Guided Notes for PPT#5 Muscles Acting on shoulder and upper Limb Name:______
What is compartment syndrome?______
What kind of procedure can treat this?______
Shoulder muscles originate______and insert on the______
The scapula is loosely attached to the thoracic cage which allows for:______
The Clavicle actually ______and moderates movement.
Anterior muscles of pectoral Girdle that act upon the Scapula & Clavicle
Pectoralis Minor:______Anterior View
Serratus Anterior______
Subclavius muscle______
In the posterior view:
Label and describe the four major muscles
Levator scapulae______
Rhomboideus Minor______
Rhomboideus Major______
Please also label these muscles:
Teres Minor
Teres Major
label the actions and
the muscles responsible
Please note that individual
Muscles can contribute to
Multiple actions.
Muscles of the Arm:
______muscles cross the shoulder joint and insert on the humerus.
Two are AXIAL because they______
These are: Pectoralis Major______
Latissimus Dorsi______
Seven are scapular muscles because they originate on ______
These are: Deltoid_______
Teres Major______
Rotator Cuff Muscles:
S Supraspinatus
I Infraspinatus See these on the above image and label
T Teres minor
S Subscapularis-----below Inside the scapula
Muscles Acting on Forearm
Elbow and forearm are capable of ______
And are carried out by muscles in the brachium(______) and ______
Elbow flexors: Principal flexor: Brachialis______
Synergistic flexor: Biceps Brachii______
Elbow extensor: Principal Extensor: Triceps brachii______
label these:
Most muscles in the forearm act on the ______
Pronator quadratus______
Pronator Teres______
Anterior muscles acting on the wrist and hand:
Flexor carpi radialis
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Palmaris longus
Summarize the action of the anterior muscles acting on the wrist and hand.
Posterior Muscles acting on the Wrist and Hand
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Extensor digiti minimi
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Extensor digitorum
Abductor pollics longus
Extensor pollicis brevis
Summarize the actions of the
Muscles acting on wrist and hand:
Describe what is happening in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Use the picture and labels to help you describe.
What are the three groups of hand muscles?
No need for minute details