delete covered data when it is no longer needed?
- How is removable storage media storing covered data handled after it is no longer needed?
- How is covered system hardware handled after it is decommissioned?
- How is this handled in backups? What is your documented process to ensure that all backup media are securely deleted when no longer needed?
Institutional Devices:
Privileged Access Devices:
MSSEI15.4 Data access agreement