Diploma in Engineering II (Second) Semester Examination 2011-12
Course Code:DIP103/203 Paper ID: 0752103
Applied Chemistry
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60 Max Marks: 75
Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (3x5=15)
a) Define polymers giving one example.
b) What do you understand by photochemical smog? Discuss the formation of PAN, the main ingredient of photochemical smog.
c) What are ion exchange resins? How these are used in softening of hard water?
d) What is pyrolysis? Discuss the chemistry of pyrolysis with respect to petrochemicals.
e) Phenolphthalein and methyl orange are an organic internal indicators and give different colors at different pH levels. Justify the chemistry of this statement.
f) What is glassy state of matter? Why is annealing important in manufacturing of glass?
g) What is atmospheric corrosion? Why metals like Cu, Pb etc and aluminum are corroded slowly than metals like Na, Ca, Mg, and Fe etc.?
h) What are different sources of energy? Mention any two reasons for not using solar energy for domestic and industrial purposes economically, in spite of free availability of sun light.
2. a) Discuss the synthesis of bakelite and write its two commercial uses. (3)
b) A sample of Polypropylene has the following dispersion of molecular mass. Calculate M-N, M-w and PDI. (3)
S.N. / Number of molecules / Molecular weights1 / 10 / 2,000
2 / 30 / 4,000
3 / 10 / 5,000
c) Write the structures of monomeric units present in following polymers.
1. Buna S 2. Teflon 3. Dacron 4. Nylon 6,6 5. PVC 6. Melmac 7. Polyisoperene. (3)
3. a) What is standard electrode potential? How it is helpful to determine the electrode potential of half cells. (3)
b) Derive Nernst equation. (3)
c) Discuss the Oswald dilution law. (3)
4. a) Explain the sources and harmful effects of the following air pollutants.
1. CO 2.SOx 3.Smoke 4.Particulate matter. (4)
b) “CO2 a non pollutant, is perhaps the single most important environmental question facing us at present” Discuss in term of Green House Effect. (3)
c) What are different layers of an atmosphere? Write each of them with their altitude and chemical speciation. (2)
5. a) A sample of water contains 204mg of CaSO4/Lit. Calculate the hardness in term of CaCO3 equivalent. (3)
b) How are boiler scale formed? Discuss four disadvantages of scale formation in boilers. Give the difference between a sludge and scale with heir chemistry. (6)
6. Write short notes on the following: (2.25x4=9)
a) Water gas
b) Net and gross calorific values of fuel
c) Ceramics
d) Solar energy or Biogas
7 What do you understand by corrosion? How corrosion differ from rusting? Discuss electrochemical theory of corrosion. What are preventive measures of corrosion? (9)
8. Write critical notes on the following: (3x3=9)
a) Solar energy
b) Octane and Cetane number
c) Difference between LPG, CNG and PNG