Humanities & Social Sciences Division







Office Hours:




This course is designed to develop skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing Spanish and to provide basic introduction to the Latin American/Spanish culture. During the academic year the Spanish program also introduces the students to online, software, and interactive technology to enhance the second language learning process.

  • V-Mentor. Online Tutoring. One-to-one tutoring help with your daily homework and exam review for your textbook. It has also a two-way voice, an interactive whiteboard, and instant messaging.
  • Quia. A completely online workbook/lab manual with all lab audio which is timesaving and easy to use.
  • Multimedia CD-ROM. Each student receives these CDs to strengthen your learning process in areas of listening, viewing, reading, and grammar.
  • Students should know basic computer instruction in order to utilize this technology. Visit the computer lab to find out offers of basic computer workshops. You will need your student ID to work in the lab.


Martínez-Lage, Gutiérrez, and Rosser, ¡Tú Dirás!.Fourth Edition. Thompson & Heinle, 2003.

NOTE: This a wrapped package that contains the Textbook with Audio CD, QUIA printed access code for online Activities Manual,Interactive CD-ROM, Instant access code for V-MENTOR, and a Meriam-Webster Dictionary.

You will also need:

  • Pocket of Index Cards
  • Notebook

Optional Text: If you are taking Spanish for the first time, it is advised that you acquire the following text: English Grammar for Students of Spanish, Spinelly.


Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

Outcome 1:Vocabulary material

Student will use Spanish vocabulary. The vocabulary lists are presented in sequences such as: Greetings, class room, class schedules; clothing and shopping in stores, malls; family, home descriptions, house chores, and daycare; Hobbies & entertainment, weather; changes in states and conditions.

Outcome 2:Listening Comprehension Material

Student will be able daily to understand basic spoken Spanish at a slower pace first, then at a normal pace. Also, instruction will focus on skills and coping strategies for filling in gaps when comprehension is not perfect.

Outcome 3:Speaking Communication material

Student will be able to answer and ask questions on a variety of everyday topics, describe people and places, narrate recurring present events. Starting the first day of class, student are asked to produce (answer, and later discuss) brief yes/no questions in the target language. During the second week of the quarter, students will prepare weekly five questions in Spanish and will have by midterm 20 questions for conversational purposes. To qualify for the final oral exam at the end of the term, each student will have 40 (original) typed conversational questions in Spanish. Student will practice with different classmates weekly, and is expected to answer its own, other students 40 questions, and logical follow up questions.

Outcome 4:Reading Material

All your reading material is contained in both your textbook and in your Workbook/Lab manual. Upon completion of this course, student will be able to have a solid basic foundation of reading communication skills, while performing the following tasks:

  • Reading for comprehension not translation
  • Following instructions for reading proficiency techniques
  • Complete/answer questions after reading authentic texts

Outcome 5: Writing material

All your writing material is also in your textbook and workbook/lab manual. The sequence of writing will be practice daily and will be credited a grade. All students will progress from writing vocabulary, lists, simple sentences, answering brief questions, to developing small descriptive paragraphs and 20 sentences compositions.

Outcome 6:Cultural Viewing Material

Students will gain a wealth of nearly firsthand knowledge about the various cultures of the Spanish-speaking world with the video segments. Using videos helps to make a visual impression that lasts longer than the verbal ones in the minds of the majority of the students.


The linguistic structure material covered is based on the following grammatical points:

  • Ser and Estar, most used irregular verbs
  • Present Tense of regular verbs ar, er, and lr and certain irregular and stemchanging verbs like tener, preferir, hacer, poder.
  • Pronouns (subject and object)
  • Articles (definite and indefinite)
  • Adjectives
  • Numbers (cardinal & ordinal)
  • Prepositions
  • Contractions
  • Interrogative Words
  • Expressions of Time with Haber
  • Idioms with tener
  • Gustar to express likes and dislikes
  • Ir + Infinitive (inmediate future)


Chapter Exams60%

Class participation10%

Computer lab attendance/Homework10%

Final Exam Reading 5%

Final Exam Writing 5%

Final Exam Oral/40 Questions10%

Class participation includes daily preparation, oral and group participation, attitude and improvement. Homework includes keeping a dated notebook/journal of completed Textbook exercises.


Due to heavy emphasis on oral participation, absences will affect your grades. You are expected to be in class every day. No makeup exams will be given. Final exams may be taken late only in very special cases, usually requiring a note from a doctor.


Textbook, Activities Manual, computer lab exercises, and written questions for oral communication, must all be prepared outside of class. Students should verify homework issues in class as instructor will only cover representative exercises so that class time can be used to practice the material. Expect to study a maximum of two hours in daily preparation for class. Instructor will pick up periodically your homework and Oral questions for oral communication for grading.


We will have weekly computer lab graded sessions. If you are new to computers, please take one of the free orientation workshops during the first weeks of the quarter. Before each lab session, and according to your expertise with multimedia software, you will instructed in how to use your CD-ROMS.


This course is structured to enable you to integrate the textbook readings, exercises, with a “hands on” experience of the second language learning process by attending to our daily class. You are expected to work daily for at least 50 minutes in order to build your language skills. Each lesson time will vary according to your study habits.

You can start slowly the first week, and increase your work to every day during your second and third week. By the third week and beyond you must be doing language work four times per week for forty minutes per study session. Learning a second language is basically a skill, like building resistance or running, like building muscle, like playing the piano. You must start slowly and gradually increase your load while getting the benefits of cumulative knowledge.


If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible.


The following is a partial schedule of lessons. It will be amplified and readjusted during class instructions as needed.

Semana / lunes / martes / miércoles / jueves / viernes
Semana 1
Septiembre 29- Octubre 2 / Tú dirás!
Read pp. 4-8
Write Prácticas 1, and 2 on pages 6, and 8.
Bring Index Cards to class tomorrow.
(For students taking Spanish for the first time:
Listen to Audio on page 5 and 7. Follow the instructions / Tú dirás!
Read pp. 9-12
Write Prácticas 3, and 4, on pages 11-12
Bring Index Cards to class tomorrow.
(For students taking Spanish for the first time:
Listen to Audio on page 9. Follow the instructions). / ¡Tú dirás!
Read pp. 16-17
Write Práctica 11, on page 16
Bring Index Cards to class tomorrow.
(Register for QUIA on line and do assigned sections for Preliminary Chapte). / LAB
Bring your access codes forQUIA
¡Tú dirás!
Read pp. 20-25
Write Práctica 1 and 4, on pages 21 and 25
Bring Index Cards to class tomorrow.
(Register for V-MENTOR on line if you need on Sundays help with assigned sections for Preliminary Chapter)
Semana / lunes / martes / miércoles / jueves / viernes
Semana 2
Octubre 5-9 / Homework:
¡Tú dirás!
Read pp. 25-28
Prácticas 5,7,8
Vamos a escuchar
Page 32.
Do Before listening and after listening practices.
Listen to Audio on page 32, and answer all questions / ¡Tú dirás!
Read pp. 20-29
Write in your Notebook
Prácticas 1,4,5,
Bring Flash Cards to class with vocabulary for Chapter 1
Do QUIA (Remember this is your online
Workbook/Lab Manual. Work daily or every other day at completing assigned sections / ¡Tú dirás!
Read pp. 34-337
Write in your Notebook
Prácticas 10, 12, 13,
Bring Flash Cards to class with vocabulary for Chapter 1
Do QUIA (Remember this is your online
Workbook/Lab Manual. Work daily or every other day at completing assigned sections) / ¡ Tú dirás!
Read pp. 38-43
Write in your Notebook
Prácticas 14,15,16
Bring Flash Cards to class with vocabulary for Chapter 1
Do QUIA (Remember this is your online
Workbook/Lab Manual. Work daily or every other day at completing assigned sections) / GO TO ROOM 3165
Tú dirás!
Read pp. 48-51
Write in your Notebook
Prácticas 19,20,22.
Bring Flash Cards to class with vocabulary for Chapter 1
Read p.44
Comentarios culturales
Semana / lunes / martes / miércoles / jueves / viernes
Semana 3
Octubre 12-16 / ¡ Homework:
¡Tú dirás!
Read pp. 52-55
Write in your Notebook
Prácticas 19,20,22.
Create Index Cards for –er,-ir verbs on p. 54. Bring them to class. / ¡Tú dirás!
Read pp. 56-57
Write in your Notebook
Both sections of “Vamos a leer”
1) “Antes de leer”
2) “Guía para la lectura”
Bring Flash Cards to class with all the vocabulary for Chapter 1
Complete QUIA (Remember this is your online
Workbook/Lab Manual. Work daily or every other day at completing assigned sections / ¡Tú dirás!
Read p. 58
Write in your Notebook
Prácticas 30, 31, 32.
Repaso general para el
Examen 1
Bring Flash Cards to class with all vocabulary for Chapter 1
Complete, due tomorrow QUIA (Remember this is your online
Workbook/Lab Manual. Work daily or every other day at assigned / Examen 1
QUIA, Preliminary Chapter, and Chapter One due today. / GO TO ROOM 3165
¡Tú dirás!
Read pp. 62-65
Write in your Notebook
Prácticas 1, 3, 5
Bring Flash Cards to class with vocabulary for PRIMERA ETAPA Chapter 2
Read p.44
Comentarios culturales
Do QUIA (Remember this is your online
Workbook/Lab Manual. Work daily or every other day at completing assigned sections)
Semana / lunes / martes / miércoles / jueves / viernes
Semana 4
Octubre 19-23 / Homework:
¡Tú dirás!
Read pp. 66-67
Write in your Notebook
Prácticas 6,7,8
Create Flash Cards for possessive adjectives p. 68 and new vocabulary on pp. 76 Bring them to class on Monday. / ¡Tú dirás!
Read p. 68-71
Escribir en su cuaderno
Prácticas 9,10,11
Vamos a escuchar
Listen to Audio pp. 74-75, and write (do) all exercises
Do QUIA (Remember this is your online
Workbook/Lab Manual. Work daily or every other day at completing assigned section / GO TO ROOM 3165
¡Tú dirás!
Read pp. 76-79
Escribir en su cuaderno
Prácticas 12,13, 14, 15
Read p. 84
Comentarios culturales
Do QUIA (Remember this is your online
Workbook/Lab Manual. Work daily or every other day at completing assigned sections)