DeForest Area Fire Protection BoardSpecial Meeting
Tuesday, December 13, 2016 5:30PM
DeForest Fire Department, 110 S. Stevenson St.
Training Room
1)Call Meeting to Order and Roll Call – President Wipperfurth called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Present were: Bob Wipperfurth from the Village of Windsor, Judd Blau from the Village of DeForest, Ron Rupp from the Town of Vienna, Chief LaFeber, and Office Manager Kay Preston. Jim Foley from the Town of Leeds had an excused absence. Dave Foley from the Town of Hampden was absent.
Attorney Dean Dietrich appeared via telephone.
2)Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Blau.
3)Announcements – None
4)Appearances Before the Board – Fire Inspector Yaskal stated that he did the occupancy inspection on Little Potato Company yesterday, and has taken the full-time staff on a tour of the building. Next week, the membership will tour the facility. A few other new construction sites are scheduled for occupancy inspections.
Wipperfurth asked Yaskal to speak about the residential Knox Box products that are now available. It is an option that can be ordered on-line, the box gets shipped to the home owner, and then Yaskal goes out to put the key(s) in the box, activate it, and secure it. This enables law enforcement/fire department/EMS to access the home in case of an emergency. Yaskal offered to put together a presentation on the business and residential options that Knox has.
5)Comments/Volunteer Association – None
6)Approve Minutes:
a)November 16, 2016 – Motion to approve by Blau, seconded by Rupp. Motion carried 3-0.
b)November 30, 2016 – Motion to approve by Blau, seconded by Rupp. Motion carried 3-0.
a)Review and Approve Invoices Paid 11/1/16 – 11/30/16: Motion to approve by Wipperfurth, seconded by Rupp. Motion carried 3-0.
b)Review and Approved Fund/Account Balances: Motion to approve by Blau, seconded by Rupp. Motion carried 3-0.
8)Chief LaFeber’s Monthly Report/Action Items:
a)Call Update – Chief LaFeber stated that average turnout time for 2016 was 3 minutes 52 seconds. At the beginning of 2015, the average time was 7 minutes 33 seconds. Wipperfurth asked LaFeber why the times are improving. LaFeber stated that morale is up, and people are taking pride in making the department better. Blau and Wipperfurth want to thank the membership for these improvements.
b)Call Response Data/WARDS Report – The Board was presented with the call data from November.
c)Name Change Questions – LaFeber asked the board about needed changes (department website, business accounts, bank accounts, etc.). The department name will be DeForest Windsor Fire & EMS. The Board name will be DeForest Windsor Fire & EMS District Board.
Helmet shields, uniform patches, and badges need to be replaced also.
d)Budget Update – Budget numbers are looking very good for the year.
Blau asked if there is an “asset list” available? LaFeber stated that there is one, but it is out of date. He will be putting a new list together.
LaFeber asked about the possibility of using some of the Fire Board discretionary fund to purchase a “Thank You” gift for the membership. Possibly challenge coins or a pin that could be displayed on uniforms. Wipperfurth made a motion to spend up to $700.00 for a recognition gift. LaFeber and Preston will make the determination on what to purchase. Motion seconded by Rupp. Motion carried 3-0.
Blau made a motion to purchase badges and helmet shields using sinking fund monies. Motion seconded by Rupp. Motion carried 3-0.
e)New Board Members – LaFeber would like to put together a PowerPoint presentation for the Board. It would give additional information on how the department runs, etc. Wipperfurth stated that is a good idea for existing Board members as well as the new members who will be coming onto the Board in January.
9)Old Business:
a)Intergovernmental Agreement –Dietrich stated that the two Villages seem to be in agreement regarding this document. There have been some minor language changes, but this document is very similar to the draft that has been presented previously.
b)Contract for Services – Dietrich reviewed the pending contracts between the Townships and the Fire Board. He stated that he and the attorneys for the townships had a telephone conference this morning and ironed out all of the details.
Wipperfurth indicated that he has Preston working on separating some payroll information for future budget purposes.
A motion was made by Blau to approve the contract for services template, seconded by Rupp. Motion carried 3-0.
c)Billing for Fire – Blau asked to clarify if there is the option to waive billing if there is no insurance to bill. LaFeber stated that the Board and the Chief have the option to do that. Blau made a motion to approve billing for fire per the draft plan that was presented at prior meetings. Wipperfurth seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.
10)New Business:
a)Wisconsin DOT Corridor Study of Interstate 39/90/94 – Wipperfurth asked that the Board and Chief LaFeber review the possibleoptions that the D.O.T is looking at, and see what, if any service disruptions/delays may result. This topic will be added to next month’s agenda.
11)Schedule for Upcoming Meeting(s) – January 11th at 5 p.m.
12) Adjournment – Motion to adjourn byBlau, seconded by Rupp. Motion carried 3-0 and the meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Preston
Office Manager