Lay Leaders of Worship
This form is to be completed and agreed by the individual Lay Leader of Worship and their incumbent following the Review.
Name of Lay Leader of Worship:
Name of Incumbent:
Name of parish/benefice:
Date of Final Review:
Date Bishop’s permission expires:
1. How have you been used over the last 3 years as a Lay Leader of Worship? (e.g. frequency, types of service, role in the services)
2. What have been your main achievements and successes over the past 3 years? (e.g. developed new skills, grown in confidence, tried something different)
3. Would you like to seek the Bishop’s permission to continue as an LLW? If yes, please complete the remaining questions. If no, please state why not and then sign and return the form to the Parish Development Officer.
4. Do you have any issues and concerns which need to be addressed in the next 3 years? (e.g. relating to training needs, communication, support, how role is being exercised) How will you seek to address them?
5. What goals do you have for the next 3-year period? (e.g. training, develop new skills)
6. Do you sense a calling to a licensed ministry and have you had the opportunity to discuss this with your parish priest? What was the outcome?
If the LLW and parish wish to renew the Bishop’s permission for the LLW, please state the date on which this was agreed by the PCC.
Signed: Dated:
(Lay Leader of Worship)
Signed: Dated:
Signed: Dated:
(Supervisor – where different)
Please complete and return to the Parish Development Officer. An electronic version can be obtained from the Diocesan website or the Parish Development Office .
Copyright © 2014, Diocese of St Albans, ; Reproduced with permission.