Monday, December 18, 2017
Dorado 14 Association
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Dorado 14 Association
Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, 18 December, 2017 at 5:40 p.m.
Eastside City Hall, Room C
Board: / Staff:X / Trisha Ingalls, President / N/A / Donna Wood, Managing Associate
X / Elizabeth “Chach” Kelley,Vice Pres. / X / Trudy Rahn, Community Manager
X / Ellen Randall,Pool / X / Laurie Velger, Meeting Minutes
X / Sanford Braver, Treasurer
N/A / Lucas Schippers Secretary / Owners:
X / Mary Beth Kellie, Roads / X / Connie Elson, Lot 43
X / Arlene Showen, Member at Large / X / Bill Kellie, Lot 55
X / Chris Sinton, Member at Large / X / Bob Nordmeyer, Lot 10
X / Trish Cheney, Master Delegate / X / Rita Nordmeyer, Lot 10
X / Betty Nylander, Lot17
- Call to Order & Determination of Quorum (Trisha Ingalls)
President Trisha Ingalls called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m. Seven of eight Board Members were present, constituting a quorum.
II.Minutes Approval
- A motion was made and seconded (Randall/Sinton) to approve the Minutes of November 27, 2017 with the following changes:
- Page 1, “Section II. Minutes Approval, Minutes of September 18, 2017:”Under Bullet 1, the word “eves” should be spelled “eaves.”
- Page 4, “Lot 43,” Main Bullet 2, Sentence 2:“Chach” should be changed to “Chris” and the sentence should now read: “…and Chris answered that her backyard is already like this.”
- Page 5, “Long Range Planning – Inner Circle (Chris Sinton),” Bullet 2:
“December 20th” should be changed to “as soon as possible” and the sentence should now read: “…the next Inner Circle meeting may be as soon as possible.”
- Page 5, “Section VI. President’s Report (Trisha Ingalls),” Bullet 1, Sentence 6:
Sentence 6, “She will bring up this issue at the Annual Meeting.” should be deletedand“However, there was no interest in doing this.” should be substituted.
- Page 5, “President’s Report (Trisha Ingalls), Bullet 5, Sentence 2:
“Chris” should be changed to “Chach” and the sentence should now read: “Chach answered in that neighborhood area there is a lot of mice, but not a huge infestation.”
- Page 6, “Section X. Owner Feedback,” Bullet 2, Sentence 2:
“Chach” should be changed to “President Ingalls” and the sentence should now read: “President Ingalls answered that the price was $300…
- Page 6, “Section X. Owner Feedback,” Note:
“Two” should be changed to “four”and the sentence should now read: “Chris learned that Dorado XIV property has four Mediterranean Fan Palms worth between $60,000-$80,000 each.
Motion passed.
III.Master Delegate Report (Trish Cheney)
- There was no Master Association meeting in December. The next meeting will be the Master Association’s Annual Meeting on Wednesday, January 17th, 2018 at City Hall.
IV.Treasurer’s Report (Sanford Braver)
- For Activity through November30th:
Operating Account = $14,962.42
Reserve Account = $47,243.84
Current Assets = $62,206.26
Prepaid Income = $4,798.85
Operating Net Income = ($32,237.19)
- Money in the bank has increased by $2,624.10 since October 31st.
- We are receiving $600 more income than budgeted.
- There is $3,248 remaining in the budget.
- A motion was made and seconded (Randall/Kellie) to approve the November Financial Report as presented. Motion passed.
V.Committee Reports
Pond/Stream (Trisha Ingalls)
- Arizona Pond drained and cleaned the stream bed at a cost of $1,200.
Pool/Spa (Ellen Randall)
- No report.
Landscaping/Lighting(Chris Sinton)
- Granite has been installed at the curb on Lots 16 and 17 (1342 and 1352 N. Via Ronda Oriente). It has been costing approximately $250 a home to install the rip-rap, including the rocks. Four more homes have recently been done at a cost of $980: Lots 14; 15; 16; and 17 making for a total of eight homes. President Ingalls requested that we receive more details for the charges.
Tree Pruning and Care - 2018 Bids
1)Our mature landscape is one of Dorado XIV's most important assets and the older trees are an essential part of that landscape. We have proposed that instead of an ad hoc choice of trees to prune and trim from time to time provided by the Landscape Committee, we should hire a company specialized in tree care, with an Aarborist on staff, to bid on pruning those trees that need care. We asked each company to base their bids on a priority listing of trees that they consider need pruning first. This has two advantages:
- A knowledgeable specialist would be prioritizing those trees that require attention first; and
- If necessary, we would have an Aarborist available for consultation, should a problem with any of our trees arise.
2)The Landscape Committee included funds in the 2018 budget (up to $7,5OO) to enable us to request bids for this work. We sought bids from the six companies that met our criteria of an Aarborist on staff; able to work with HOAs; located within the Tucson metro area; and prepared to produce an itemized priority tree listing. Five companies responded to our bid request, although one of these companies was not prepared to make a listing of the trees during the bid process but would prefer to bid on working through the community progressively and examining and pruning each tree in turn. These bids exclude all the palm trees on Dorado XIV property and also the six trees in the Inner Circle:
- Quality Tree Service Inc.( a specialized tree company.
The owner, Mary Schlachter, is a certified AArborist. This is the company that was unable to provide a priority listing of trees that needed care unless we were prepared to pay a $75/hour fee for the preparation of that survey. However, if we signed a contract for several months of work with the company, they would provide that listing at no charge. They would work on a daily rate, preferably inas a block of 3 consecutive days during any month with 3 men assigned to the job at a cost of $4,185. During that 3-day period, we should expect 12-15 trees to be pruned. We could request just one month's work or several, depending on our budget.
- Horticulture Unlimited: ( a full-service landscaping company with a tree care division. Michael Eiley is a certified Arborist on staff. This company provided a full listing of our trees and then sent a representative to identify those trees that should be pruned next year. The result is a list of 28 trees at an estimated cost of $3,675.
- La Cholla Landscaping( a full service landscaping company with a tree care division. Gabriel Lobato is a certified AArborist on staff. This company sent an experienced staff member to walk through our community and review the trees and then subsequently provided a listing of 22 trees that would need care next year at an estimated cost of $3,200.
- Romeo Tree Service ( a specialized tree company. The owner, Angelo Romeo, is a certified AArborist. Angelo made a careful survey of all the trees in the community and provided a quote of $3,220, which would cover pruning of approximately 25-30 trees. The final number of trees to be pruned will be determined before a contract is signed if we accept their bid.Angelo Romeo will do all the work himself.
- F.A. Bartlett Tree Expert Company ( the local branch of a specialized tree company. Rick Allen, the manager of the local branch, is a certified Master Arborist. Rick visited and walked the Dorado XIVproperty to make a complete map of all our trees. The company then provided a listing of the 16 trees that need "Priority 1" care for next year at an estimated cost of $5,670, as well as a listing of an additional 13 "Priority 2" care trees for subsequent years (at an additional cost of about $3,500 - this was sent as a separate bid). We note that this is the only bid that specifies structural pruning.
3)The Landscape Committee has met to review these bids and, for reasons that will be open to discussion, suggests considering acceptance of either Bid 4 (Romeo Tree Service) or Bid 5 (F.A. Bartlett).
4)Motion: Following discussion and approval of one of these 5 bids by the Board, to accept the bid with work to commence early in 2018.
5)A homeowner asked if this cost would be above what we are already paying the Coyote Bros. for landscaping and was told yes, because the Coyote Bros. does not have the equipment to go high up to prune the trees.
6)President Ingalls stated that we are playing catch-up right now with the tree trimming, and then we can begin the rotation process.Discussion ensued regarding rotation trimming of the trees.
7)President Ingalls asked the Landscape Committee for their recommendation as to which company to select. Their choice was between F.A. Bartlett and Romeo. Since Romeo Tree Service’s bid was $2,000 less for 30 trees and they would not have to use any large equipment, they were the front runner.
8)A motion was made and seconded (Braver/Randall) to approve Romeo Tree Service’s bid of $3,220 for the trimming of 25-30 trees.Five in favor and one opposed (Kelley).None opposed.Motion passed.
9)President Ingalls requested an ongoing plan for 2018on paper before the work begins. After this work is completed, we should ask Romeo Tree Service for a listing of trees that they would expect to trim in 2019.
Architectural Review (Mary Beth Kellie)
Lot 26
- On Nov. 29, Susanna Schippers, Lot 26, 1405 N. Via Ronda Oeste, submitted an ARC Review Application for replacing her front doors. The Committee recommended approval of the request, and on December 1st the Board's vote (via email) was unanimous for that approval. Ms. Schippers was to be notified of the Board's decision by Pinehurst Properties.
Lot 43
- On Nov. 7th, Connie Elson, Lot 43, 1241 N. Via RondaOeste, submitted an ARC Review Application for planting a garden in the portion of her Lot next to the south side of her house. The Board discussed this application at the 11-27-17 meeting. Board members raised some questions, and members of the Architectural Review Committee met with Connie to get answers to those questions. Please note the following points:
- Connie has submitted a revised sketch of the proposed garden which contains
fewer plants than the original drawing. She indicated that as plants grow, she will remove any that become too large for the space, such that they interfere with the health of the other plants. These are all slow-growing plants. In this revised plan, Connie has also reworked the border with the neighboring Lot 44, so that the landscaping in that area is integrated with hers.
- She will have existing irrigation (HOA) to this space disconnected and new
irrigation lines installed that will use her own water supply. She will pay for disconnection and new connection and will hire the Coyote Bros. to do the work.
- She will hire and pay for a gardener of her choice to assist her with initial planting. She acknowledges that plans for these plantings, and any changes to them, will be reviewed by the HOA and approved before any work commences.
- If Connie sells her Lot at 1241 N. Via Ronda Oeste, she would be willing to offer Dorado XIV Association the right of first refusal to buy the garden portion, which would be split off from the rest of the Lot, sold as a separate parcel, and the irrigation merged back into the HOA lines.
- After reviewing the application and the accompanying material, the ARC recommends Board approval of the application with the following stipulations:
- Connie hires the Coyote Bros. to disconnect existing irrigation to this portion
of her property, and to install new irrigation lines connected to her own water supply.
- If the Board so desires, Connie will provide a legally binding written agreement
to offer Dorado XIV Association the right of first refusal to buy the garden portion of her Lot, should she decide to sell 1241 N. Via Ronda Oeste.
- In summary, at no time will the Dorado XIV Association revoke their oversight of the plans or maintenance of this parcel.
MOTION: that the Board approves the application for the proposed garden on Lot 43 with the stipulations described above.
- MaryBeth read aloud the attorney’s opinion from Carolyn Goldschmidt.
- Chach wondered why the Board would consider buying this Lot if Connie sells.
- President Ingalls voiced her concern about disconnecting the irrigation line and connecting to Connie’s water supply. When Connie moves, the new homeowner cannot say that they will not pay for this irrigation. Trudy pointed out that it will have to be disclosed to the new homeowner that they will have to take up where Connie left off in paying for the irrigation.
- Discussion ensued regarding the irrigation lines and water cost.
- Mary Beth is willing to meet with Connie and the Coyote Bros. to track what gets planted.
- A motion was made and seconded (Randall/Sinton) to approve Connie Elson’s revised plan of the plants and their locations in her proposed garden, subject to working with Coyote Bros. and the HOA. Motion passed, with five in favor and one opposed (Chach Kelley).
- A motion was made and seconded (Randall/Kellie) that the Board will work with both Coyote Bros. and Connie Elson in determining the landscape garden plan and any changes to this plan, plusthe irrigation system to help the garden grow. The cost of the irrigation installed will be paid by Connie Elson, but will be hooked into the HOA’s existing irrigation lines. Ongoing water costs will be borne by the HOA.Motion passed, with five in favor and one opposed (Chach Kelley).
- A motion was made and seconded (Braver/Randall) that at no time will Dorado XIV Association revoke their oversight of the plans or of this parcel. Motion passed, with five in favor and one opposed (Chach Kelley).
Long Range Planning - Inner Circle (Chris Sinton)
- Chris spoke with Shelly Abbott of Landscape Design West on 12/4/17. Shelly apologized for not getting back in touch recently and gave a summary of where we were in the bidding process:
- She has received 2 of 3 the bids. One contractor decided not to bid;
- She is waiting now only for a bid on the new water feature. We did not know that this was a separate bid, but she expects to have everything together within a couple of weeks to complete the bid process;
- One important issue that she was made aware of by the pool/water feature contractor is that even her proposed 18" deep water feature would not be acceptable under Pima County code and would require a 4' fence around it. An alternative, which she will work into the plan if we request it, would be to modify the planned water feature (e.g., a small waterfall), so that the water collecting basin will be underground and not visible.
- Chris asked Shelly about our existing pond, since this is clearly not in code. It is "grandfathered" as far as the code is concerned, but we would still be open for liability if any incident should occur. Our gates to the Inner Circle area are not sufficient because homeowners around the Inner Circle have low wall access, so any exposed water in the Inner Circle is not "code-acceptable". This also leaves open the question that should we make any changes to the Inner Circle landscape without removing the pond first, we might lose our "grandfathered" status. This is a question for our attorneys, should we decide to proceed.
- A second issue was brought to Shelly's attention by the water feature contractor and emailed to Chris on 12.12.17. Pima County code requires a 3' minimum deck around the entire perimeter of a pool/water feature. Shelly's landscape plan had a smaller deck area around the new water feature, but she would be prepared to re-work her plan to allow for this if we desire to pursue this option.
VI.President’s Report (Trisha Ingalls)
- No report.
VII.Management Report (Trudy Rahn)
- No report.
VIII.Old Business
- No old business.
IX.New Business
Addition of a January, 2018 Board Meeting
- There will be no regular Board Meeting in January. Anything that needs to be handled can be done via email. The next meeting will be the 2018 Homeowners Annual Meeting. Eight people have been nominated and will be running.
- Chach reported that the pond is too high and that three valves are leaking.
X.Owner Feedback
- Bill Kellie thanked the Board for all its work on behalf of homeowners, stating “thanks to the Board for being a great Board.”
XI.Next Meeting
- Regular Board meetings will be held at the Eastside City Hall, 7575 E. Speedway, Room C. The next Board meeting is the Annual Meeting:
Monday, January29th, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. Homeowners Annual Board Meeting (open), to be held at the Wilmot Public Library, 530 N. Wilmot Road.
- There being no further items of business, President Ingalls adjourned the meeting at 6:58 p.m.
Dorado XIV Board Members / Term
Expires / Phone / Email
Lucas Schippers, Secretary / 360-8693 /
Trisha Ingalls, President / 977-3170 /
Mary Beth Kellie, Member at Large / 777-8073 /
Chach Kelley, Vice President / 419-5997 /
Sanford Braver, Treasurer / 602-330-1312 /
Ellen Randall, Member at Large / 885-0295 /
Arlene Showen, Member at Large / 296-2214 /
Chris Sinton, Member at Large / 509-5112 /
Donna Wood, CMCA, AMS / 298-2146 /
Trudy Rahn, Community Manager / 298-2146 /